He Mulan looks for the lively sound.

It turned out that a couple held a wedding here. The bride wore a white wedding dress and took the wedding oath under the guidance of her Godfather. After that, they put the ring into the groom's finger, and then they kiss each other in the blessing of relatives and friends

He Mulan can't help imagining what she looks like wearing a wedding dress. She must be the most beautiful bride that day. Thinking that she and Feng Anyan will go into the palace of marriage, she suddenly looks forward to it.

He Mulan's day passed like this. He came back to the hotel room only when it was slightly dark.

"Ah, I'm so tired." The tiredness of the day just shows up at this time. He Mulan took out the mobile phone in the bag and took a look. There was no phone or short message from Feng Anyan. I can't help feeling lost.

He Mulan didn't expect that Feng Anyan didn't know this strange number because her mobile phone was stolen and she changed it to a new number. They missed each other just like this.

He Mulan felt that his feet were very sour after a day's walking, so he got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

An hour later, he Mulan took a big bath towel and rubbed his wet hair. Suddenly, a knock on the door rang out, he Mulan quickly wiped his hair and went forward to open the door.

"Have you had dinner yet? I've ordered a restaurant with high reputation. It's a new hotpot restaurant. Would you like to try it? " Pei Yan a face excited said, very rare he Mu Lan Leng of his this kind of expression for a while, didn't expect a serious Pei Yan looking is also a pure food!

"Well, I haven't eaten yet. You come in and wait for me. I'll change my clothes and we'll start!" As soon as he Mulan heard what he was eating, his stomach began to cry.

He Mulan wore a white linen shirt, black shorts, and a pair of white cloth shoes. He looked very young and sunny, like the vigorous look of college students.

They went to the hot pot shop together, ordered a lot of dishes and began to eat hot pot. The soup was delicious and the ingredients were very fresh. The taste was really good.

In particular, the special shrimp is fresh and tender. He Mulan is infatuated with it and eats more than ten at a time. While discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this hotpot restaurant, he Mulan talked about today's interesting things. They had a good conversation. Until they finally ate sweat and decided to walk back to the hotel.

"It's really delicious! I'm going to come and eat a lot in the future. " He Mulan's favorite is hot pot, and it's still so delicious, which is unforgettable.

"Well, we can invite some friends to eat together in the future. It must be very lively!" Pei Yan also likes to say.

"Yes, yes, it's better to have fun alone than to have fun together! The more people who eat hot pot, the better. " He Mulan also echoed.

"By the way, are you going to have a rest tomorrow? What's your plan?" Pei Yan asked he Mulan.

"No, I'm thinking about going to my mobile phone to find out what's interesting here. I don't want to stay in the hotel all day and get moldy." He Mulan thought that it would be very difficult to come here, and he didn't want to be a disappointment.

"I've heard that there is a famous art museum here, which has a lot of precious paintings and interesting things. If you don't want to abandon it, we can go to the art museum together tomorrow." Pei Yan proposed.

"Of course. He Mulan is always interested in things with history or stories, and he can edify his sentiment... He thinks Peiyan's plan is perfect.

The next day, two people who had breakfast together made an appointment for a trip.

"Wow! How beautiful it is He Mulan looks at the traditional Chinese painting in front of him in the early Qing Dynasty. Rich color with clean lines, it's amazing at a glance.

"It's really good!" Pei Yan also has the same feeling, is careful squint, slowly with the vision to enjoy.

They went through the whole museum one after another, and while watching the paintings, they told each other their views and preferences on the paintings. They talked very speculatively.

"It's really an artistic atmosphere." He Muran exclaimed.

"Yes, it's really good to have a look at these artistic things from time to time." Pei Yan has not seen any art exhibition or painting exhibition for a long time. So I miss the feeling of mutual discussion between confidants. Unconsciously, I have already regarded he Mulan as a confidant. Sometimes their way of thinking and ideas are really amazing.

"Oh, it's almost one o'clock in the afternoon. How time flies!" He Mulan looked at the watch and said to Pei Yan.

"Shall we go to dinner?" Pei Yan asked he Mulan for advice."Well, let me invite you this time." He Mulan is just a little hungry.

"No problem!" Pei Yan readily agreed, Pei Yan can give people a close feeling, rather than a polite alienation.

Two people came to the local specialty snack bar, and almost ordered all the recommended foods, but they didn't care whether they could eat them or not. However, he Mulan obviously underestimated Pei Yan's appetite. Although he was gentle in appearance, he could not help swallowing.

Pei Yan felt that he Mulan was wrong, and then said with a shy smile: "no way, the amount of food is practiced before."

He Mulan quickly shook his head, said with a smile: "it doesn't matter, you eat your, I'm ok."

Pei Yan laughed, but he didn't show any affectation. He continued to bow his head and began to eat. The food on the table was quickly eaten by two people. Pei Yan stretched and blinked at he Mulan: "let's go."

Then they went around again. Pei Yan saw a movie theater. "Let's go to the cinema. Recently, I heard about a new movie."

He Mulan listened to him and looked inside the cinema. He remembered that there was a movie recently. He had planned to go with Feng Anyan.

I think he is so busy with his work, and I don't know if he will go. Just as he wants to see it, he agrees to Pei Yan.

Two people into the cinema, Pei Yan happy to buy tickets, by the way bought popcorn and milk tea.

Twenty minutes later, they sat on the sofa and chatted about their lives.

After admission, he Mulan was very attentive to the movie, occasionally eating popcorn and drinking milk tea.

In the dark environment of the cinema, she did not find Pei Yan staring at her all the time.

Pei Yan feels that he Mulan's favor is more and more strong. Seeing her every smile and every move, he feels that his heart is very beautiful and his heart is very strong. He sees he Mulan's innocence and simplicity and is deeply attracted.

But what he didn't know was that the girl sitting next to him just appreciated him and regarded him as his ordinary friend.

After playing for a day, both of them were very tired, so they went back to their rooms to have a rest.