Murong tribe is getting stronger and stronger.

Murongyu has become the king of his domain, the actual controller, who controls a large group of super powers. For example, under the guidance of Murong Yu, Jin Hu, shadow and Teng she are advancing with each passing day.

Originally, the realms of golden tiger, shadow and Teng snake were all the same as those of the five heavens in Dayan realm. However, under the guidance and cultivation of murongyu, they soon broke through and reached the six heaven realm of Dayan realm.

Originally, the five Heaven of Dayan is the limit of the three. It will be extremely difficult to break through the six heavens of Dayan. Now, with the help of murongyu, it's easy to break through to the sixth heaven of Dayan.

How can it surprise them?

It's so easy to reach the sixth heaven of Dayan realm. What about the seventh heaven of Dayan realm, the eighth heaven or even the Ninth Heaven of higher realm?

If murongyu has been helping them, it is not impossible for them to reach these levels. Therefore, they are more and more loyal to murongyu.

Except for them, the strength of all dark creatures in Murong tribe has increased.

In other tribes, ordinary dark creatures can only practice some low-end skills, and only those with merit can get some good skills and more resources.

Even so, these dark creatures waste too much time, and can't improve their strength.

After the Murong tribe in the city, Murong Yu took out some relatively advanced skills and spread them among the Murong tribe.

As long as you are a dark creature of Murong tribe, you can practice advanced skills! Not only that, murongyu also put forward a lot of resources to provide ordinary dark creatures.

At the beginning, Murong Yu spent a lot of resources, and even the three King Kong once prevented him from doing so. After all, what if it doesn't work out? Isn't it a waste?

However, they soon saw the results.

The overall strength of Murong tribe began to rise rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye, and even the most common Dark Creature's strength increased greatly.

Some of the better qualified dark creatures are even more terrifying.

The most important thing is that murongyu's actions make people belong to Murong tribe and become more loyal to murongyu. Because in the whole dark world, only murongyu, the leader of the tribe, can do this, be so generous and selfless!

To see the growing cohesion of the people, the three King Kong couldn't help smiling. They were also the head of a tribe before, but they never thought of doing so. Therefore, they all admire Murong Yu very much.

In fact, by doing so, murongyu is not only enhancing the overall strength of his tribe, but also a means to win people's hearts. In the original world, this method is very low-level and has been used rotten. It's just that dark creatures don't have a lot of tricks.

When it was known that the most common dark creatures in Murong tribe could practice advanced skills and obtain a lot of resources from the tribe, dark creatures from other tribes came one after another to join Murong tribe.

Especially in the same realm as Murong tribe. At this time, the bereaved tribe had been surrounded by Murong tribe. They only moved within the original scope, but could not leave because all the places outside were Murong tribe's.

Although, Murong tribe's dark creatures will not do anything to them. But they are embarrassed. Especially when they see that the strength of some dark creatures, which are the same as their own realm, and even under their talent, is constantly improving, and soon surpasses themselves, they are even more unhappy.

"Let's go! The bereaved tribe is in decline. If you can join Murong tribe, there will be a way out and your strength can be improved. Moreover, Lord Murong will not suppress us as others say Finally, the dark creatures of the bereaved tribe can't help but escape from the bereaved tribe and join the Murong tribe.

Murong tribe naturally refused to come.

After joining the Murong tribe and becoming members of the Murong tribe, these people immediately began to practice advanced Kung Fu and gained several times more resources than they did not know in the zombie tribe.

After a period of time, when they are successful in their cultivation, they will come back immediately. As a result, more people were incited to leave the bereaved tribe.

Many years later, there were few people in the bereaved tribe. Except for those who lost their souls, the rest of them have gone completely.

On this day, the soul of a person walking in the empty territory of the soul, the heart is extremely depressed.

Don't fight but surrender!

"Lord, there are less than 100000 people left. But in my opinion, some of these people will leave. " A big man of Tianyuan came over and said in a deep voice.How could he not know if the soul nodded slightly? But what can he do? Kill all those people? If he did, the rest would have run away.

In other ways? Why did he fight Murong? I don't have that qualification at all! As a result, he could only watch the originally prosperous bereaved tribe, and then gradually did not become what it is now.

"It's said that Murong tribe has been expanding outwards in recent years, and it has taken in several surrounding areas, and its power has been growing! And the strength of the three King Kong has broken through again, and has reached the seven heaven realm of Dayan realm. It is said that they are about to break through to the eighth heaven of Dayan. "

"Is Dayan the seventh heaven?" The body of the lost soul trembled slightly. Back then, his strength was still above the three. But after so many years, he is still the fifth heaven of Dayan realm, while the three golden tigers are already the seventh heaven of Dayan realm. This strength can easily kill him.

"In addition to the three great vajras, there are many powerful people in Dayan Kingdom who are under Murong Yu's control. The Murong tribe is becoming more and more powerful! Most importantly, it is said that Murong Yu has broken through to the Ninth Heaven of Dayan realm! It's only one step short of breaking through to a higher level! "

The news was told by the subordinates of Yuanjing that day. Every time they heard the news, the mourning body couldn't help shaking.

If he had any value to murongyu before, now he has long been ignored by murongyu. After all, the Murong tribe does not know how many dark creatures there are in the realm of the great Yanjing wuchongtian. Even if he turns to murongyu at this time, I'm afraid murongyu won't want him, will he? They are not rare at all.

This novel comes from