Five hundred thousand!

When murongyu's three words appeared in 16000, the shocked people thought that murongyu's ranking would not continue to rise.

After all, this is the holy list, the most powerful existence under the holy kingdom. They are the most powerful one hundred and eight thousand people under the master and the supreme. Strength to their point, want to improve a silk is extremely difficult.

What's more, murongyu entered the holy list with a strong posture of black horse. It's pretty bad. Generally, it is extremely difficult for such people to get into the holy list. And it's easy to fall off the list again because of unstable state.

However, as soon as murongyu came up, he rushed to 106000. And just a little pause for a while, his ranking rose again.

At this time, because of murongyu's strength, more than one million people have gathered around the holy list. The worst of these people are chaotic ancestors, and they belong to every race.

"I don't know if murongyu's ranking will continue to rise?" There was no lack of envy and jealousy among the people present. But some people are just curious.

Murongyu's performance is too evil. They are all guessing whether murongyu's strength is strengthening.

"I don't think so? It's one hundred thousand five thousand, which is not low. What's more, it's less than half a day for him to enter the holy list Someone hesitated. It's just that he's not sure.

Just as the man had just finished his words and the voice had not yet fallen, murongyu's name flashed again. As a result, the eyes of millions of strong players were attracted by the golden light.

"I don't know where murongyu's ranking goes this time?" Everyone thought about it in their hearts and looked at the holy list. Everyone who lives near the list knows that when the name of the list is golden, it's when the ranking changes. Or forward, or fall

After a while

"Shit! Who is murongyu? In the blink of an eye, it's four hundred thousand? A change will directly step on the top of thousands of holy lists

In front of the holy list, millions of people are looking dull. After a while, someone was shocked and cursed. And the rest woke up.

"It's hard for anyone else to move up. This murongyu is not moving, and he will cross a thousand Some people sigh, more and more curious about Murong Yu.

"Isn't this guy the one who has been knocked down? Only when the supreme regains his strength can he have such a terrible speed! " Someone said with astonished suspicion.

"Murongyu, I know. Murongyu is a disciple of Infernal Affairs, one of the ten sacred places of the human race. It is said that he is still a chaotic celestial body and owns the Hetu Luoshu. However, although his strength is strong, there is still a gap between him and the holy list. How can he be so fierce? "

Finally, a strong man of human race remembered murongyu's identity.

"Chaotic objects?"

The strong in the holy list seldom go back to the holy world. And there are thousands of races gathered near the holy list, and there are few strong ones of the human race. The most important thing is that people who live near the holy list seldom go back to the holy world. Therefore, even if Murong Yu makes a lot of noise in the holy world, they have never heard of Murong Yu.

"Chaotic objects?" Hearing the speech of the Terran strongman, the eyes of the millions of strongmen present glowed. They don't know murongyu, but they know "chaotic celestial body" and "Hetu Luoshu".

"If I take away the chaotic objects, not to mention the strong ones in the holy list, even the chaos controllers can achieve it." Greed immediately appeared in many people's minds.

But soon they woke up. Murongyu is now ranked in the top 14000 in the holy list. One hand can kill them... They are not qualified to take murongyu's body.

And with murongyu's attitude, it may be possible to rush into 100000 in the next few days!

So, what's going on? Let murongyu's strength break through to such a high level? Now, in addition to Yu Yangjia, Yan Gaohan, Xiaobai and mu Feihai are not ranked as high as him.

And it's just a few days.

But in fact, murongyu's past time is not just a few days. In the case of Hetu Luoshu acceleration time, murongyu has passed hundreds of millions of years since he entered the holy list.

Basically, every time murongyu breaks through a realm, his strength will soar. The most obvious performance is that every time he breaks through a small level, his ranking in the holy list will rise by 1000 directly.

It's very obvious that there is a gap of 1000 places in the holy list and how big the strength is. We can imagine how terrible murongyu's strength is now.However, when Murong Yu reached 14000, his realm stopped growing. At this time, he has reached the Ninth level of zusheng.

