What kind of man is Mr. Mo? He is just an old man who has become a fine man. Knowing that Wang Ping is rejecting him, he must also mean Qi Zijin.

He is not good, has been forcing them, said with a smile: "well, then see how they get along? If you can, do these things quickly. Even if I leave, I can rest assured. "

Wang Ping said: "uncle, don't say that. You can live a long time!"

"Oh, I'm old!"

Mr. Mo left first.

Wang Ping followed Qi Zijin to the children's room to see the child. At present, the child's condition is still very good. After all, it's just pharyngitis, not a big problem.

But in the evening, the temperature of the little guy came up again. Qi Zijin quickly measured his temperature and determined that it was above 38 degrees five, so he took the medicine.

Half an hour later, the little guy's body was sweating.

Wang Ping looked at it and felt very uncomfortable: "can you say that such a child has sweated so much?"

Qi Zijin smiles: "these are detoxification, as long as the body's toxins are discharged, that's good, mom, you don't have to worry."

Wang Ping nodded. When she said that, she was relieved.

However, the children now are really different from those before. When she took care of Qi Zijin and Qi Yingchen, she didn't look like this at all.

It's already a little late. Qi Zijin doesn't want Wang Ping to be here with her. After all, she can't sleep well at night. Wang Ping is worried about her children on the one hand, and she must love her daughter on the other. She's not too young. Qi Zijin still hopes that she can go back and have a good rest.

Anyway, Qi Zijin finally sent people away.

Mo Jinhan came over: "I'll be here with you tonight!"


Qi Zijin refused directly.

"The child is not a person's, now his custody is me."

Qi Zijin looked at him: "aren't you going to work tomorrow? I really don't need it here. Just give it to me. "

Mo Jinhan did not intend to leave.

Qi Zijin thinks, estimate to drive out again also useless, forget it, he wants to stay here to keep.

The child basically has a fever for six hours at a time. After six hours, his temperature comes up again. If the doctor didn't say it would last for two or three days, Qi Zijin would be flustered when he looks at his constant fever.

Mo Jinhan watched her wake up again and again, basically like she didn't sleep.

He stood up and came straight to them.

"Give it to me, you go to bed!" The tone is imperative.

Qi Zijin looked at him: "no, this is my child. I missed so much time with him before, but I was sick once. I'd better accompany him!"

Her hand has been holding the child's little hand, how do not want to leave.

Mo Jinhan did not go, but sat here with her.

Qi Zi Jin looked at him one eye: "you go to sleep, don't need us two people all in here to stand."

"You go to sleep, I'll watch the baby here!"

Although the tone is cold and hard, but the attitude is very obvious, he wants to help her share.

Qi Zijin has been looking at him, for a long time did not say anything.

Mo Jinhan looked at her: "what are you doing looking at me like this?"

"Is it because he is my child that you treat him so well, or is it because... Anyway, he is your Mohist child that you treat him so well?"