"What fate?" Feng Anyan is still driving and asks casually.

"My fate with you." He Mulan smiles and replies, "if it's not fate, how can we get to this point today? I believe that Yuelao must have wrapped a red line on your and my hands, so we have been pestering each other until today. "

"Why don't you say that we tied up the red line ourselves?" Feng Anyan said with a smile, "maybe it's because we worked hard that we got predestined relationship. We loved each other and got the red line."

"Well, you, I find that you can speak more and more. Did you learn from Xuan Haoyu?" He Mulan feints anger to say.

Feng Anyan was noncommittal, but finally he said, "my sincere words will automatically come to my mouth. I just said it."

He Mulan's face turned red and hummed. He just turned to look out of the window.

Naturally, they won't really go to the hometown of he Mulan's parents. The destination on the navigator is the mountainous area where the charitable experimental objects were put in.

"I don't know if I can drive when I get into the mountain." Feng Anyan looked at the navigator and frowned.

"The mountain area here is remote. We don't expect to arrive until evening." He Mulan looked at the time and was worried. In the mountains at night, to tell the truth, she didn't want to go there very much. There were not only lush trees but also unknown poisonous snakes and beasts in the mountains, which would kill people if she was not careful.

"I saw a small town outside the mountain area where we could have a night's rest." Feng Anyan glanced at the navigator and said.

At this time, the scenery outside had changed a few times, from trees to jagged rocks. He Mulan knew that they were getting closer and closer to the mountains, and they were getting farther and farther away from the developed cities.

In the evening, Feng Anyan's car with a body of dust drove into a small town. The people in the town had never seen such a bright car. Even if some dust blocked it, it could not hide the luxury of the car body.

There were many discussions. The Feng came down from the driver's seat and saw the surrounding townspeople. Their faces were covered with frost and frost. They seemed to be in harmony with the decadent tone of the town, and looked like a dust.

When the villagers saw Feng Anyan, they suddenly showed their amazing expression. The mountain wind was so thick and blunt. They had never seen such a fine carved face in their town.

"Hello, is there a hotel here?" Feng Anyan is not sure whether these people understand Putonghua or not. She can only look at a younger person and ask.

The young girl blushed and answered in Mandarin with an accent, "yes, I'll take you right away."

"Please." Feng Anyan nods and goes back to the car. The girl is also called in by him.

The girl sat in and found he Mulan in the co pilot's seat. She felt at a loss. He Mulan's white skin and dark hair formed a sharp contrast with herself.

"Hello." He Mulan looked back at the girl with a smile and said.

"Hello The girl replied in a hurry, then asked carefully, "where are you from?"

"We come here from other places to travel." He Mulan said with a smile.

The girl then showed a puzzled look and asked, "why do you come here to travel? We don't have anything here, and the only guest house is also for those who go to the stone village in front to do charity. "

He Mulan and Feng Anyan looked at each other, he Mulan continued: "stone village?"

"Yes." The girl nodded, then pointed out a direction to Feng Anyan, and then said, "stone village is the key poverty alleviation target of the state, where people are poor."

"Are there a lot of people doing charity these years?" He Mulan asked again.

The girl's head shakes like a rattle: "only many years ago, there was a rich man who sent a lot of things. Later, only one after another people sent some things, but they were not as much as the rich man."

"What did he bring?" Feng Anyan asked.

"It's some rice and oil, but it's more like bottles and cans. But last time I went to stone village, those people said that the bottles and cans of washing clothes have a fragrance." The girl said with a little fascination, as if she also wanted to have the bottles and cans that the population said.

He Mulan has basically determined that the stone village is the mountain village where she took care of her family for charity. She looks at Feng Anyan and nods. This time, she is right.

Feng Anyan's car was parked in the courtyard of the dilapidated guest house. The girl jumped out of the car and took the two of them into the guest house, shouting: "Aunt Zhang, Aunt Zhang!""What are you shouting about? It's coming!" A loud female voice called dialect, and then he Mulan saw a woman about forty or fifty years old coming out of it.

That woman sees Feng an Yan and he Mu Lan, can't help but have Leng for a while.

The so-called guest house is just a two-story building, with three words written in black ink on the shabby wooden board. Few people have come here recently. Since the time when they took care of their family to do charity, other enterprises have followed suit, seeing that the image of taking care of their family has been praised. They just send some food to make it look like it.

Over the years, the outside city has been at the forefront of development. This town and stone village are still as poor as they used to be.

"Aunt Zhang, these two are guests." The girl takes Feng Anyan and he Mulan to step forward and introduce them to Aunt Zhang.

"No one in our town has been here for years." Aunt Zhang can speak Mandarin, and her accent is even lighter than that of a girl. When she hears that there are guests, she looks happy. "I've quit this hostel for a long time, but there are many empty rooms in my house. If you don't dislike it, I'll clean up one for you."

"I don't want to give up. It's hard for you." Feng Anyan said with a smile.

Originally he Mulan meant two people living in two rooms, but seeing that Aunt Zhang was the only one in the hostel, and that she had to clean up, she felt that she was in some trouble, so she didn't speak.

One on one, is it hard for Feng Anyan to dare to do something to himself?

"Then I'll go first." Seeing that the task had been accomplished, the girl took a shy look at Feng Anyan and he Mulan.

He Mulan smiles, nods and thanks: "thank you."

The girl blushed, shook her head and ran away.

"Are you strangers?" Aunt Zhang took he Mulan and Feng Anyan into the small building and asked.

"Yes." He Mulan nodded and said.

"Our town has nothing. What are you doing here?" Aunt Zhang asked her doubts.

"We..." he Mulan looked at Feng Anyan. Did he say that he was a tourist? That's too nervous. It's just enough to cheat the little girl just now. Aunt Zhang looks like an old lady, but she can't cheat her.