
However, murongyu's mind has been shattered since it left Hetu Luoshu Visit. Even... If he hadn't cut off the connection with that little idea in time, he would have been pulled out of the heturo book by the speed of the whirlpool and crushed directly.

After one failure, murongyu did not make more attempts. Because he knew that no matter how many times he tried, the result would be the same.

Unless he finds out that the idea of Hetu Luoshu is consistent with the speed of the external vortex. In this way, his mind will not be broken. However, with murongyu's current strength, it is impossible to do so.

The reason why Hetu Luoshu has the same speed as the whirlpool is that it is passive rather than Murong Yu's initiative.

Since this method doesn't work, we have to watch it. As a result, he made the Hetu Luoshu transparent and read it directly with his "meat" eyes. Although the effect is negligible, it is better than not seeing it.

Murongyu found that the whirlpool storm outside was actually composed of whirlpools of different sizes. These vortices can almost form a huge vortex storm, because each vortex has the same speed. That is, they rotate at the same frequency.

However, these vortices did not assimilate into a vortex. Still keep their own shape

Murong Yu frowned slightly, and for a moment he couldn't understand the truth. But inside him, he's already trying.

The power in the body was forcibly divided into hundreds of millions of points by Murong Yu!

Under the control of murongyu, one of the forces began to rotate at a high speed and finally formed a small vortex. Of course, murongyu's so-called high speed is not the high speed of those vortices in the vortex galaxy. With murongyu's current strength, it is impossible to achieve this.

However, this speed burst out of the power is also stronger than before one point!

The first force succeeded!

Murong Yu continued to "control" his second power. Without any suspense, the second power also successfully turned into a vortex of power.

It's not a problem for Murong Yu that a single force condenses into a vortex of power.

After two forces, then the problem comes.

How to make two high-speed whirlpools combine to form a large whirlpool while maintaining the original shape? Murongyu gave it a try


The two whirlpools of power collided with each other and then burst apart violently. The power of the explosion is quite terrible, almost equal to Murong Yu's one punch with three points of power.

Unprepared, murongyu's meridians were directly broken. Even tens of thousands of small forces near the meridians also suffered from the disaster of the pond, constantly exploding and rapidly spreading to the distance.

If it continues, murongyu's whole body strength will be detonated! As a result, murongyu's whole body was blown to pieces.

As soon as his mind moved, Murong Yu subdued the forces of the violence. Immediately, the power of life "swings" past. In a flash, the injured meridians will be repaired.

Murongyu screamed breathtaking, but did not stop. He continued to create the power vortex. Once the power vortex succeeded, murongyu's combat power would become more powerful. This is the best way to enhance strength without upgrading the realm.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Murongyu didn't know how many times he had tried, and his meridians were broken and repaired.


When murongyu approached the two power vortices again, when he was ready to repair the broken meridians again, he did not hear the explosion sound or see the explosion.


Murongyu's face flashed a touch of joy.

After a close look, the two power vortices have been combined to form a bigger power vortex.

From a distance, this vortex of power is twice as big as the previous two. But if you look at it carefully, you will find that there are two different vortices in this big vortex

make persistent efforts!

In the following time, murongyu fused more two smaller power vortices into a larger one. At the beginning, not every time. Maybe a few hundred times, maybe a hundred times later.

However, with the constant integration of murongyu, his experience has become more and more abundant. In the end, when it came to the end, he was almost 100% successful in every shot.After the fusion, Murong Yu found that his combat power was at least 50% stronger than before!

This effect has been quite terrible. If he fights with Luan Ruiming at this time, he can defeat Luan Ruiming even if he doesn't use the blade of "chaos".

However, this is not the final effect murongyu wants. What he wants is that under the current situation, Luan Ruiming's level of existence can be eliminated by one move.

This requires Murong feather body more power vortex combination into a piece.

Countless vortices formed a huge and incomparable vortex, and this huge and incomparable vortex is the power in Murong Yu's body. What murongyu also needs is that the power entering his body will automatically turn into a vortex of power without his special control.

