As the leader of Shengzong, he Yu has been doing his best to manage Shengzong, trying to make Shengzong more powerful and dare not have any different ideas.

But murongyu's words seem to be dissatisfied with Shengzong.

This not only made he yu feel uneasy, but if he was not satisfied with this great God, it would be really bad.

"Grandmaster, Shengzong has really developed well. I can guarantee that! However, I don't know what's wrong with you, grandmaster? As for these people, I really don't know. Is there such a person in Shengzong? " He Yu carefully said what he had brewed out, for fear that the God would be angry.


Murong Yu couldn't help but snort, which made he yu feel more heavy. Looking at murongyu's face, there must be such people in Shengzong. It's just, why didn't he find out?

"Grandmaster, maybe there are such people in Shengzong. As long as you give me a certain time, I will find them out and punish them severely!" He Yu was also a little annoyed.

"No more." Murongyu said with a gloomy face.

He Yu looks at Murong Yu with a puzzled look on his face.

"I already know who they are." At the same time, Murong Yu points out to He Yu. At the same time, a ray of light went directly into He Yu's body.

At the same time, all kinds of information appeared in He Yu's memory, which even included dozens of Shengzong people.

"Gather all these people and go to the temple." Murong Yu said in a deep voice.

"Grandmaster, do you think these people are the kind of people who rely on the sects to act recklessly? But as far as I know, they are dedicated to sainthood. They can't be like that. " He Yu's face was puzzled.

Murongyu's face was gloomy: "he Yu, are you doubting me? Don't believe me? "

The cold sweat on He Yu's face came down immediately, and he said: "I dare not! I'll go now. " At the same time, he Yu left the temple.

He really did not dare to doubt murongyu's words, and he would not doubt it. The reason for the refutation is that it is just a natural reaction.

In murongyu's position, no matter what he said, no one in the whole Shengzong would doubt what he said.

Gao Zhi is an elder of Shengzong. His strength is very good. He is a half step immortal! At this time, he was walking towards the temple with a gloomy face.

Because before, he was preparing to take the last step in his cultivation. He lifted the clouds and soared to the fairyland as soon as possible. But he Yu woke him up. And asked him to go to the temple.

He did not dare to disobey the words of the Lord. On the surface, of course, it has to be. But his heart is very uncomfortable.

However, just after he came outside the temple, he saw that some other people also moved in succession. Among them, there are half step immortals with the same strength as him, and there are also people who are only in the period of transformation, or even only in the period of plunder.

These people have different identities. Some of them are Dharma protectors of Shengzong, some of them are elders like Gaozhi, some of them are ordinary disciples.

"What did the Lord call us here for?" A Dharma protector asked with a frown. In Shengzong, if there were no major events, they would not enter the temple.

After all, the temple is the supreme place in the holy sect, and only the Lord is qualified to be in it. And every time we discuss business in the temple, something big happens or something big will happen.

Gao Zhi looked at these people with a gloomy face. Among dozens of people, most of them didn't know each other. But there are a few people

When he saw these people, Gao Zhi's face became more gloomy. In the heart is rises a bad feeling.

"Gao Zhi, did the temple summon us this time to find out something about us?" It was the Dharma protector named Liu Nan who passed the message to Gao Zhi. His strength has reached the level of half step Immortal Emperor.

"Don't talk nonsense. We are very strict. No one can find them. As long as we don't recognize it, the Lord can't help us Gao Zhi said in a deep voice.

Liu Nan nodded and entered the temple at the same time as the others.

However, when they entered the temple, they were shocked to see that their Lord he Yu was standing on one side of the hall, looking respectful.

And it represented the supreme position of Shengzong. At this time, there was a young man in black with a gloomy face.

"See you, grandmaster!"

After seeing murongyu, everyone was stunned, and even some people didn't react. However, Gao Zhi and others reacted for the first time, so they immediately saluted."Do you know sin?" Murongyu looks at the crowd with a gloomy face. I didn't seem to see the general salute to them.

Everyone bowed his head and did not dare to face Murong Yu. No one dares to speak.

Seeing this scene, he Yu's face became gloomy.

There must be a ghost in everyone's heart.

Hearing Murong Yu's words, Gao Zhixin suddenly sank, and the secret way was not good. But as an old fox, he believed that their affairs were flawless.

