Chapter 441

In order not to destroy tens of thousands of foundation and his own blood, Emperor Zongshen had no choice but to promise to use it to seek a safe haven!

? Originally every time will be seconds back to pass notes, but this time it was waiting for a long time, no reaction.

"Crackling!" All of a sudden, the hand notes, came the sound of fragmentation, in the blink of an eye, notes have become a few pieces.

Seeing the broken notes in his hand, the emperor Zongshen's face turned black in an instant.

Because at this time the notes are broken, there is only one possibility, that is, the opposite side actively cuts off the connection between the two sides.

Emperor Zongshen was not reconciled, and took out a few notes, but the result was the same.

In the end, Zongshen emperor had to give up, because all the forces he contacted were relatively big forces. These forces all made such moves. Needless to say, other small alliances.

The emperor of Zongshen had no idea that these alliances had made all kinds of promises and wanted to join them.

At this time, he was just in trouble. He asked for help, but he regarded himself as the God of pestilence and quickly got rid of the relationship.

"How is Laozu?" Seeing Zongshen emperor's bad face, Zongsheng emperor hesitated and asked.

"Choose some of the disciples of the lineage and some of the highly gifted ones and send them out secretly!"

In the view of emperor Zongshen, no matter what happened, his blood can never be broken.

When people heard the words of emperor Zongshen, they knew that emperor Zongshen had made the final plan.

"Yes Emperor Zongsheng responded immediately that he had already finished the preparation!

"Let the whole country break up, and if you can escape, you can escape." Emperor Zongshen sighed.

"We are willing to live and die together with our ancestors!" Zongsheng emperor, including all the people, immediately red eyes yelled.

"Let's go! This is my last order. If you can escape, you can escape. If you can escape, remember to be anonymous. Don't think about revenge! "

Zongsheng shrieked, but with a sad face he waved his hand.

Because he knew that the alliance of four evil spirits was powerful, and compared with the holy Kingdom, it was even worse to strike a stone with an egg.

Because the four evil spirits alliance is too powerful, Zongsheng Kingdom has absolutely no power to fight back in front of it.

Stay here now, but die for nothing!

"Please come and run away with me!" People's faces were full of reluctant, and their eyes were ruddy.

"Their target is me. If I escape, none of you will escape!" Emperor Zongshen sighed.

Zong Shengchao had a large population. All of them fled. Maybe they could escape.

Moreover, the lineage and the gifted people can also escape.

But he knew that the four evil spirits would never let anyone escape.

Moreover, the power of the four evil spirits alliance is all over the world, and it is impossible for them to escape.

And even if he ran away, it was estimated that the four evil spirits alliance could be easily found.

Because if you run away, it will be the face of Sisha Shenmeng. Sisha Shenmeng will be laughed at by the whole world.

"Laozu!" All of a sudden, under the leadership of emperor Zongsheng, all of them fell to their knees in a sad voice!

"Let's go!" Emperor Zongshen waved his hand and didn't want to see everyone.

"Take care, Laozu!"


On the day of the news from Sisha God League.

The whole Zongsheng Dynasty directly chose to collapse!

In the whole holy Dynasty, there are billions of people, all of whom should flee and go.

It seems that everyone wants to leave this land of right and wrong.

Moreover, on that day, all the places that lived in the holy Dynasty were already in rebellion, and all the powerful generals began to seek hegemony!

All over the place, this situation has lasted for more than 20 days. On the contrary, the rebels are fighting more and more fiercely!

But Zongshen emperor has no news at all!

Similarly, the royal family of the holy kingdom had fled completely, but the four evil spirits alliance still had no response.

However, there is no doubt that the four evil spirits alliance has not yet taken action, and the holy Kingdom has already existed in name.

At this time, the Imperial City, which could hold nearly 100 million people, had lost its former prosperity and was in a state of disrepair.

At this time, there was a man sitting on the gate of the Imperial City, who was the emperor Zongshen!

"No way. Martial arts practice is against the heaven. I can't accept my fate like this!" The emperor Zongshen, who had lost his fighting spirit and wanted to obey fate, suddenly seemed to understand.

Looking at the prosperous imperial dynasty, the emperor of Zongshen could not help but blame himself. At the same time, he was full of hatred for Sisha God alliance.

He and the four evil spirit alliance have no injustice and no hatred, but the four evil spirit alliance is so cruel that he can't bear it.

However, his strength is too low to kill the four evil spirits alliance and get justice back.

"No, I want to escape, I want to live!"

Although at this time escape, but at least there is a chance to live.

And if God gives him a chance, he must kill Sisha Shenmeng

Anyway, it's better than waiting here to die.

It's up to me, not God!

Why should the four evil spirits let themselves lose their fighting spirit and wait here to die.

Suddenly want to understand, the emperor changed his decadence!

Emperor Zongshen identified a direction: "the west, the region is low grade, and full of dangerous places!"

In the view of emperor Zongshen, the more dangerous the place is, the safer it is.

And dangerous places represent opportunities.

Now I want to get revenge with Sisha God League as soon as possible. Only by chance can I grow up.

Emperor Zongshen was not in a hurry to leave.

Because he understood that the four evil spirits would never have no one to look at him.

So he must solve these eyeliner.

"Si Sha Shen Meng can't help looking at me!" Emperor Zongshen's divine sense swept away, but he sneered.

Because there seems to be no one in the imperial city. If you look carefully, there are thousands of people in ambush!

"Si Sha Shen Meng, I will give you a small gift." Emperor Zongshen suddenly rose to the sky and sent his palm to the bottom!

Suddenly, thousands of figures flew out of the imperial court.

These figures, at least, are at the level of Emperor Wu, and even a lot of people are at the level of sage Wu.

But it was too late for those who rushed out, because the emperor Zongshen's attack had fallen.

In an instant, thousands of people didn't even have the chance to react. They were destroyed with the imperial city.

The emperor Zongshen took advantage of the fact that the four evil spirits didn't react and fled here immediately!

At this time, all the people in the four evil spirits League had received the news!

"Alliance leader, the emperor of Zongshen is shameless. Do you want to send someone to kill him in advance?" Xisha asked.

"Don't worry. I've got a promise from the four evil spirits. There are still a few days left for us to get up!" Dongsha God shook his head.

"Suzerain, our people have mastered all the lineage of the emperor and the refuge places of all the people you ordered." See east evil spirit is not anxious to move, West evil spirit is not anxious, continue to say.

"Well done, we'll get rid of it in one fell swoop!" Dongsha touched the long white beard and praised.