The territory of the two tribes is quite large, and they are adjacent to each other[ Update fast, website page fresh, less advertising, like this kind of website, must praise] - however, as the saying goes, a mountain can not accommodate two tigers. Both the poisonous dragon tribe and the mourning tribe want to destroy or annex each other and seize each other's territory.

At the beginning, there was no war between the two sides. But not long ago, the war finally broke out. After all, the strength of the bereaved tribe is still a little poor, and it is losing gradually.

Therefore, under the constant attack of the Dragon tribe, the territory of the bereaved tribe was constantly occupied. At this time, more than 80% of the territory of the bereaved tribe has become the territory of the poisonous dragon tribe.

The bereaved tribe is at the end of its tether. It's really because of this that the bereaved soul says that they want to fight against the poisonous dragon tribe.

Of course, the emergence of murongyu is doomed that the bereaved tribe will not be destroyed. He has to use the bereaved tribe to accomplish his great plan.

Because of the occupation of the bereaved tribe, the dark creatures of the poisonous dragon tribe, except for guarding the old nest, have almost gone out.

Not far in front of the mourning tribe, there is a large army of the poisonous dragon tribe. This army is at least 100 million. It's equivalent to the whole bereaved tribe now. In addition to dealing with the bereaved tribe, the poisonous dragon tribe also attacked other small tribes around it.

After attacking these small tribes, the poisonous dragon tribe incorporated all these dark creatures into the poisonous dragon tribe. Therefore, there are more and more dark creatures in the poisonous dragon tribe.

More people, more power!

There are fewer and fewer dark creatures in the bereaved tribe. With the increase and decrease of each other and the successive defeats, the morale of the bereaved tribe is reduced. It's strange that the bereaved tribe can win.

The 100 million poisonous dragon tribes have no rules and regulations to camp in a huge plain, which is quite chaotic. Murongyu is the one million people who lead the bereaved tribe to lurk in a mountain not far away and peep at the poisonous dragon tribe from a distance.

"My Lord, are we a million people really going to attack them? Isn't that death? " A dark creature came to murongyu and said in a trembling voice.

The dark creature's strength is not bad. It's still above murongyu;. But at this time it was a look of fear. In fact, it's not only him, but also the 100 dark creatures of the bereaved tribe.

It seems that they are really afraid of being beaten. What's more, there is a 100 fold gap between one million people and one hundred million people. How can they not be afraid? After all, even before they were one-on-one, they all ended up with the loss of the bereaved tribe.

In their opinion, this time is definitely a death.

"To die? You are all the "elite" of the bereaved tribe. Why do I want you to die? " Murongyu looked at the dark creature and laughed. His voice is not big, but it is clear in the ears of a million dark creatures.

If murongyu wants to enter the bereaved tribe, this battle must be won. Besides, he also needs a team. And this one million people, just for his use.

Therefore, in this war, he wants to ensure that these one million people are killed as little as possible.

"We are all the" elite "of the bereaved tribe?"

Smell speech, many dark creatures are body for a while, each eye "dew", "fine" light looking at Murong Yu. In the bereaved tribe, they have never been called "elite" by others. Even the bereaved never praise them.

"You must all be the" elite "of the bereaved tribe. Otherwise, how can I choose you to attack these people in the Dragon tribe? If it wasn't for Jingying, could we win the war? You tell me, are you "elite" English Chu Yun said in a deep voice.

"We are all elite English!" All the dark creatures are excited.

Dark creatures are dark creatures. They have limited intelligence and are simple. After being stirred up by Murong Yu for a few words, his eyes almost filled with tears, and he wanted to obey Murong Yu's minister.

Murongyu believes that if they can win this time, these people will be convinced of him. Then, these people will become his team, his soldiers. For him to complete his grand plan and faithfully implement murongyu's orders.

"I know a lot of people look down on you now, but it doesn't matter. We will use this victory to tell those who look down on you that you are all elite and strong Murongyu encouraged a few more words.

It doesn't need to be emotional at all. These dark creatures are inspired to kill immediately. However, if we kill like this, let alone one million, even ten million is not enough;.

"You, you and you, you come here..." murongyu called several team leaders to come here, and then gave him a low voice command of his strategy.If before, these people would never carry out murongyu's orders. But after being agitated by murongyu, these people have basically been obedient.

Immediately, these team leaders led a team to rush out of the mountains, straight to the front of the poisonous dragon tribe, and then they rushed to kill them.

These people did not go to attack. After they went to the neighborhood of the poisonous dragon tribe, they began to curse wildly. The people in the poisonous dragon tribe are also simple minded people. Seeing this, they all burst into a rage and soon sent troops to chase and kill these people.

The dark creatures of the bereaved tribe retreated quickly according to murongyu's instructions. And those people in the Dragon tribe are in hot pursuit.

However, all the people of the bereaved tribe are dark creatures with high strength. So, after running all the way, there was no one who fell down, so they led the pursuers of the Dragon tribe into the mountains.

Under the arrangement of murongyu, the rest of the mourning tribe had been in ambush for a long time. When you see these dark creatures of the poisonous dragon tribe who rush in foolishly - these people are still chasing and killing. You never think about ambush.


After "luring" the enemy, Murong Yu gave an order, and the one million dark creatures of the bereaved tribe took action. Directly surrounded the hundreds of thousands of people in the poisonous dragon tribe, and burst out a crazy force around them, killing them in the past, but they didn't get close.

Suddenly encounter the ambush, these only know how hard the dark creatures of the Dragon tribe are directly confused. Then, one by one, they ran away.

There is no organization, no formation. After being dispersed, they all become targets of the dark creatures of the bereaved tribe. As a result, the dark creatures of the poisonous dragon tribe were constantly killed.

Seeing this scene, the dark creatures of the bereaved tribe poured out their resentment and anger. One by one, they are very brave, and each of them has played an extraordinary role. And the result of this is that these people in the poisonous dragon tribe seem vulnerable and fall down in large areas.

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