Qin Beicheng just about to pick up the photo to tear, but Su Yulian pressed his hand: "after tearing, you are not afraid that Zijin is angry with you?"

Qin Beicheng looked at her in bewilderment.

Su Yulian burst out laughing.

Not to mention Qin Beicheng and Qi Zijin can't understand it, even those who follow in can't understand it.

Su Yulian explained: "you fools, didn't you find out? The girl above is our son Jin! "

It's Zijin!

Everyone came over and looked at the picture above. It was a little fuzzy. In addition, it was very old and could not be seen clearly.

But, seem to be really with Qi Son Jin very similar.

Qinbei city looked at Qi Zijin inconceivably: "aunt, do you think the girl above is Qi Zijin? Are you sure? "

Su Yulian couldn't help laughing: "Zijin was born to me, and I made the clothes for her myself. If I can't see my daughter, who can see it?"

That's right. When Qinbei city first saw Qi Zijin, it felt very similar. It even thought that the girl in it was Qi Zijin, but it was impossible to think about it. He didn't find it for a long time. How could it be Qi Zijin?


Now that Su Yulian has said that, what else can he not believe?

Qi Zijin also muddled, how can be she? She doesn't remember it at all!

Su Yulian reminded her: "that year, I just gave birth to Yingchen and wanted to eat eggs. Your stepmother didn't give me eggs at home. You said that you went to buy some back secretly. That's what you were wearing at that time."

For this matter, Qi Zijin is impressive.

She suddenly remembered that she went to buy eggs that day. In fact, she didn't have much money, but what she had saved could buy some eggs and bread.

On the way, she saw a bakery. The bread in it was very attractive. She decided to buy one.

But unexpectedly, after a few steps, a dirty child appeared in front of her. He didn't say a word, but his eyes were always looking at the bread on her hand.

Qi Zijin asked: "little brother, do you want to eat this bread?"

The boy didn't speak. Although he was dirty, she could see at a glance that he was very good-looking, and the desire for bread in his eyes touched her very much.

Qi Zijin was reluctant to give up the bread, and she had never eaten it, but it seemed that the little brother needed it more, so she finally decided to pass it.

The little boy took it and wolfed it down.

Qi Zijin didn't feel uncomfortable at all, on the contrary, she felt very happy, because her bread helped the people she wanted to help.

But at the thought that her mother was still waiting for her eggs at home, she didn't stay here, so she turned and left.

But this picture... How was it taken?

Qin Beicheng listened to her narration and said, "when you gave me bread at that time, a reporter just passed by and photographed your picture. I have been following that reporter and snatched it from him after he finished the film."

"Later, I waited for you in that place every day, hoping to see you again, but you never showed up, but I told myself that if one day I could meet that girl again, I would protect her with my life."