At this time, the power in murongyu's body began to compress again. It's just like when he broke through from zusheng level 4 to zusheng level 5, that is, when he entered the holy list from chaos zusheng strength.

Murong Yu knows that as long as his power is compressed to the extreme, and then filled with channels expanded by tens of millions of times, he will break through the chaotic ancestral realm at one stroke.

At that time, his ranking will rise again. However, it is still unknown how much it will rise.

"The power of the supreme weapon is really terrible. This supreme weapon should be able to support me to break through the chaotic ancestral realm. " Seeing that there are almost half of the most precious utensils that have not been refined, Murong Yu is extremely stable in his heart.

With the acceleration of time, year after year has passed.

Murongyu's internal strength was compressed to the extreme, and then increased slowly.

Finally, when murongyu's strength filled all his meridians, his realm also broke through.

Chaotic ancestral realm!

Just after murongyu's breakthrough, his name also flickered golden light on the holy list. Finally, under the dazzling golden light, murongyu's three words disappeared directly from 100000-4000 people.


The name of murongyu has changed again. Those super strong people near the holy list almost burst out with a mouthful of old blood.

How long has it been? It's less than ten years, isn't it? Murongyu's ranking has gone up again. This can no longer be described as evil or abnormal. Murongyu is definitely the fastest rising one in the list of saints in history.

"What a monster it is Many people can't help but burst into tears, and they have the desire to die that murongyu has beaten.

"I don't know how much murongyu's ranking has risen?"

"Why? Didn't you see murongyu's name? "

For the first time, people's eyes were on 13000 people. But I didn't see murongyu's name.

Did murongyu step on 2000 people at one stroke? Rush to 12000? People's eyes moved up again. But nothing has been found.

Did murongyu fall?

At this time, millions of people on the scene guessed maliciously because they learned about murongyu's evil, and later more people came.

Even some people have been gloating. These people typically can't eat grapes. Sour grapes are red eyes. Hope murongyu falls.

However, some people who are not envious and jealous also feel pity. Murongyu, such a person who is against the sky, has fallen because once his name disappears from the holy list, it means that the ranking of that person has been surpassed by the people behind him. But murongyu is not the last one in the ranking. Even if there are new people on the list, it has little influence on him.

Then there is only one reason, and that is death. In the event of death, the names of the strong in the holy list will be announced from the holy list.

However, some people still don't believe it, and their eyes continue to move up. I don't know why, they think murongyu will not fall, but rise to a higher ranking.

However, when they found that there was no murongyu's name in 11000, they gave up. But, after all, some people continue to look up.

"Ah! I see murongyu... "Suddenly, a strong man exclaimed. The sound was full of shock.

All the people around were startled by the sudden cry, and some of the strong people looked at the person who made the cry.

"100000! Murongyu's name has reached the 100000 th! It's incredible! What a monster The man didn't care about the bad looks around him. He just exclaimed to himself. His face was shocked and his eyes were full of shock. He was staring at the holy list.

People's hearts can't help but clapping for a while, and then one by one they can't help but look to the list of 100000.


Three golden, blinding and dancing characters appeared in their realization. It's in 100000, not up or down.

Murongyu did not fall. Instead, he exploded 4000 strong men in one fell swoop and rushed directly to the holy list of 100000!


A senior level 9 chaos ancestor slapped a strong man with a lower level nearby and flew out.

"Asshole, why did you hit me?" Although the realm of the strong is slightly weak, they are not afraid of the strong."Does it hurt?" The strong shot suddenly asked a puzzling topic.

"Nonsense, I'll slap you to see if it hurts?" That strong person roars to say, one face is not happy.

"It hurts. Then all this is not a dream! " The strong man suddenly said something that made him vomit blood.

Son of a bitch, why don't you hit yourself?

The strong man who was beaten looked at the strong man, a big fight was imminent!

"This bastard, his ranking won't continue to rise, will he? I can't stand it. It's too exciting. It's too hard. " A strong man was not happy to drink a low voice, body shape in a flash, actually directly left.

It was a terrible blow.