At this question, all the girls in the room began to cry. As expected, their families were not here, and they were all abducted and sold. Of course, those who are in the eye of the abductor are all beautiful.

After confirming the fact that she was abducted, Miss Chu immediately reduced her doubts about Huang e's strange behavior. Maybe it was a panic after she was very sad. The two have been abducted and placed in the same place, the man has been naked, and they stay together... Maybe they really have some secrets, that's what they should be. It's not easy for girls to keep a clean reputation. We should cover it up for others.

Therefore, when Chu Suzhen led these girls out of the house, she even felt that Shidai in the hospital was very furtive when talking with Huang E. for example, when she saw her appear, Huang e tried to keep away from each other and deliberately kept a distance... She pretended not to see.

The tragic situation in the hospital immediately made the girls vomit. Seeing that they vomited more than they did at the beginning, Miss Chu was in a slightly better mood. She cried out: "Mr. Lang, you are going to take care of these awakened girls. I'll wake up the rest of the children."

Shi Chuang nodded, but he didn't say anything. Huang e quickly interrupted: "sister Chu, don't worry. I'll gather them all into the main room. Go and do something."

Miss Chu leads her servants into another room. When she enters the room, she thinks of those girls who have just woken up. When she sees the scene in the yard, she is just as scared as she is. But Huang e, how can she be so calm all the time? Miss Chu couldn't stop muttering in her heart: "at this young age, goblins are like goblins! In such a tragic scene, even the man in Shi yamen was breathtaking, but she was able to talk with others in a calm manner. She didn't know what kind of family could raise such a Daji? "

After walking for several rooms in a row, the abducted girl had awakened, and she went into the last room. In this kind of back and forth, every time she came out of the door and came back to the courtyard, she was always frightened and vomited by the tragedy in the garden. She couldn't help her legs softening and wanted to escape from the courtyard. But she is still running, to save those women who were dazed.

She was very dedicated to her duties when she ran around the houses. He didn't know where to find a red tassel gun. He stood guard in the yard with a long gun.

What's more amazing is that even Shi yamen refused to step into the hospital again on the pretext of resettling her companions. Huang e, the little girl, didn't care about the corpses everywhere and the heavy blood. She always held Shi Chuan's free left hand and talked with Shi Chuan without a word.

The two talked intermittently. When they saw someone in the hospital, Huang e stopped the conversation vigilantly and gave a smile to the comer. She was always slow in her reaction. Miss Chu didn't care about it. She just wanted to wake up all the girls as soon as possible and then... Escape from the yard.

The servant went to fetch water again. While waiting for the cold water, Miss Chu anxiously walked back and forth in the room. By chance, she heard a few words floating in her voice: "your (lie) words sound like..."

Miss Chu stopped quickly, but her voice could not be heard any more. She hesitated and went to the window, Look out through the crack in the window.

The Taoist temple has money, and the windows are pasted with silk rather than paper. The silk can't be broken. Miss Chu can only look out through the crack of the window. She can only see their mouths open and close, but she can't hear anything.

Miss Chu recalled that as one of the most talented women in Haizhou City, she had read a lot of miscellaneous books, and had a little knowledge of the rumors about drum gallery and echo wall. After a little consideration, she began to trace back along the path she had just taken. When she came to a certain place in the house, another sentence floated to her ears, which was Huang e's voice: "that's the only way to say, Talent... "

Miss Chu moved her body a little, her ears only changed a few centimeters, and she couldn't hear anything.

Miss Chu stood in the same place, moving her ears left and right, adjusting her body posture. After a while, the little girl's voice came back to her ears. The voice was subtle, like someone whispering in her ear: "you promised, you promised to take care of me... God sent you to save me, you can't leave... I prayed to the god Buddha countless times behind my back, but I didn't expect that there was a God in my head. You really came, Let all the abductors be punished... "

At this moment, the voice suddenly stopped. Miss Chu quickly went to the door and saw the servant coming with a bucket.

In the last room, there were three girls lying. Miss Chu seemed absent-minded when she was working. Fortunately, after a long time of practice, she was already familiar with her hands. When she mechanically rescued the three girls and led the three children to the hospital, her clothes had disappeared. At the door of the main room, Huang e took a girl's hand and sat on the threshold chatting, That girl is the youngest of all the abducted girls, that is, the seven or eight year old girl Chu Suzhen once held.

Without waiting for Miss Chu to ask, Huang e immediately explained, "when Dalang went to take a bath, his blood was scarred. He was uncomfortable and smelly. I asked him to change into new clothes."At the end of the speech, he came out wearing a very inappropriate and funny suit with an account book in his hand: "found it. Found it. This is their account book. All the abducted girls are recorded. We can check it according to the account book."

After a pause, Shidai said regretfully, "it's a pity that they are all recorded in code language, which needs to be deciphered."

Miss Chu's eyes brightened: "really, great. Let me have a look."

When Huang e rushed, she put on a wave: "Dalao, you are wearing the wrong clothes. Squat down and I'll give you Shun Yi Shun."

When she comes to her, she squats down and asks Huang e to tidy up. With her other hand, she hands the account book to miss Chu.

Miss Chu took it and found that it was all incomprehensible words, such as "Renshen Yimao Bingwu Wuchen Huainan East Huangzhou Yangluo huanger..."

"What does that mean?"

"Time, place, handler, number of abducted girls, how much to pay for handler, where to pick up along the way, and how much to spend - these are the only things to be recorded in the account book. You can figure them out one by one, and then check the date and location of the girl's disappearance. You can immediately find out where their hometown is."

Miss Chu sighed: "well, I can help these children find their relatives."

Chu Suzhen is so happy because most people don't know geography these days. In this era, maps are state military secrets, not to mention ordinary people, even officials, who are not at a certain administrative level can not see maps.

For the common people, it is very good that many people can know the name of their hometown and the famous county nearby. Parents' names are even more taboo for their children. As a younger generation, they can't say the name all their life. Even when they meet the same characters in the scientific examination, they have to lack a pen in writing to show their filial piety.

When she woke up the girls just now, Miss Chu had questioned them one by one. Sure enough, most of the girls couldn't name their father. The youngest girl, who was seven or eight years old, didn't even know her surname. She only knew her name was maid Niang (huanniang).

Now with this account book, even if the abducted girls can't say the name of their hometown or the street where their parents live, they can roughly infer the location of their abduction by looking back at the date of their disappearance.

Chu Suzhen counted and looked up in surprise: "Eighteen girls are recorded here, but there are nineteen children in the yard. What's the matter? One is missing - no, two. Shidalang, your name is not in the booklet?"

ps Please collect and recommend! New books need a lot of support!