Even if murongyu is the Grandmaster of Shengzong, he can't know. Therefore, he soon calmed down, pretended to be puzzled and looked up at murongyu.

"Grandmaster, I don't know what you mean. There is no sinner in our holy religion. And we are dedicated to the sake of Shengzong Gao Zhi said with an awe inspiring face.

Seeing Gao Zhi's dignified appearance, Liu Nan couldn't help but despise him. However, he is a little admire this guy, the cheek is really not generally thick.

If he had not known about Gao Zhi's activities, he would have thought that what Gao Zhi said was true.

Seeing Gao Zhi's performance, Murong Yu couldn't help sneering. If he had not seen that Gao Zhi was a villain, he would have believed that Gao Zhi would not have any dark business.

However, in murongyu's eyes, Gao Zhi's halo is the darkest, absolutely more than 100 stars!

A big villain, full of good words, praise himself? Mark yourself as a good person? Gao Zhi's performance makes Murong Yu very disgusted.

However, Murong Yu didn't show it immediately, just looking at Gao Zhi lightly.

"Gao Zhi, are you really a good person in your own words?" Murongyu looks at Gao Zhi with a gloomy face.

Gao Zhi felt a pause in his heart. But he still firmly believes that his work is well done and no one knows. So he said with a firm face: "yes, what I said is right."

Murongyu nodded and looked at other people.

"Do any of you think you are evil? Or, you're not guilty? "

People were very worried. But seeing Gao Zhi's appearance, they also believe in their own affairs. Murong Yu will not know. So, one by one with a firm look, they all said they were good people.

Murongyu nodded and a smile appeared on his face: "good. You all think you are good people. It's not a villain, it's not a sin! "

There were smiles on everyone's faces, as if they all agreed with what murongyu said.

"Just, do you think I'm calling you here to say you're good people? You think I have nothing to do, don't you? It's all right. I'd like to call you here and talk about your ideal of life. " Murongyu's voice suddenly cooled down, and his face was covered with frost, and endless murders sprang out.

"You are the villains of Shengzong! Your sinfulness is beyond my endurance! I told you to come here because you are guilty! "

"Don't think your work is so good and secret. If it were not for me, I'm afraid the whole world would not know about your evil deeds. However, you met me, in front of me, how much weight you have, I see clearly. Gao Zhi, am I right? "

Gao Zhi's face was frightened, but he still pretended to be wronged.

"Gao Zhi, I have nothing to hide from you! Now I'll give you a chance to explain the evil you have done. I can handle it leniently, otherwise you know the consequences very well. "

"Grandmaster, I'm not guilty. How can I explain? Grandmaster, if you frame me up again and again, even if you are grandmaster, the terrible disciples will be disrespectful to you. " Gao Zhi said in a deep voice with sullen face.

"Gao Zhi, you are bold!" Gao Zhi's voice hasn't fallen yet, and Murong Yu hasn't made any response, but he Yu next to him has a big drink.

Gao Zhi's words are just disrespectful to murongyu, the grandmaster. It's something he can't stand.

"It's interesting that you've done something wrong and said that I framed you. In that case, let's see your evil deeds! " At the same time, Murong Yu's big hand comes out and grabs Gao Zhi fiercely.

There is a flash of anger on Gao Zhi's face. Just as he wants to scold and resist, he is caught by Murong Yu. At the same time, Murong Yu's huge mind directly entered Gao Zhi's body and read Gao Zhi's memory directly.

At the same time, scenes are constantly appearing in the temple. These portraits are memories of Gao Zhi.This is what murongyu did on purpose. When he read the high intelligence memory, he used the magic power to manifest his memory.

"Wow, the zhongzhoumen was destroyed by elder Gao Zhi. I'll tell you how tens of thousands of people in Zhongzhou were killed overnight. It's the hand of elder Gao Zhi. But isn't that cruel? He just fell in love with the wife of Zhongzhou sect leader, and the other party vowed not to obey, so he slaughtered the whole sect of the other party? "

"Eh, elder Gao Zhi has his own power outside! How could they steal resources from the sects and cultivate their own power? "

"Elder Gao Zhi has hundreds of women? He is usually not feminine in Shengzong. He robbed these hundreds of women! "
