“ Bereaved Lord, do what you should do now- 79xs - "after accepting the golden tiger, Murong Yu didn't do anything more, just turned his head to look at the mourning. At this time, the bereavement, the injury is not good. And, most of all, he's still in shock. Shocked by murongyu's strength. At the same time, he was also uneasy, for fear that murongyu would beat him, so he had to surrender, and then swallowed up the bereaved tribe. At the thought of all these things, for a moment, the bereaved soul didn't know what to do. Therefore, when he heard murongyu speak, he did not react for a moment. "Bereaved Lord?" Mourning then reflected that he first took a look at murongyu and wanted to ask what, but he never asked. After murongyu left with shadow, he reacted. "Do what you should do." After that, the mourner went back in a complicated mood. On the ground, many tribal lords and dark creatures looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Now, should they take a stand on bereavement? Or to murongyu? In terms of individual combat power or tribal power, it is obvious that murongyu is powerful;. Mourning can't catch up with murongyu. However, after murongyu accepted the golden tiger, Teng snake and shadow, he didn't say anything. What if I flatter you? Watch it change! In the end, many dark creatures did not dare to leave, so they could only stay in the bereaved tribe with anxiety. At this time, the dark creatures of the bereaved tribe are also quite tangled. Those forces that originally belonged to murongyu were not entangled. Read the full text of the latest chapter, because they have been loyal to murongyu for a long time. No matter whether murongyu is strong or weak, they will be loyal to murongyu. However, after seeing murongyu's strength so powerful, everyone was very happy. "Do you think the Grand Marshal will become the Lord of our tribe? It would be better if he became Lord. He can make our bereaved tribe stronger. " "You are stupid! If the Grand Marshal became the Lord, could our tribe still be called the bereaved tribe? " Someone said angrily. "It depends." …… "I wonder if the Grand Marshal will usurp the throne?" "What should we do if he usurps the throne? In terms of strength, it is true that the Grand Marshal is stronger. He can lead our bereaved tribe to become stronger. But the bereaved Lord is the founder of our bereaved tribe... " At this time, the whole bereaved tribe was talking about it. Not only the ordinary dark creatures, but also the high-level people of the bereaved tribe are talking about it. This scene was clearly heard by Murong Yu and mourning soul. Murong Yu just kept smiling, but his face became more and more ugly. "Lord, do you want to kill the bereaved? In this way, you can become the master of our realm! " Teng snake said. At the same time, shadow and golden tiger also look at murongyu, their meaning is the same as Teng snake. In fact, who doesn't want to be a world leader? All three of them want to be the masters of this realm. However, they also know that they can't be the masters of the world with their strength. Because no one else would agree. It's just like mourning. They've come to suppress it. However, Murong Yu's strength is the seventh heaven of Dayan realm, and is definitely the strongest in their realm. As long as murongyu dominates, who dares not to accept? Besides, murongyu also has three of their strong men in the sixth heaven. They can't be the world master themselves, but if their master is the world Master, they will be honored. As the saying goes, one person gets the "chicken" and the dog goes up to heaven. Murongyu didn't speak, just laughed. On the other side, the mourning has returned to the hall. Soon after, some of the top leaders of the bereaved tribe came. When the mourner looked at the crowd, his face became more and more gloomy. Because murongyu didn't come together. Moreover, besides murongyu, there are still some people who are qualified to come and who should have come. Although there are not many of them, they are just as usual. But in this case, the color of the bereaved face is not good-looking. Obviously, those people are close to murongyu. Now, those people didn't show up, they have already made their stand.On the other hand, when Murong Yu returned to his residence, he was surprised to find that, in addition to his direct subordinates, there were also many high-level core members of the bereaved tribe. "What's the matter with you?" Murongyu was puzzled. "Marshal, you are now the most powerful man in the bereaved tribe, and you have saved the bereaved tribe several times. I think you are qualified to be the Lord of our bereaved tribe. " "Yes, the Grand Marshal can be the Lord of our bereaved tribe, absolutely qualified!" Another core executive said. Murong Yu face a black: "you can be said to know that your behavior, has angered the soul? The bereaved soul can execute you in the name of treason. " "We believe that the Grand Marshal will not watch us be executed. Do you think so?" A dark creature said with a smile. Other dark creatures echoed. "Don't mention it." Murong Yu waved his hand and left alone. It left everyone looking at each other. The hall of the bereaved tribe. "Lord, what shall we do now?" A dark creature looks at the soul with a worried face. They are all loyal and bereaved people. Now that they see the crisis of bereavement, how can they not worry? Bereaved souls don't speak, they just have a calm face. "If the Grand Marshal wants to seize the power, he will be rebellious. However, he may not seize power. After all, he is so powerful, but it has always been hidden, and did not mean to seize power. Otherwise, with his strength, he would have killed the Lord and become our new Lord. " A dark creature said in a low voice. After hearing this, it seems that Murong Yu didn't want to be a lord, OK? "Maybe he didn't have the strength before?" "It's possible! However, even if he really wants to usurp the throne, we can't help him. He is the most powerful man in qichongtian of Dayan, and there are three golden tigers below. Even if we try our best, we are just going to die. " "I think so. Don't act rashly, just wait and see what happens. I don't think the Grand Marshal will take power. But we don't have to do it first, or we will be killed by him if we get angry with him. " Mourning nodded, but at this moment, a body path rushed in: "mourning Lord, Grand Marshal summoned you." Call on Mourning face "color" suddenly "overcast down, thought:" murongyu, finally want to start? " This novel comes from reading ...