Sun monarch, the whole body is only pale bones, no flesh and blood, Murong Yu did not find his soul. However, this guy is able to speak directly, not like a voice.

And the sun king also said that he was not dead.

Therefore, Murong Yu chose to fight directly with the sun monarch. He is not a man waiting to die. It's best to kill the sun monarch. If you can't, at least let yourself escape.


At the same time of murongyu's soul attack, the Sun King's heart trembled, and a strong and incomparable breath of death immediately shrouded in his heart, if he still had a heart.

Especially attached to the bones, the soul was shocked violently. It's the tremor of death!

"Boy! You want to die! "

The sun monarch responded immediately. Murongyu must have launched the most powerful attack on him! For their own power, the sun king is very confident. Therefore, he knew for the first time that murongyu was a soul attack. Because murongyu's whole body was sealed by him, but he didn't seal his soul.

In fact, the sun monarch never thought about murongyu's ten soul saints.

The Sun King's reaction is very quick! If you use your big hand, you will crush murongyu. However, murongyu's soul attack, which has been planned for a long time, is faster than his.

At the same time, Murong Yu's soul attack has been severely chopped on the sun monarch's soul.


Even heard the sound of soul breaking. Pieces of soul fall out of the skull of the sun king. At the same time, the sun monarch is issued a very shrill scream.

Step on, step on!

In a twinkling, the sun monarch went back and forth because of the explosion of his soul and the pain. And the big hand that grasps murongyu also loosened. The most terrible thing is that, perhaps because of the attack on his soul, the seal that imprisons murongyu has also cracked.


Without any hesitation, Murong Yu rushed into the Hetu Luoshu for the first time. Then, he's going to leave the ghost place.

However, when he wanted to leave here, he took a look at the sun. At this time, the sun monarch put his head in his hands and made a shrill scream.


They didn't even attack murongyu.

Murong Yu's heart moved, and his heart read. Hetu Luoshu turned into a tiny power. With the spatial fluctuation caused by the attack, he slowly left the sun.

Yes, murongyu did not leave this ghost place.

Murong Yu's principle of life is that if people do not offend me, I will not commit crimes. If people offend me, I will pay back double. The Sun King wanted to eat him, which was a mortal enemy.

How could murongyu let this guy go? Aren't you going to kill me? In that case, I'll kill you!

If the sun king is extremely strong, Murong Yu will leave here for the first time with this chance to escape. However, his uncanny glance made him stay.

It seems that the sun monarch is not as powerful as expected?

Time accelerates.

Murongyu sat down directly, burning the holy pulse of chaos, accelerating the time to the limit. The seal of the Sun King has not yet been completely untied. If you want to kill the sun monarch, murongyu must restore his strongest strength.

Although the sun monarch seems to be more powerful than the master. But it seems that the sun has set and is at a dead end. Although the seal is extremely exquisite, its strength is not so good.

In murongyu's sprint, it didn't take long to break through. This, of course, refers to the time of the holy world. Under the acceleration of time, Murong Yu broke through these seals for a whole era!

You can imagine how wonderful the seal of the sun king is. Even without strong power, murongyu is difficult to solve quickly.

Although murongyu did not know the extent of his power. But he had a feeling that the sun monarch was not a boaster. What he said seemed to be true. Otherwise, why is the seal so powerful even though it has little power?

"Ah! Little bastard, if it falls on me, I will eat you raw! " When murongyu looked at the sun monarch through Hetu Luoshu, the sun monarch was still roaring.

This guy is gnashing his teeth, angry and regretful at the same time. I have known for a long time that when I took murongyu, I ate him raw. However, he talked for so long because of his pride, but he was finally escaped by Murong Yu.The cooked ducks are flying.

What's more, murongyu's attack on his soul almost made his soul collapse.

"It's not dead?" Murong Yu was surprised to see that although the breath of the sun monarch was weaker than before, it was still lively.

His previous attack clearly chopped the soul in the Sun King's head. According to the truth, even if the sun monarch does not die, it will be severely damaged.

