There are nine magic words between heaven and earth. These nine characters form nine parts. Even if you get one of them, you will be able to cross the world when you reach a high level.

Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jun, Zhen, lie, Zai, Qian.

And these nine words are called the nine word truth, which is one of the most supreme skills in the world.

When he was in the world of Chinese cultivation, Murong Yu just entered the world of cultivation, and he was lucky to get the formula of "Bing" in the nine character mantra in the depths of magic mountain.

Bing Zi Jue, the main speed, the so-called fast as dart, is exactly the Bing Zi Jue. After getting the "Bing Zi Jue", Murong Yu's speed became extremely terrible. Even those who were stronger than him in several realms could not catch up with him in the speed first.

Even, when Murong Yu arrived at the fairyland, Bing Zi Jue evolved to welcome light and shadow, and its speed was dozens of times or even stronger than before!

Mirage light wing, let Murong Yu in the realm of Xuanxian, have enough speed than your Immortal King's realm.

We can imagine how terrible the formula is.

Then, in the extreme realm, after killing the extreme realm, Murong Yu got the pithy formula.

The soldier's word formula is the main speed, while the Dou's word formula is the main strength. Enhance the strength! As long as the operation of Douzi Jue, you can be in the original peak strength first, once again enhance the strength.

For example, under normal circumstances, Murong Yu can only exert the fighting power of 7500 Panlong. However, if he runs the pithy formula, his strength will be improved, exceeding 7500 combat power!

With murongyu's deeper understanding of douzijue, the more powerful his combat power will be.

But now, what Murong Yu gets is one of the nine character mantra, namely, Zai Zi Jue.

In the word formula, it is the main space, space rules.

Murong Yu doesn't know how heilian got the formula, because heilian didn't say it. And this is not murongyu's concern. Now he is in a state of excitement.

Plus in the word formula, nine word truth, he has got three words, has reached a third. This has never been in history.

The formula of military character makes Murong Yu's speed unparalleled in the world.

Douzi Jue enables Murong Yu to send out his fighting power beyond his peak.

In the word formula, you can let Murong Yu understand the rules of space, the power of space. Although there is no powerful killing move or unique move in zaizhujue, if murongyu can understand zaizhujue, his killing power will be at least ten times more terrible than now!

"Jiuzi Zhenyan, he has already cultivated two words. Since you can cultivate the military and fighting word formulas, you should also be able to cultivate the Zai word formula. " Murong Yu ponders in his heart and tries to calm himself down.

However, it took murongyu half a day to calm down with the excitement of getting the nine word truth. Immediately, Murong Yu began to understand the formula of Zai Zi.

Like Bing Zi Jue and Dou Zi Jue, there are only a few sentences in Zi Jue. But the amount of information contained in it is very terrible and obscure.

Even if Murong Yu had the experience of practicing the military and fighting word Jue, it took him three years to understand the meaning of the few words in the word Jue.

However, this is only a preliminary understanding. It's very difficult for murongyu to cultivate.

After understanding the mystery of the formula, Murong Yu did not immediately practice it, but went to see you Mengqing.

At this time, you Mengqing is still practicing. Three years later, her broken soul has been restored by the power of soul grass. I believe it will be restored in a short time.

As for Zhao Zhiqing and others, they still experience in the world of natural punishment.

Later, Murong Yu went back to the fairy kingdom, chaos Saint sect, the heaven demon palace and the heaven court. After arranging things, he entered the world of Hetu Luoshu and began to practice.

Time goes by little, year after year.

You Mengqing's soul has been completely restored under the repair of soul grass. However, because of murongyu's close cultivation, she could not leave Hetu Luoshu.

Five years, ten years!

Murong Yu realized that it has been ten years since he practiced the word formula.

For ten years, murongyu has been sitting in a sitting posture, even without opening his eyes.

On this day, Murong Yu closed his eyes for ten years and finally opened them. He was relieved at first, and then a helpless look appeared on his face.

