"Well? Oh, he said that he was on credit... "Dean Ding was suddenly asked. He frowned and thought for a while before he said," I remember that was many years ago. At that time, I was only vice president. "

"So long?" He Mulan saw Dean Ding at the beginning. Every time she talked, she had to think for a while. She thought he had a bad memory, but she soon found that she was wrong.

"Yes." Dean Ding nodded and looked at he Mulan with clear eyes. "I'm sure it was about 17 years ago. At that time, Xu Zhen was sent to our hospital for rescue, but after Yu Zhe sent the man, he disappeared."

"Gone?" He Mulan was shocked, "what does this mean?"

"After Xu Zhen's rescue operation, there should have been follow-up treatment, but Yu Zhe, who sent her, suddenly evaporated, and no one could be found anywhere." Dean Ding responded, and then sighed deeply, with endless helplessness in her voice, "no way, we can't watch Xu Zhen die like this, we can only use some treatment methods to protect her."

He Mulan was clear about the cost of medicine. Naturally, the hospital couldn't help a patient. After all, Xu Zhen was not the only one who needed medicine. Therefore, he was awed that the hospital was willing to treat Xu Zhen first.

"So what was Xu Zhen's disease at that time?" Feng Anyan's heart is the same as he Mulan's. seeing he Mulan's low expression, she knows what she is thinking. She holds her hand in her heart and asks Dean Ding.

"She's not sick. She's seriously injured." The dean said with certainty, and then told the story of how Xu Zhengang was sent. "When she was sent, she was covered with blood scars, and her head seemed to have been hit by heavy objects. We were busy saving people, and we didn't ask Yu Zhe how she was injured, but according to Yu Zhe's style, I doubt whether he caused trouble."

"This kind of injury must have been beaten. Who did it? How cruel He Mulan clenched Feng Anyan's hand tightly, and even her heart was shaking. What did a weak woman suffer so much?

Up to now, he Mulan can't believe what Yu Zhe did to Xu Zhen to kill her. If Yu Zhe could really do so much, would he still be worthy?

"So Xu Zhen didn't survive in the end?" Feng Anyan embraces he Mulan in his arms and asks again.

Dean Ding nodded melancholy: "she was so hurt that she died soon. We have no choice. After her death, she was put in the morgue of the hospital for a long time. After a long time, Yu zhecai reappeared in the hospital and claimed the body. However, he didn't settle the money. We think he didn't embarrass him much when he lost his wife. "

"Didn't Yu Zhe say where he went during this time?" He Mulan asked strangely.

"Where did you gamble again?" The dean said contemptuously that he didn't care about Yu Zhe's whereabouts. "His salary is very low. If he got a little money, he would go gambling and drinking. If his daughter hadn't been sensible enough to run the house early, he would have died long ago."

Hearing Dean Ding mention Yu panning, he Mulan is worried. When he grows up without food and clothing and under the protection of his parents, Yu panning's tender shoulders have already shouldered the heavy responsibility of the family.

"Dean, thank you for telling us this. We are friends of Yu panning, Yu Zhe's daughter. We came to get Xu Zhen's medical record for her." After three people were silent for a while, Feng Anyan broke the silence.

Dean Ding nodded. To Feng Anyan's surprise, he didn't refuse: "since it's her, I'll give it to you. Except for us doctors, Xu Zhen's medical record hasn't even been seen by herself, and there's no family to come to see... Come and get it with me later."

He Mulan and Feng Anyan look at each other, and both of them are pleasantly surprised. This is due to Yu Zhe's disgusting style, which makes people in the hospital feel pity for Xu Zhen, so that they can get Xu Zhen's medical records so easily.

Two people go outside, there are still many patients in the corridor, it seems that they never stop. Soon got the medical record, he Mulan and Feng Anyan were relieved.

Farewell to the president, is he Mulan and Feng Anyan go forward, ready to leave, but suddenly saw a familiar person.

"Anyan." He Mulan pulled Feng Anyan's sleeve and pointed warily to a place where there was a small figure, "is that person very familiar?"

Feng Anyan, hearing the speech, also stopped, squinted at the place he Mulan pointed to, nodded, and said calmly: "it's the person who wants the debt."

That's right. The people they saw were the leaders of the debtors they met at Yu Zhe's residence, named brother Hu. At this time, his arm wrapped with gauze, a face of anger, it seems to be a loss.Seems to feel the two people's eyes, tiger's little eyes turned, and soon saw he Mulan.

As soon as his eyes brightened, he immediately came up attentively: "Feng San Shao? How did you come here? "

"I want to ask you something else." Feng an Yan quietly retreated for a while, let oneself leave tiger elder brother far some.

When brother Hu heard Feng Anyan ask himself, he immediately said with a bitter face: "San Shao, you know, our line of work is hard, and all we take is hard-earned money. No, when we ask for debt, we have a hard stubble, and we are injured."

"You deserve it!" He Mulan said with a sneer, "what he did was not a aboveboard thing."

"You can't say that, Granny Feng." Tiger brother quickly put a good hand and said, "it's natural to pay off debts! He Yu Zhe knew that he had to borrow money from usury. That was Zhou Yu's attempt to beat Huang Gai, one willing to beat the other willing to suffer! Don't you have to be beaten when you don't pay back the money you owe? "

"You've got one more set." He Mulan is very speechless, "even if you ask Yu Zhe for debt, don't you just go to him? What are you doing to embarrass Du Haoran? "

"We don't want to either. Don't we have to do the work?" Tiger brother sighed.

After a peaceful exchange, he Mulan found that tiger brother was not so annoying at first. It seemed that he pretended to be fierce when he asked for debts.

"How can you see a doctor in this hospital?" Feng Anyan frowned and asked, "isn't there a better county hospital?"

He Mulan also nodded, Yu Zhe is living in the hospital, the level of facilities are above.

"The hospital you mentioned, my wallet will be flat once I go to it." Brother Hu said helplessly. Then he looked around and said in a low voice, "besides, the boss of that hospital has a grudge against my boss. We dare not go to his territory."

He Mulan suddenly felt strange, such a small county, actually also divided the site, then quickly asked: "site? what do you mean? Make it clear. "

"Ah... All right, all right." Don't want to say these things, and was forced by Feng Anyan's eyes, tiger brother had to harden his head and said, "our boss has an agreement with the boss of the hospital."