Jiang AI was so angry that she threw her pillow on the wall.

But the range is too large, the tearing wound is not painful.

Since she was hospitalized, Mo Jinhan came to see her less often. At first, he could come to see her once a day, and each time was only 15 minutes. Later, he just came to see her once every three days, and each time was 10 minutes. Then, he didn't come for many days.

Shen Tong looked at her this situation, also can't help saying: "Jiang AI, you can't do this, if we can't continue to catch up with the announcement, exposure popularity, I'm afraid it will really be Qi Zijin catch up with the past."

Qi Zijin, Qi Zijin!

Jiang AI hated a woman, but what could she do? What could she do? The last time her wound was sewed by Qi Zijin, she suffered a second crime. It was the most painful. At this time, she couldn't get her back to work, OK?

But, mo old man son came, how does she want to do to speed up to send Qi Son Jin to die?

Qi Zijin coldly fought a cold war, Hua Shurong came over and handed her a cup of hot water: "cold?"

Qi Zijin shakes her head. Naturally, she can't catch a cold easily. On the one hand, it will affect the progress of her work. On the other hand, her body is special. Others will be fine in a few days. She may need some time.

Hua Shurong also thought of her illness and handed her a bag of Medicine: "this is the medicine I asked my classmates to mail back from abroad. I heard that it still has certain effect on brain tumors. You should take some first, and it can be regarded as a day if you can suppress it."

Qi Zijin looks at these medicines. There are quite a few packages. Those from abroad must be very expensive. Since she said that she would come back, Qi Zijin has been enjoying Hua Shurong's help. She feels very embarrassed.

"Sister Hua, it's costing you again. Remember all the money. I'll give it back to you when I have it."

Hua Shurong said with a smile: "you are my artist. Helping you when you are in the most difficult time is also my help. When you are hot in the future, I can get a lot of money. After all, I am not for you, but for myself."

Qi Zijin knows that she just says so. In fact, she is comforting her. Qi Zijin knows better than anyone else.

"You still have children. You need to raise them..."

Hua Shurong completely laughed out: "how, supporting the family is just my business, what does my husband do, eat soft food?"

Qi Zijin quickly explained: "I don't mean that, I..."

Hua Shurong smiles and shakes his head: "I'm teasing you. I know you don't have that idea. OK, get better quickly. There are still many things waiting for you."

Qi Zi Jin nodded.

When Hua Shurong leaves from here, he calls Qin Beicheng. At the same time, he is looking at Qi Zijin. I hope she doesn't see it.

"Did you give her the medicine?"

"Of course. I think she is very moved. I said, Mr. Qin, since you bought it, why can't you give it to her in person?"

Qin Beicheng said: "if she knew it was me, she would not accept it."

Hua Shurong with them together for a period of time, but also understand the idea of Qi Zijin.

"But all the money is from you. Do you really intend not to tell her all your life?"

"It doesn't matter if she knows, as long as she succeeds, it's enough."

Qin Beicheng's words really moved Hua Shurong. She said softly, "I believe she will know sooner or later. Mr. Qin, you can be together."