Duan Shengping's departure caught the whole Gu staff off guard. They not only took away some equipment from the laboratory, but also took away the experimental reports. Knowing this, Gu Qing almost went mad.

"Go away, and steal so many things like a thief!" Gu qingcu walked up and down in his office, cursing as he walked. He was so scared that the Secretary standing on one side didn't dare to go out.

"Well, don't be angry, cousin. I have some accessories they handed in before, and the experimental equipment can be purchased again." Gu Si opens his mouth to persuade Gu qingcu.

"That's true, but now where can we find a research team that can take over immediately?" Gu qingcu turned to Gu Si and said, "we need to keep up with the follow-up research and development at once, otherwise the work content in the plan will not be completed, and the board of directors should trouble us again."

Gu Si also knows what Gu qingcu is worried about, but now it's impossible to find a scientific research team that can compete with Duan Shengping's team.

"Don't worry, cousin. I'm already looking for it." Gu Si can only comfort.

Gu qingcu sighed deeply, then turned his head and said, "are all the people in their team gone? Not one left? "

"Well." Gu Si nodded carefully and said.

Gu Qing Cu bit his lower lip and said hatefully, "you're cruel. Go ahead and do your own work."

With that, Gu qingcu went back to his seat and entered the working state.

The Secretary and Gu look at each other in all directions. Finally, they silently turn around and leave Gu qingcu's office. The office is quiet. However, before Gu qingcu is quiet for a while, the door of her office is knocked again.

"Come in!" Gu qingcu said impatiently.

The door was opened and a man came in. Gu qingcu looked at him for a while and recognized who he was.

"Manager Chen, why are you here?" Gu qingcu asked strangely.

"Well, we heard that Duan Shengping left with his team?" Manager Chen asked carefully.

"Yes." Gu qingcu readily admitted it, "but you don't have to worry about it. It won't affect us. There are plenty of good scientific research teams. We can't do without them."

Manager Chen slightly embarrassed to continue to say: "Mr. Gu, of course I believe what you say, but now the company's internal rumors, many people are very scared."

"I understand everyone's fear. I'll have a meeting to talk about it again." Gu qingcu comforts manager Chen with a smile.

Strange to say, originally manager Chen came to inquire about it with a worried mood, but Gu qingcu calmed him down, and he didn't seem so nervous.

"It's hard for you, Mr. Gu. I'm here to ask about it on behalf of you." Manager Chen rubbed his hands and said.

"It doesn't matter. Go and let me know. There will be a high-level meeting at three o'clock this afternoon. I hope you can attend it." Gu qingcu stares at manager Chen and says.

Manager Chen nodded and turned out of Gu qingcu's office. The moment he opened the door, Gu qingcu saw his secretary standing at the door in a panic. He sighed and said, "come in, don't stand at the door."

"Mr. Gu, the board of directors wants you to have a meeting." The secretary looked at Gu qingcu and said.

Gu qingcu had expected this for a long time. Those on the board of directors still value Duan Shengping very much. The team he leads is excellent and everyone in the industry is eager for the gold medal team. Now they leave suddenly, they must give an account.

"I'll be right there." Gu qingcu then stood up and asked, "where's Xiao Si?"

"The fourth young master has passed." The Secretary replied.

Gu qingcu nodded, arranged his appearance, and went to the board room.

In the conference room, Gu qingcu saw Gu Si sitting in a group of board members and being questioned. She hastened to the conference room.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Gu qingcu apologized and went to Gu Si's side and sat down.

"Mr. Gu, we have been waiting for you so long before you come." Seeing Gu qingcu, these people can't help but start to get angry.

With a polite smile on his face, Gu qingcu replied, "I'm sorry that I'm late because of something. I have a lot to deal with. I can't compare with you who are generous and fat every day."

"You The face of the man who just mocked Gu qingcu turned red and white, but because it was the board meeting, he just hummed and didn't speak.Naturally, other directors know that the board meeting is not a place where you come and I go to fight. It's still important now.

"Qingcu, we heard that Duan Shengping left with his team, isn't it true?" Asked one of the most senior directors.

"Yes." Gu qingcu still did not intend to hide, very simply replied, "although I do not want this thing to happen, but this thing is really true."

The other directors immediately began to talk: "Gu qingcu, don't you have an explanation?"

"How can Duan Shengping leave the company suddenly? He has been working for Gu for many years

"Where can we find a research team as good as their team?"

Gu qingcu listens to their discussion, only feels like a group of flies quarreling with his head.

"Well, don't talk yet." The director who just asked the question yelled, then turned to Gu qingcu and asked, "can I know what caused him to leave?"

"I suspect that Duan Shengping has an intention to do harm to our Gu family." Gu qingcu replied, "his behavior has been harming the interests of our group many times. I don't think it's any loss for us Gu to leave."

When Gu qingcu said this, other people's comments became louder. Most of them were saying that Gu qingcu was arbitrary, which was nothing. She could believe it, and even forced Duan Shengping away.

"I didn't force him away." Gu Qing frowned and retorted, "he left by himself."

"But now without Duan Shengping, what about our company's R & D?" The directors raised their doubts one after another, and the meeting room was filled with gunpowder.

"Duan Shengping and his team have always been responsible for the R & D of our company. Now how can we find someone to take over? I don't think Duan Shengping will come back and hand over his R & D results to the new team in a friendly way. " Just asked Gu Qing Cu words of that director, the facial expression is very bad of ask a way, obviously also start to anger.

"I can solve all this. Our group can't do without Duan Shengping." Gu Qing frowned and said impatiently, "besides, we have launched new products last time. At this stage, we don't have to hurry up."