Feng Anyan is very clear that he Zhaoyuan is giving himself a chance to be forgiven by he Mulan. As we all know, he Zhaoyuan loves he Mulan very much. How can he ignore the sad he Mulan because of his work? He said that in a disguised form, he urged himself to find he Mulan.

Feng Anyan didn't dare to neglect him either. He hung up the phone and stood up to go to he's home. Just at this time, the secretary came in with coffee. Looking at Feng Anyan who was leaving, he asked strangely, "Mr. Feng, where are you going?"

"The papers have been approved. On the table, drink the coffee yourself." Feng Anyan didn't answer directly and went out directly over the secretary.

Feng Anyan soon came to the underground parking lot, started his car and drove to he's house with a clear purpose.

He's family, he Mulan is making tea for himself in silence. It seems that only in this way can he calm down and let himself not think about the mess that happened during this period of time.

He Mulan is preparing to see a movie to relieve his boredom and divert his attention when he suddenly hears the doorbell.

He Mulan thinks he Zhaoyuan is back, so he gets up and plans to open the door for him Zhaoyuan. But when he comes to the gate, he finds Feng Anyan's car parked outside. He immediately stops and hesitates.

When she hesitated, Feng Anyan had come down from the car and saw he Mulan in the yard. He rushed up: "Mulan, listen to me."

"What's the explanation?" He Mulan subconsciously replied, "now the photos are all here, how do you want to find a reason to cheat me? I'm not a fool. "

"Mulan, you believe me. I really don't want to cheat you. Open the door first." Feng Anyan said anxiously.

"Go back, I don't want to see you." He Mulan closed his eyes and sighed. He replied helplessly, and then turned to go back to the room.

Seeing this, Feng Anyan got up in a hurry and said, "Mulan, you really misunderstood me. That picture is not what you think it is!"

"Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Why do these pictures come out? Now it's just an ambiguous picture of this scale. Behind my back, I don't know what else is there! " He Mu blue head also don't return of say, although most is angry words, but still can't express her anger of feeling, that warmth exactly where good?

"I..." Feng Anyan was speechless. At that time, he did it just to comfort the warmth. He didn't think about anything else. He didn't expect to be misunderstood so deeply by he Mulan.

"You don't have to say any more. Go back." He Mulan said.

"If I don't go back, if you don't forgive me, I won't go back!" Feng Anyan anxiously shouts, expecting he Mulan to change his mind.

However, he Mulan was obviously very angry this time. He didn't mean to forgive Feng Anyan at all. He left mercilessly. Feng Anyan sighed and reluctantly went back to his car, looking at his watch and his house from time to time.

He Mulan quietly walked back to his room, but still couldn't help looking through the window to see if Feng Anyan had left. He Mulan's mood was very complicated and didn't know how to say.

Feng Anyan refuses to leave, and he Mulan doesn't go down to catch him. He just sits quietly in his room alone. Time goes by gradually, until Feng Anyan receives a call from Feng Tianxiang.

"Where are you, Anyan?" Feng day wants to ask directly, the tone is obviously not very good.

Feng an Yan sighed, already understood oneself and the warm news estimate already knew to the family, then replied: "I am in the Mu blue side."

"You and Mulan have made up?" Phoenix day want to obviously some surprised of ask a way.

Feng Anyan was silent for a while, and then shook his head: "not yet. Why do you call me?"

"I thought you knew that you and the warm photos had a great impact on your image. What's more, my father is very angry now. You'd better come back as soon as possible." Feng day wanted to suppress voice to say.

Today, as soon as I got up from my afternoon nap, Fengtian wanted to stretch out to clean up and go out. He was caught by master Feng. He asked him where Feng Anyan had gone. Fengtian thought that at first, he was a little puzzled. However, after scanning his cell phone at random, he understood what was going on. Seeing that master Feng and Lin Yuru didn't look good, he didn't dare to neglect them, I just called Feng Anyan to go home.

Feng Anyan smell speech, some not reconciled to see eye he Mulan's window, had to hastily answer a: "that I will go back."

"Hurry up, I'll be screened by their eyes." Feng Tian wants to say helplessly.Feng Anyan hangs up and looks at he Mulan's window. Then he turns the car around and drives to Feng's home. He Mulan looks at Feng Anyan's car turning around and leaves. He is very sour in his heart, but he doesn't know what to say. He has to watch Feng Anyan's car go away in silence and his stomach is sad.

Feng Anyan soon returned to Feng's home. Feng's home, Feng's father and Lin Yuru were sitting in front of each other, looking at Feng Anyan with a serious expression.

"You know how to come back! Where have you been fooling around? " Feng old son gets angry and is still very dignified. Feng Anyan looks at Feng Tian and thinks that he is biting his nails. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

"I went to find Mulan." Feng Anyan decides to answer truthfully. Anyway, he can't cheat him.

"Hum, I don't believe Mulan will pay attention to you. Please explain to me what's the situation between this woman and you first?" Feng old son facial expression severe ask a way.

"I have nothing to do with warmth. This photo is obviously used by others to discredit me." Feng Anyan said firmly, "father, don't be fooled by those people."

"Now it's not a matter of not being fooled by them. Even if I know this picture is not what the public thinks, but the public doesn't know." Feng old son helplessly looking at his son.

"Anyan, although I shouldn't say much about it, that warm girl obviously means something to you." One side of Lin Yuru obviously can't look down, sighed and said.

Feng Anyan frowned, some wronged and helpless: "what does it matter to me that she is interested in me? I've always been single-minded about Mulan. I didn't think about anything else! "

"But here's the problem. Although you are devoted to Mulan, if you know that warmth is interesting to you, you should keep a distance from her, neither give her hope nor let Mulan down!" Lin Yuru said.

Feng Anyan is lost in thought and confused. Warmth is her warm sister. Of course, she can't ignore her. But according to Lin Yuru, what should she do? How to keep a distance? I'm just comforting myself. Can't I?