"It's really hard to practice the rules of space." In ten years, murongyu has mastered the secret of Zaixi in theory, but he still can't get started.However, Murong Yu is not worried. The two rules of space and time are one of the most powerful. Similarly, they are extremely difficult to cultivate. It's not like other words, such as Dou Zi Jue, Bing Zi Jue and so on.

Although Bing Zi Jue and Dou Zi Jue are also supreme, it is not difficult to use Murong Yu's intelligence and savvy. However, in terms of word formula and space rules, it is at least 100 times or more difficult to cultivate soldier word formula and fight word formula.

Moreover, the most important thing is that murongyu knows nothing about the rules of space, and he has no one to give him any advice. Everything depends on his own groping.

As for heilian? He's not going to direct anything. After all, heilian is not a man with rich cultivation, and his spiritual consciousness is still very weak.

"Heilian, cast a space shield again." Murong Yu is helpless and says to heilian in his heart.

Before murongyu's voice fell, the space around him began to ripple, and then disappeared. The space around murongyu can't see any difference.

It's like nothing ever happened.

But Murong Yu does not think that not seeing does not mean not having. But he knew that a space shield had enveloped him all around him.

If there is power to kill murongyu at this time, it will be blocked by these shields. And the attacked space shield will also ripple layer upon layer, just like it was in Wonderland.

"Space, what is space? Space is everything except the tangible. The world is a huge space. Even if a substance is like a person, there is space in them, just like soul space and elixir space, but any space is called space. "

"Space is everywhere. Everything is in space. "

Murong Yu said to himself and said his understanding of space: "in space, all materials should be restricted by space. And this kind of restriction is called space power, space rule. No one who does not follow the rules of space can survive. "

As in the mortal world, the mountains above the earth can never exceed a height. Even the highest mountain is incomparable with the high mountains of fairyland.

This is the space rule of the mortal world.

If you control the rules of space, you can change the way these things exist, the way things exist. It can be created or destroyed by the power of space.

"If you want to control the power of space, you must integrate into the space and become a part of it."

Thinking of this, murongyu's eyes suddenly burst out a bright light. He seemed to understand something, but when he wanted to grasp it, he couldn't grasp it.

Murongyu closed his eyes again, reached out his hands and resisted the invisible space shield imposed by heilian on his body surface.

Space is clearly invisible, but the space shield actually exists.

Invisible, tangible. It doesn't exist, but it really exists. If you want to integrate into the space, you have to transform yourself from tangible to intangible. If you want to use the power of space, you have to transform them from intangible to tangible... Murong Yu repeatedly said this sentence in his heart, and gradually, Murong Yu had a little feeling in his mind.

And Murong Yu also seized the opportunity to quickly grasp this feeling, began a more thorough understanding.

At this time, if someone is next to Murong Yu, you can see that Murong Yu's body is gradually becoming transparent... This is not that Murong Yu is really becoming transparent.

However, some parts of murongyu's body are gradually integrated into the space, and gradually integrated with the space.

As time goes by, murongyu's body becomes more and more transparent. Finally, I don't know how long it took for murongyu to disappear completely.

However, if someone can see murongyu, he is still sitting in the same place, even his posture has not changed.

Is murongyu completely transparent? Or is he invisible?

In fact, murongyu's body is still the same as before, without any change, and even without invisibility. The reason why he disappeared is that he has been integrated into the space.

Just like a person from the light gradually into the dark, when the endless darkness all submerged, that person, naturally like disappeared. But actually, that person still exists in space.

The truth is the same.

At the moment, Murong Yu finally grasped his own feeling and formally understood the rules of space. Of course, it's only a little bit, and it's very simple."So it is, so it is. Ha ha... "Murongyu burst out laughing. With the sound of his laughter, his figure appeared again.

Murongyu laughed wildly and slowly raised his right hand. Then he applied the insights he just got to his right hand.

So murongyu's right hand, under his gaze, began to slowly disappear in his sight. But he felt that his hand had not changed and still existed.

"That's the rule of space, the power of space! Ha ha Murong Yu laughs again, because he finally understands the rules of space, although it's only a little bit, and even can't reach the entry level.