So murongyu began to study how to make the three vortices merge together

Time is not short, murongyu in the whirlpool storm has passed a few days.

On this day, he felt a sudden shock in Hetu Luoshu. And then it stopped. Seems to have left the whirlpool storm?

Murong Yu sighed and woke up from cultivation.

He didn't know how many times he had tried, but he still didn't succeed! Moreover, once failed, the power of the three power whirlpools will be more terrifying, and more channels will be broken!

After trying so many times, murongyu's whole body's meridians don't know how many times they have been broken. Anyway, there is no complete meridians.

"It is estimated that the reason is that the strength is not strong enough. We need to break through again and try again when the strength is stronger. However, the current combat effectiveness has been increased by at least 50%, which is also a huge harvest. " Murong Yu thought in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face

"If all the power in the body is transformed into this kind of whirlpool power, one punch will contain hundreds of millions of whirlpools... How many times will the combat power be increased at that time? No, the combat power is the same, but the destructive power is greatly improved! "

The whirlpool of power can't directly enhance the combat power. The other is to enhance the destructive power.

The same strength. If Murong Yu can make a unit effect with one punch before, he can make a 1.5 effect with one punch now.

"Seems to have left the Whirlpool Galaxy?" Murongyu stood up and woke up his sleeping destiny. This guy couldn't get used to the high-speed rotation of Hetu Luoshu and had already fainted.

That's how murongyu reacted. Originally, he could not resist the high-speed rotation of these Hetu Luoshu. But in the process of studying the vortex of power, he did not rotate. Even after the success of the power whirlpool, he seemed to resonate with the whirlpool storm outside.

If the whirlpool of power in his body rotates at the same frequency and speed as the whirlpool of the Whirlpool Galaxy, he will not be hurt even if he enters the whirlpool of the Whirlpool Galaxy, or even the whirlpool storm.

"We're not dead?"

When destiny woke up, he was stunned and then blurted out.

Murongyu rolled his eyes: "if we die, will we still stand here now?" Between the words, he read a move, has left the Hetu Luoshu with the destiny, appears in the outer space.

"This is... The secret place we're going to enter!"

Destiny first looked around, then couldn't help exclaiming.

Murongyu was also surprised. Did the whirlpool storm bring them to the secret place? It's really a shortcut. Because they don't need to walk at all.

"But the secret is at the very center of the Whirlpool Galaxy. We got to the secret place safely, but it was hard for us to leave The color of destiny's face is somewhat depressed.

Whirlpool storm swept all the way, where, everything was crushed into powder. Their original "safe passage" has long been swallowed up.

If they want to go back, they have to explore slowly before they can leave. In the process, it's easy for them to step into the vortex and be swallowed. Then there was no next.

"It's up to me to leave." Murong Yu said with a smile. Just now, he sensed that he could already sense the transmission point outside the Whirlpool Galaxy.

That is to say, he can send it directly through Hetu Luoshu. No more adventures. And this secret place can sense the teleportation points of other galaxies, so we can sense the teleportation points stored here in other galaxies.

The reason why we couldn't sense the transmission points of other galaxies before is that the vortex storm disturbed the space of the whole galaxy

... in the future, Murong Yu doesn't need to cross the long Whirlpool Galaxy to come to this secret place. With one thought, he can come in here.From this moment on, this secret place will become murongyu's "flower" garden. Of course, murongyu is not sure whether he can be sent here when the secret place is closed.

"I don't know if they will be so lucky?" Destiny sighed a little. With the horror of those two whirlpool storms, if there is no miracle, Tianhe and others will surely die.

But if they can keep their sex lives, maybe a miracle will happen to Tianhe and others? Who can cultivate to heaven and human realm is not a person with great fortune?

"Their lives have nothing to do with us. The first thing we should do is to search for the treasures here as much as possible. Otherwise, if they don't hang up, they will come and grab the treasure with us. " Murong Yu smiles, starts to speed up and leaves first.

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