But in reality, he is not dead, but also alive, do not know how spiritual.

"Little bastard, I'm still a saint of soul. I'm caught off guard. Fortunately, although my soul is a ghost. But it's condensed into the bones of the whole body. If you want to kill my soul, you must kill all my soul. " The sun monarch thought murongyu had run away, but in his anger he talked to himself.

In the book of Hetu Luo, Murong Yu is puzzling about why this guy was not killed. When he tries to figure out how to kill the sun king, the Sun King exposes his shortcomings to Murong Yu.

It was his own death.

Murong Yu is very happy. However, he also had to admire the sun monarch. Generally, the soul can only exist in the soul space, but the sun monarch condensed the soul into the bone.

In this way, if the unknown soul Saint attacks his soul space, it has no effect at all. The sun monarch is to seize the opportunity to kill the opponent at one stroke.

After a little preparation, murongyu raised the power of soul to the peak, and he made another move.

This time, it's no longer "soul chopping". Soul chopping is only a single attack. It is impossible to chop the soul in all bones of the sun king. Because murongyu played the soul storm of group attack!

The sun monarch was swearing, but suddenly, a stronger breath of death than before enveloped him again.

All of a sudden, the sun king was surprised! However, his reaction speed is extremely fast, and he reacted at the first time. The whole body suddenly burst out like the sun fire general flame, shrouded the whole body.

Just in an instant, the whole space was covered with this terrible solar fire. Void in the burning issued a "hiss" sound, constantly burned.


Hetu Luoshu was immediately wrapped up by the terrible high temperature. The first time, overflow damage will impact on Murong Yu, shock of his blood churning, breathing disorder.

"What a terrible heat!" Murong Yu was shocked. At the same time, his attack did not stop.

However, although the sun fire is terrible, it can't stop the soul attack at all. In other words, it can't stop all forces from attacking. Because there is still a part of soul power burned.


The sun king once again uttered a shrill scream! This time, because it was a large-scale attack, every bone in his body was taken care of by murongyu.

Therefore, his soul condensed in all bones was immediately attacked by murongyu's extremely violent soul and torn wantonly. However, because of the sun's real fire, not all of them were torn.

However, murongyu is not only planning to attack once. The power of soul burst out continuously. Less than a breath of time, murongyu has played thousands of "soul storm".


The sun monarch is powerful, yes, maybe even stronger than the master. But the hero is dying. He is on the verge of death. If murongyu is not a saint of soul, it is not possible to kill him. But Murong Yu is a saint of soul.

After a round of attack, the Sun King finally gave out an unwilling roar. His whole soul has been crushed. And at the same time of his soul's death, the real fire of the sun that he burst out also disappeared out of thin air.

However, the terrible high temperature is still burning, and this void is constantly annihilating. Even Murong Yu was afraid of the terrible high temperature. He stayed in the Hetu Luoshu for half a month before he dared to come out.

Because the previous high temperature, even with his current strength, can not resist, will be melted directly. Although the sun is not enough, the real fire is terrible, but it can't help the river map Luoshu. With the help of all kinds of treasures, Murong Yu resisted very hard in Hetu Luoshu, but he succeeded in the end.

"What is the origin of the sun king? Isn't it terrible that the sun is really burning? This is the reason why his strength is greatly reduced and his power is less than one hundred million times of that at the peak. Otherwise, I would have been killed by overflow damage. " Murongyu is full of shock.

Murongyu doesn't worry about Hetu Luoshu. No matter how powerful the sun is, it can't do any harm to Hetu Luoshu. However, limited to murongyu's power, the current Hetu Luoshu will pass on the power beyond its limit after bearing part of the power."First devoured the soul fragments of the sun king. This guy is said to have surpassed the master. There must be terrible power in his soul. Even the ghost of the demon girl can improve her two small states. I don't know if the ghost of the sun monarch can make my soul break through again? Or break through two big realms in succession and reach the realm of seven stars? "