The warmth of living in the quarry just finds the injured Feng Anyan. She wants to take Feng Anyan home for treatment, but finds that the way out has been sealed, and neither of them can leave.

Feng Anyan because of injury, don't want to drag warmth, just let her leave quickly. Because Feng Anyan knows that those people will not give up, warmth here will only be implicated.

But warmth is not willing to leave, not only to help Feng Anyan cheer up, but also to help him talk, don't let him sleep.

Sure enough, some people began to search for Feng Anyan's trace in the quarry, but under the warm protection, Feng Anyan was not found.

Warm familiar with the quarry, with Feng Anyan came to a small house, Feng Anyan also tried to inform his bodyguard, two people in the small house waiting for rescue.

During the period, in order not to let Feng Anyan sleep in the past, he talked with Feng Anyan tenderly, telling the story of himself, his father and his sister.

Feng Anyan also knew her name at that time. At that time, he didn't want to contact women because of his mother's affairs. But the warmth of his good, but let him for the first time can listen to her say so much, although still rarely respond to anything, also won't tell warmth any information of their own.

But warmth is still happy to continue to tell their own story, but also vigilant attention to the surrounding environment.

When she noticed that Feng Anyan's troubles were very troublesome, and it was very likely that she was not a small town girl, she still chose to protect Feng Anyan.

Fortunately, Feng Anyan's bodyguards also received the news and rushed to rescue Feng Anyan. Just when Feng Anyan and Wenqing thought that all this was coming to an end, Wenqing also invited Feng Anyan to heal her wounds. Later, they were guests at home.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the quarry.

Gu qingcu heard here, the heart suddenly pulled up, quickly asked: "then?"

"The location of the explosion was very close to the house where we were hiding. Even if it didn't explode near us, I could still feel the big air wave overturning us, and then I lost consciousness." Feng Anyan still clearly remembers the feeling at that time, "later I woke up in the hospital and saw the housekeeper in front of my bed."

"Haven't you thought about going to see the warmth?" Gu qingcu intuitively feels that the death of warmth may be related to the explosion.

Feng Anyan shook her head: "no, I only know that she is not dead. I thought the housekeeper had dealt with the rest. At that time, I still didn't want to take the initiative to contact women, so I didn't go to see her. "

"What happened to her?" Gu qingcu asked strangely.

"Everything else is warm." Feng Anyan sighed and said, "although the explosion didn't kill Wenqing, she inhaled too much smoke due to the explosion, and her trachea was damaged. When I left the hospital, it was when she was lying on the operating table."

"Warmth tells me that warmth itself has rhinitis. Unfortunately, the operation failed, leading to empty nose." Feng Anyan says here, already very sad.

"Empty nose?" Gu qingcu took a breath of cold air. She knew something about this disease.

Generally speaking, empty nose is a kind of disease caused by excessive removal of turbinate.

Although it sounds like nothing, most patients with empty nose look very normal, but in fact, because of many complications and sequelae, it will make the patient's life worse than death.

The air they breathe in is like a knife. Although they are suffering, they will die without air. In order to survive, they can only endure pain. For us, breathing normally is like torture to them.

And some patients will have a sense of suffocation, and even lead to depression. They will be disappointed in life and struggle on the edge of life and death almost all the time.

I think it's also that kind of painful torture, it's very easy for a healthy normal person to turn into a disabled person who loses the ability to work in a moment. When they start to breathe hard, how can they do what they could easily do before?

"I didn't expect that she... She had such a terrible disease." Gu qingcu's hand tightened unconsciously. Such a serious illness was too cruel for the young warmth at that time.

"Yes, Wenqing told me that Wenqing could not bear the suffering of this disease. She committed suicide. " Feng Anyan's voice trembled, tears filled his eyes, and his face was full of regret.

Gu Qing Cu is stunned, then just understand why Feng an Yan can send nerve hammer wall.

The death of tenderness is closely related to him. If she doesn't choose to protect him, maybe she will have the best life.

Instead of passing away after suffering"You don't blame yourself..." Gu qingcu didn't know how to comfort Feng Anyan. He murmured for a long time.

"You don't have to comfort me. I can't shirk my responsibility for this." Feng Anyan clenched his fist and said, "you comfort me, it will only make me feel more like a jerk."

Gu qingcu pursed her mouth, probably understood why Feng Anyan cared so much about warmth.

"This time I see warm, in fact, I want to ask about the cause of death of warm, but warm has been turning a blind eye to my insinuation, I guess it will be because of warm death related to me." Feng Anyan continued, this time his tone is not like narration, but like venting, "I went to ask the housekeeper, and then the housekeeper told me that she was doing the operation."

"I find warmth and ask directly. Warmth tells me how warmth died." Feng Anyan thought of warm expression at that time, can't forgive himself.

Warm asked why he did not come to see his sister, but also said that sometimes when warmth is particularly painful, he would talk with warm Feng Anyan.

She said that it was the first time for her to meet Feng Anyan. She didn't match the whole town, but she was so attractive.

"My sister said that you are like a sharp and bright crystal." That's the warm words.

But he, who was described as a bright crystal by him, never came to see her at her most painful time.

Gu qingcu can only sigh, but he doesn't know how to comfort Feng Anyan who is about to collapse.

Obviously, Feng Anyan's mood has been choked for a long time before she confides to herself and says so many words.

But maybe what he wants is not comfort, just to tell Gu qingcu about it and pour out his inner pain.

But although Gu qingcu was moved by the warm story, he still doubted the warmth.

In principle, if Wenwen already knows that fenganyan was the one who indirectly led to her sister's death, why can she come back and stay with fenganyan as if nothing had happened?

Warmth is really a good girl, but warmth is not warmth, even if they look like no longer a person.

Gu qingcu is a very rational woman, will not because of feelings about their own thinking, so she did not because of the warmth of the story and dispel doubts about warmth. On the contrary, she felt more and more warm and had reason to approach Feng Anyan with purpose.

"Is warm and tender feeling good?" Gu Qing Cu saw Feng an Yan's mood subsided a few, then open mouth to ask a way.