The so-called miracles have not appeared, but because the time from the legendary miracles to be born is getting closer and closer, the fairyland is a sensation, countless people continue to rush into mozhou.

In this case, Murong Yu is smiling. Now, in addition to killing villains in mozhou city to earn stars, murongyu is still operating in the whole territory of mozhou.

There are too many people pouring into mozhou. They will meet immortals when they walk on the road, and each one is very powerful.

Half a year has passed. In the past six months, murongyu did not follow Jiao Li. Now Jiao Li is surrounded by three immortal emperors, and Murong Yu is hard to protect them.

Of course, murongyu did not give up the monitoring of Jiaoli. As long as you give him a chance, you will definitely kill Jiao Li.

However, in this half year, Murong Yu is not without harvest. His star has successfully broken the 20 billion mark! Although it is only a small part of the 50 billion stars, a little makes a lot.

At the same time, although murongyu's realm has not been broken through, his strength is more concise and his combat power is more powerful. Murong Yu even felt that at this time, even if he met the strong in the middle of the Xiandi period, he had the power of the first World War. of course. Except for those who are able to kill beyond their ranks.


Murongyu's fist turns a villain in the late Immortal King's realm into a blood mist and gains hundreds of thousands of stars again.

"There are many villains in mozhou, but they are too scattered. It's easy to earn stars in mozhou city. It's three months since I left mozhou City, and it's time to go back. " Murong Yu thought in his heart, and then he shook his hand and broke the void, and then he stepped into the void.

Murongyu constantly tears the void and shuttles through space. In the past six months, murongyu did not use Hetu Luoshu for transmission, but constantly shuttled through space.

Because of this, murongyu's control of space is more powerful, and the distance of space shuttle is also more and more distant.


Just as murongyu was about to shuttle back to mozhou City, suddenly, a terrible force fell from the sky

At this moment, the void of the whole mozhou, even several nearby big states, seemed to suddenly burst into glass, and was directly shattered.

Space debris fell like raindrops.


Murong Yu, who is shuttling through the space, is hit hard like a holy mountain on his body. Suddenly, murongyu was shocked out of the void. At the same time, his Qi and blood churned violently, just like the river and the sea.

"What's the matter?"

Murongyu was shocked out of the void. When he looked around, his face suddenly showed a look of horror. At this time, the void of the whole mozhou and several big states around mozhou were completely smashed, and pieces of large or small space debris like crystal constantly fell down.

"Is this the crystal of space?" Murongyu's hand copied it, and immediately took a piece of space crystal about the size of a grinding plate in his hand.

Space fragmentation is one of the main materials for the construction of transmission array. At that time, murongyu almost lost his fortune for a piece of space broken crystal... Now, the space broken crystal is pouring down like rain. The small ones are like vermicelli, while the big ones are even as big as planets.

Murongyu instantly sacrifices the Hetu Luoshu, and then grabs it with his big hands. All of a sudden, he saw countless spaces being sucked into the book of Hetu Luo like a torrent

After today, there should be no lack of space in the fairyland. Even murongyu thinks that after that, the teleportation array in the fairyland will spring up like mushrooms.

After all, although the method of building the transmission array has been lost, it is impossible. There must be many people in fairyland who control the manufacturing method of the teleport array.

In the past, the reason why the transmission array was not popular was the lack of space broken crystals. After today, there are so many broken crystals in space that some forces must build teleportation arrays and make huge profits

There is a transmission fee for transmission, but there are so many people in fairyland. The transmission fee for each day of a transmission array is very terrible. When murongyu collected the space broken crystals, a big hand also rushed to the sky and grasped the space broken crystals.

However, none of these people can match Murong Yu's speed. When these people were collecting a piece of space broken crystal, murongyu had already collected 100, 1000, or even more.

After all, after the hetulo book exhibition, hundreds of millions of space broken crystals were collected in every moment. Moreover, with the power of space, Murong Yu's speed of collecting broken crystals in space is simply appalling.Murongyu also looks around when collecting the space to break the crystal.

