Chapter 468

"No!" Hearing the comments of the emperors, the emperor of Zhou immediately interrupted.

Looking at the emperor's puzzled eyes, Zhou Huang immediately said: "don't forget, there may be a big power behind that boy!"

Hearing that there was a big influence behind Ye Hao, people's faces suddenly changed.

Looking at the public's worried appearance, Zhou Huang immediately comforted with a smile: "of course, it's only possible. Maybe there is no power behind the boy!"

The crowd was a little relieved at the moment.

But at the thought of Ye Hao's dragon throne, it is estimated that Ye Hao is not a powerful person, and the opportunity is very slim!

"So we should be careful. We have not investigated the matter of the dragon throne. We must not disclose it until we have to."

"What Zhou Huang said is true!"

The emperors quickly agreed with the words of the Zhou emperor.

"I don't trust that Emperor Wu will send someone else to do it. I'll send you to do it!" The emperor of Zhou immediately pulled Wu Huang aside and whispered. Wu Huang immediately flew away.

The emperors looked at the emperor of Zhou with a puzzled face and didn't understand what the emperor of Zhou had done.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it would be a great shame for me to return to China now."

"Zhou Huangna, what do you say we should do now? We all listen to you."

People immediately looked at the emperor of Zhou.

Because even if the emperor of Zhou did not say it, they would not have the face to go back to China, otherwise they would not have stood here.

"Let's go to xiaotianmeng!" The king of Zhou thought for a moment, and his eyes revealed Jingguang.


Hearing the words of Zhou Huang, people's faces changed again.

Because xiaotianmeng is not another camp, but their hostile camp!

Now let them go into the enemy camp alone. Isn't that asking for trouble and falling into the trap?

"Hum, isn't that yellow mouthed child very arrogant?" Wu Huang snorted coldly: "since he doesn't need us, I believe the little alliance of heaven absolutely needs us!"

"At that time, we will join hands with xiaotianmeng to see how long it can last!"

After hearing Zhou Huang's words, they nodded.

"The emperor of Zhou is right. I don't believe that his great grandson's Dynasty and fire's Dynasty can equal our 19 dynasties!" The eyes of the Song Emperor are shining.

When I think of Ye Hao, I think of the picture that he was thrown out by Ye Hao in public, which is a great shame to me.

At the moment, he wanted to throw Ye Hao out.

"But will the alliance want us?" An emperor asked uncertainly.

Zhou Huang sneered: "as long as xiaotianmeng is not stupid, it will definitely agree!"

"Let's go!" The emperor of Zhou was in a good mood at the moment, and immediately took all the emperors to the camp of the little alliance of heaven.


"How's it going?" Fire emperor anxiously looked at Sun Huang!

Sun Huang's face was a little ugly: "I think they are going in the direction of xiaotianmeng!"

"What?" The fire emperor's face changed.

They are not stupid. Naturally, they know what the emperors and others want to do when they go to xiaotianmeng!

"Shall we report to the Lord?" Looking at the top of the mountain, Ye Hao, who was still refining pills, asked sun Huang.

"Go, it's a big deal!" The emperor of fire has given up.

Because if the emperors are really allowed to take refuge in the Little League of heaven, then they are really finished.

Originally, using two imperial dynasties to fight against ten imperial dynasties made them feel powerless.

If this is against the nineteen emperors, will they survive.

"Lord." The emperor of fire and the emperor of sun were so frightened that they interrupted Ye Hao's Alchemy!

"Do you want to say that those wastes have gone to the Little League of heaven?" Ye Hao raised his head and said with a smile.

Fire emperor and sun emperor show one Leng clearly, different Tongsheng way: "Lord, how do you know?"

You know, they have been guarding at the foot of the mountain. Ye Hao has never left the mountain, and no one has ever come in.

They don't understand how Ye Hao knows.

And it seems that Ye Hao has no anxiety on his face!

"Does the Lord really want to abandon our emperor?" Fire emperor and sun emperor are not sure about Tao.

"Don't worry, your forces are all my people. I won't hurt them or give them up!"

"I dare not!"

Hearing Ye Hao's words, they were surprised. They didn't expect that Ye Hao could see through their mind.

But with Ye Hao's words, they let go of their heart.

Although he has now taken refuge in Ye Hao.

But their own royal people, they also have feelings, it is impossible to have the heart to see them abandoned.

"Lord, what shall we do next?" Fire emperor or don't trust of inquiry ask a way!

"Wait!" Ye Hao said a word again!

Wait? Still waiting? Can we wait for tianmeng to get home?

Although they think so, they dare not ask.

You should know that the first round of the contest in the grand ceremony of the world is the ten camps, each of which sends troops to guard its own territory, or to capture local territory.

Of course, this is not in reality, when there will be a secret!

Secret territory will simulate the national and territorial forces of the two camps!

If which side is defeated, it will lose a lot of dragon power and territory in reality at any time!

The winner will gain a lot of dragon power and the territory of the loser.

And in a secret place, it won't hurt people's lives!

Of course, there used to be people who didn't follow the rules.

Lost in secret! But in reality, I don't want to hand over the territory!

It's going to be a terrible end,

Because if we lose in the secret place, the country's dragon power will be greatly damaged, the people's will be lax, and the country's internal shock will be unbearable, which will lead to fragmentation.

Until the end, he was completely eaten by others, survived, and was directly destroyed.

If these 19 national forces unite to fight against two national forces, isn't that the end of abuse!

But seeing Ye Hao's confident face, they really don't understand where Ye Hao's courage comes from.

Ye Hao took a look at the sky and put away the red stove, because it was almost time.

"Our soldiers, are you ready?" Ye Hao asked the emperor of fire and the emperor of sun.

"Ready!" Huo Huang and Zhou Huang nodded together.

This grand ceremony of all nations is a great event. Even if the soldiers don't need Ye Hao's orders, they have already been ready in advance.

"Ready to go!" Ye Hao said.

Ye Hao led huohuang and others to fly dozens of kilometers, and then you can see a golden gate with the flavor of ancient vicissitudes.

The golden gate is shining with golden light, but it is still closed at the moment!

At the moment, there are thousands of golden gates in the world.

In front of each gate stood people in yellow robes.

It can be said that those who stand in front of the golden gate are all kings in charge of a country.

At the moment, Ye Hao saw the three big characters of the fire Dynasty written on the golden gate, and the row of names behind it was gray at the moment!

It shows that these countries have abstained.

After these gray names, there are a row of red dazzling names.