In three months, murongyu killed all the villains in Zhuzhou. However, his star only got 200000 points, among which murongyu in Zhucheng got 30000 points.

In other words, except for the bamboo city, Murong Yu got 170000 stars.

This is a big state. A big state is bigger than Huaxia Xiuzhen world!

Of course, although the hell in Zhuzhou is bigger than that in Huaxia, the number of people is far less than that of murongyu. Besides, there are not many villains in other places except Zhuzhou.

The villain here is the star villain who can give murongyu many stars. Today, murongyu only kills those villains who give him more than ten stars.

The most important thing is that in the realm of Chinese cultivation and the realm of wind and fire cultivation, because Murong Yu is the executioner, he controls the whole cultivation world, and he can know where there are villains without going around.

Moreover, when he knows where there is a villain, he can go directly to kill that villain.

But in fairyland, he can't do that. It is often every place he goes that he can find out where there are villains. Finally, he decided whether or not to kill him.

Moreover, it is still in Zhuzhou. Since he family was wiped out, there is basically no strong one in Zhuzhou. Therefore, murongyu can kill the villains everywhere he goes.

However, if it were other big states, those strong ones with immortal Empire, Murong Yu would not be so reckless. Moreover, he can't kill too many people in the same place and power.

Because if too many people die at once, it will attract the attention of those powerful forces. Once this happens, murongyu will be chased by the strong and powerful.

In this way, Murong Yu will be in constant trouble. Naturally, he has less time to earn stars, and stars won't be too much. Therefore, now that Murong Yu is in a place, he will randomly select the villains with more stars and kill them directly. And only kill a small amount, and then leave this place.

As time goes by, murongyu has more and more stars.

Five million, seven million, ten million, thirty million

Ten years later, Murong Yu didn't know how many big states he had been to, how many cities he had been to, and how many villains he had killed. He just knows that his star point has reached 30 million!

Thirty million stars in ten years is basically the same as the previous plan. If we continue to develop in this way, we should be able to reach 100 million stars within 30 years.

Moreover, now murongyu keeps moving places, killing hundreds or thousands of people in those big cities, and then leaving the place.

In those cities with a unit of 100 million, it is extremely normal for thousands of people to die in one day. Therefore, no one has found anything abnormal.

"A big state can get 200000 stars on average, so 100 million stars need 500 big states. And in fairyland, there are millions of states. However, although there are more villains in the more powerful states, there are too many strong ones. It's too risky to kill villains in those places. "

"There are still 20 years to go, so we'd better go to the big states that are not too strong. We'd rather go to several big states than get into any trouble." Murong Yu thought that he had changed his strategy.

Fengzhou, Tianting.

"Black tiger, hasn't your Lord come back yet?" Mu Tong looks at the black tiger anxiously. It's been 20 years, but murongyu still doesn't appear.

This has to make Mu Tong anxious and angry.

Originally, Murong Yu said he wanted to prepare, so he went to Mu's house. However, this preparation will take 20 years! What makes Mu Tong most angry is that in the past 20 years, Murong Yu seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Is he just talking? You know the strength of the Mu family? Now it's even more direct Mu Tong's heart flashed this idea more than once.

And every time she came up with this idea, she was very angry and felt that Mu Liyue was wrong.

"Miss mu, the Lord has not come back. You've let it go hundreds of times over the years. " Black tiger a face helpless say. Over the years, Mu Tong almost every few days to ask about the situation, which makes black tiger very helpless, and even, they are afraid of Mu Tong.

"Miss mu, when the Lord comes back, we will definitely inform you as soon as possible. There's something else to deal with in heaven, so I'll go first. " After that, the black tiger left in a hurry.

"You... Hum!" Mu Tong cold hum a, she also don't want to annoy black tiger every day. However, as time goes by, the century is coming. And if Murong Yu really doesn't go to Mu Liyue, the consequences of Mu Liyue will be"Twenty years, 70 million stars!"

Murong Yugang arrived in a big city through a transmission array. Just after he came from the transmission array, his tired face not only showed a smile.

In the first ten years, murongyu only got 30 million stars. But in the following ten years, he got 40 million stars!

Even though he got 40 million stars in just ten years, this is the number Murong Yu got by killing the villains day and night.

In the past 20 years, murongyu has not stopped. It's the constant repetition of flying, teleporting, and killing the wicked.

