Just about to eat, he Mulan seems to feel a little uncomfortable. But just after dinner, he went out. He Mulan thought it was impolite, so he didn't go and put up with it.

But she was still worried. She prayed all the time not to be what she imagined. After all, she was very clear about her problem of irregular menstruation, so that she didn't care what everyone was saying at dinner.

However, somehow, perhaps due to psychological effects, he Mulan always felt that the meal was very slow. They are chatting most of the time, watching them chatting, and not eating at all, they are really anxious.

Want to go to the toilet at the same time, she remembered that she seems to forget to bring a sanitary napkin, he Mulan regretfully bit her lip, feel really God is going to kill her.

He Mulan was on pins and needles, waiting for them to finish eating, so that he would not be embarrassed to leave at last. But the day is not from people's wishes, those people chatter has been continuing to chat.

The meal time, minutes and seconds passed, and there are still many dishes, he Mulan kept waiting for these people to say that they were tired to leave.

It's not easy for the reunion to end easily. It's not easy to wait until everyone has had a good time. He Mulan can't help breathing out a breath when he finally remembers that he is leaving.

However, just as he Mulan was about to leave at last, a female classmate who had been jealous of her suddenly said, "he Mulan, how do you feel so silent today? If you don't say anything, you don't eat much? And we're all leaving. Don't you get up and go? Do you want to wait for us or what? "

In fact, she was really confused. She liked to find he Mulan, but this time she just caught the chance.

He Mulan was glad to be able to leave at last, but he was so worried and crazy because he had always hated his classmate. But he didn't know how to answer. Should he say that his relatives had come? Stop teasing! So many students!

That female classmate looked at he Mulan and didn't answer. She thought he Mulan didn't pay attention to her, so she went to her side and pushed her deliberately.

At this time, he Mulan was pushed to the ground because he didn't pay attention. This kind of thing, she really never thought of.

Push her female classmate at this time, sharp eyed to see the blood on the stool, deliberately said aloud: so you are a relative! Why don't you go to the bathroom? "

That female classmate in order to attract everyone's attention, also deliberately said aloud.

When we heard this, we all looked at it. There was a real pool of blood on the stool. See people pointing, but also laugh at her.

He Mulan sat on the ground, only felt that time had stopped, embarrassed to death.

Although many students criticized the female classmate's behavior, and some people kindly borrowed he Mulan's sanitary napkin, because of this, he Mulan went home and cried for a whole day, until he Zhaoyuan found the other party's parents, and the classmate called to apologize.

Therefore, after he Mulan's joke that he didn't bring a sanitary napkin, he remembered his problem of inaccurate menstruation, and then vowed to take a sanitary napkin with him no matter what.

He Mulan tells Gu qingcu why he has sanitary napkins.

Gu qingcu was surprised after hearing this, but she also thought it was funny. Out of politeness, she didn't laugh, but she also recorded it in her mind.

Back to reality, Gu qingcu thought more puzzledly: "according to this, it is absolutely impossible for he Mulan to have no sanitary napkin. Is it just that he forgot to bring it? But at that time heard he Mulan finish firmly, should not? "

Gu qingcu feels more and more that there is something wrong with Mo Qingmian. It's too strange. He Mulan never had these things wrong in the past. What happened to her abroad?

At this time, Gu qingcu's mobile phone rings. It turns out that Mo Qingmian has come back and is asking where she is.

After dealing with their own embarrassment, they went back to the coffee shop together.

Gu qingcu looks at Mo Qingmian suspiciously, but he doesn't seem to notice anything. Something's wrong! If it is he Mulan, she will say that she just forgot to bring it today, because she knows that she has the habit of wearing sanitary napkins.

But why didn't he Mulan say anything? Unless... She didn't know she had this habit!

Gu qingcu is frightened by her own idea, but she doesn't say anything else. She just stares at Mo Qingmian on the opposite side, trying to find out more flaws to confirm her conjecture. Mo Qingmian thinks that Gu qingcu likes to see people and doesn't care.

Mo Qingmian is more if nothing happened, Gu qingcu is more suspicious, she looked for a while, don't open eyes.

"By the way, Mulan." Gu qingcu said suddenly."Well?" Mo Qingmian raised her head and looked at Gu qingcu, "what's the matter?"

"Last time you were abroad, I called you and asked you to help me tell Anyan. Did you say that?" Gu qingcu pretends to think of something and looks at Mo Qingmian seriously.

All fools can see that this is a lie made up. If it is true, he Mulan will look puzzled, because she has never received her own phone call. For a long time, they are not in touch with each other. Until Gu qingcu and he Zhaoyuan are together, they break the ice.

"Qingcu, are you confused? You didn't call me Mo Qingmian said with a smile and a natural look.

Although Mo Qingmian's answer is right, but Gu qingcu's heart is a click, suddenly feel bad.

She is too calm, like the right answer to answer the heart, no loss, no need to recall. She just made sure she didn't call her.

Gu qingcu understands that Mo Qingmian's reaction is to see through that he is testing her, so he answers a correct answer.

Does it mean that he Mulan's activities abroad are controlled by others, and those people find a person who looks like he Mulan and arrange a fake he Mulan to swap?

The more Gu qingcu looked at that face, the stranger he felt.

She has the same face as he Mulan. Is she really not he Mulan?!

"What's the matter with you, green frown?" Mo Qingmian looked at Gu qingcu's pale face, and the sweat on his face, and couldn't help asking.

"Ah... I..." Gu qingcu was incoherent for a while. If his idea was true, what kind of people were they getting along with during this period of time?

Where is the real hemulan? Have you

Rao is calm as Gu qingcu, also began to sweat, but she forced calm shaking her head, said: "I'm ok, just... Just some dysmenorrhea."

Fortunately, you can also use physical reasons to cover up their own abnormalities, Mo Qingmian has no doubt.

"Then we'd better hurry back, your body..." Mo Qingmian said anxiously.

Listen to Mo Qingmian worried words, Gu qingcu mixed feelings, although the tone is the same as he Mulan, but... Who are you?