At this time, the surrounding void is full of bursts of blood. Even more, Murong Yu saw a blood mist floating in the void. Originally tall and straight, straight into the peak of the cloud, at this time has turned into powder, was thought to be flat.

If you look at the past, where you can see, it is a desolation, a desert.

"The whole Mo state has been leveled by the terrible power just now?" Murongyu's face was shocked.

Just now that terrible force, even the space broken crystal all hit out, can imagine how terrible. Although these forces did not kill murongyu, there are still a large number of strong people in mozhou city.

However, these people are people with high strength and strong body. Most of the strong people below the realm of the Immortal King were killed by the earthquake, and they were shocked into blood fog, which scattered in the heaven and earth.

There are also survivors in Jiutian Xuanxian and Daluo Jinxian. All the immortals of Da Luo Jinxian, no one survived! Of course, if there were strong people around to protect at that time, some of them survived.

However, the vast majority of the weak in mozhou were shattered along with some mountains.

Just after the earthquake, 60% of the people in mozhou were killed, and quite a few of the remaining 40% were injured.

"What was that? Even xianzun is not so terrible. " Murongyu looked frightened. Although the strong in xianzun kingdom is powerful and terrifying, and has the ability to directly destroy a big state, it is impossible to cause such great damage. Besides, it was just a blow!

"Is it a miracle?" Murong Yu's heart moved and suddenly rose into the air.


Just as murongyu soared into the air, a torrent of terror like a wild beast came from the direction of mozhou city.

Where I pass, the void is crushed, and the space crystal is constantly turned into powder. Even more, Murong Yu saw some weak people burst into pieces under the terrible pressure.

"What a terrible smell." Murong Yu's heart sank and he looked into the distance.

At this time, the breath like a torrent has pounded Murong Yu like a raging wave. It quickly pours into every inch of Murong Yu's skin and rushes to the Dantian along the meridians.

Murongyu's face suddenly changed. In the heart cold hum a, immediately, these gush into the strength of his body then was shocked to fly out. Immediately, murongyu's body surface was covered with a thin film, and these forces could not flow into murongyu's body.

Murongyu was suspended in the sky, and his face was more and more shocked: "who in the world broke out this breath? Under the Immortal King, I'm afraid it will be broken directly. This breath is coming from the direction of mozhou city... "

Murong Yu looked far away, but he could see nothing. Immediately, he put away the Hetu Luoshu. When he was about to transmit it, he was surprised to find that all the transmission points in mozhou city and even in mozhou had failed.

There is only one possibility that the transmission point is broken.

The transmission jade slips made by murongyu's current strength are hard to be broken even if they are strong in Xianjun's realm, and they are very secret and hard to find.

"It seems that the relic was born." Murong Yu was not surprised, but pleased. Immediately, he saw a jump in his figure and turned into a black light, shooting towards mozhou city.

At the same time, there are countless people flocking to the direction of mozhou city.

"What is this?"

The closer Murong Yu is to mozhou City, the more terrifying the breath is like a wild beast, but it can't suppress Murong Yu.

When murongyu was close to mozhou City, a giant appeared in front of him.

"What a big tomb. Is this the tomb of God?" Not far away from murongyu, a strong man in the realm of Immortal Emperor looks at the front, his face is extremely shocked, and his clothes look incredible.

In front of murongyu and others, a huge tomb appeared in their sight. This tomb is extremely huge. How big is it?

Mozhou is dozens of times bigger than Fengcheng. And a Fengcheng is about half the size of Huaxia Xiuzhen kingdom. In other words, mozhou city is many times larger than Huaxia Xiuzhen world.

Now, the huge city has disappeared, and the hundreds of millions of immortals in the city have been crushed into dust by the big tomb. In front of the tomb, the original city of mozhou is just a small spot, just the tip of the iceberg.From a distance, the tomb covered less than half of mozhou and the other three big states bordering mozhou. In other words, the tomb is almost the same size as the whole mozhou.

The size of hundreds of millions of Chinese practitioners... What's the concept?

Shock, absolute shock!

At this time, everyone who saw the tomb, including Murong Yu, was deeply shocked. This visual impact is really too big, even though they are powerful, they were shocked for a while and didn't react.