Repeated the same thing for a long time, but also continue to kill, which let murongyu also some can't bear. Though all he killed were evil men, and they deserved what they had done. However, there are too many people killed, and Murong Yu has some bad feelings in his heart.

However, with the increase of stars, Murong Yu is also happy.

"Ten years to go, 30 million stars. It should be no problem." Murongyu's eyes flashed a cold light. He couldn't stop thinking about muliyue.

Therefore, as soon as he left the teleportation array, he began his killing journey.

"Twenty five years, murongyu still has no news! Damn, he won't really run away, will he? " Mu Tong is very angry at this time and is angry with Murong Yu.

"This beautiful lady, how can you speak ill of people behind your back? What am I running away from? Who told you I ran away? " At this time, a voice sounded in Mu Tong's ear, and a figure appeared not far away from Mu Tong.

"It's you?" Mu Tong Meng turned his head, just saw a tired face of Murong Yu.

"Murongyu, where have you been? You don't know my miss, she... "Mu Tong stares at Murong Yu, feeling wronged in his heart.

"Well, I won't run away from it. Didn't I tell you to prepare? " Murongyu said helplessly.

"Are you ready? If so, hurry up! I'm worried, miss Mu Tong looks at Murong Yu, still a little angry.

"Half prepared, a few more years should be enough. Don't be impatient. " Although Mu Tong is rude, Murong Yu doesn't mean to blame her. After all, she was worried about Mu Liyue.

"When are you going to be ready? Miss, I don't have much time! " Smell speech, Mu Tong suddenly burst into a rage.

"Ten years at the most. In these ten years, please calm down." Murongyu looked at Mu Tong and said, "no matter what, I will go to Mu's house in ten years. I won't let anything happen to Liyue, I swear

After comforting Mu Tong for a few words, Murong Yu comes to heaven's punishment.

"Heaven steward, can I improve my strength now?" Murong Yu finds the housekeeper and says in a deep voice.

In these 25 years, through the unremitting efforts of murongyu, he finally got 100 million stars! After getting enough stars, murongyu came back directly.

"Little Lord, the star is enough. It can improve your cultivation. But young Lord, you haven't gone through six or nine days. I suggest that you'd better go through the six or nine days and then improve your strength. "

"In this way, you not only get more benefits, but also reduce the risk of robbery. Once you enter the realm of Jiutian Xuanxian, your Liujiu Tianjie will become more powerful. " Heaven, the housekeeper suggested.

"Six or nine days of robbery?" Murong Yu nodded. Unconsciously, he had broken through the realm of Daluo Jinxian for hundreds of years. During this period of time, Murong Yu forgot that there were still six or nine days of robbery.

This time, if the housekeeper didn't remind him, he didn't think that he had not been robbed.

"In that case, let's go through the robbery first."

There is no pressure for him to go through the six or nine days robbery, and as long as he gets through the robbery, he can get more benefits. Even a fool knows how to choose.

"By the way, little Lord, I forgot to tell you something before. If he is the master of natural punishment, his natural disasters are ten times more terrible than ordinary people's natural disasters. However, the benefits are ten times that of ordinary people. "

Murongyu faltered and almost fell to the ground.

Originally, murongyu's physique is very adverse. At the beginning, Zhao Zhiqing just got the inheritance of the Phoenix family, and the natural disaster was so terrible, and murongyu's natural disaster was probably several times more terrible than Zhao Zhiqing's.

Now, his natural disaster is ten times more terrifying than the original?

Is this still alive?

"Heaven, housekeeper, what's the matter? How can we have so many side effects when we get the punishment from heaven? " Murong Yu asked in silence."It's because you killed too many people. Although all the people who were killed were evil men, they deserved to die. However, after they die, there will be resentment! And these resentments, more or less, will condense on you. It's not good for your cultivation in the long run. And the function of these thunder robbers is to blow those resentments out of you. Don't worry, young Lord. These thunder robbers won't kill you. After all, it's not easy to find a qualified punishment in time. "

Murong Yu rolled his eyes and said in silence: "steward, as you say, am I going to stand there and be robbed and killed by thunder? I won't be killed to death?"

The housekeeper looked at murongyu with a smile: "young master, just try. I'll know the result after I try. "

"Only a fool will try..." Murong Yu murmured, then directly sat down and began to recover and prepare for the robbery.