George Sheng thought that Song Xi just mentioned it casually in the car in the morning. Unexpectedly, she sent a short message at noon, saying that she had already agreed with the director of their department of traditional Chinese medicine. In recent days, when they have lunch break and leave work in the evening, they can spare time. It depends on his schedule.

When George Sheng saw the message, he was going to the conference room and changed his direction temporarily. He asked the assistant to go in first and made a phone call.

Song Xi quickly got through and said, "don't worry, director Qin is very detached and doesn't love gossip very much. I told her, don't ask who you are. You can sit down and see a doctor. She will analyze the disease with you face to face and prescribe a prescription to save you from believing me."

George Sheng was very happy in his heart, but he said, "why do you ask me when you've made up your mind?"

Song Xi said, "you didn't say when you were free. Of course I'll ask you."

George Sheng raised his hand, looked at his watch and said in a voice, "just this noon. I'll have a meeting. I'll call you then."

Song Xi answers and Georges hang up. During the whole meeting, he looks pale. But many smart people see that the boss seems to be in a good mood today, because his eyes can't deceive people. Georges' eyes are always cold. Today... Seems to be breaking the ice and warm.

In the hospital, Song Xi changes her coat in the lounge. Han Chunmeng looks at her grinning face and asks in a surprised voice, "what's the matter with you?"

Song Xi replied, "I exercised for a while last night."

Han Chunmeng said, "why do you want to exercise all of a sudden?"

Song Xi said: "prepare for the badminton match."

Han Chunmeng second understand, and then said: "scare me, I said it, thought you carried me to steal anti sack."

Song Xi put on his white coat and looked at Han Chunmeng. Suddenly he said, "you've lost a lot of weight, big Meng Meng!"

Han Chunmeng is very calm: "you said that yesterday."

Song Xi was a little surprised: "every day, you are losing weight at the speed visible to the naked eye."

Han Chunmeng blurs Ao Jiao and doesn't think so: "I've only lost less than 20 jin."

Song Xi holding his arm: "OK, two months 20 jin, what else do you want?"

"I want to cut the meat," Han said

Song Xi asked, "do you feed Eagles by cutting meat?"

Han Chunmeng replied, "Eagles don't eat. They're afraid of getting tired of it. Gu Dongxu's original words."

Song Xi couldn't help laughing: "he saw that you are so serious about losing weight this time. Did you express any emotion?"

Han Chunmeng's face was expressionless: "what feelings do you have? It's good if he doesn't get angry."

"What's the matter?"

Han Chunmeng puts on his white coat, closes the door of the cupboard, frowns at Song Xi, and wonders: "Hey, do you think there is something wrong with him? In the past, when I didn't lose weight, he made me fat every day. If I teased people, I could write a heart piercing quotation. Now I want to lose weight from the bitter experience. Ya, my nose is not my nose and my face is not my face all the time. Don't you think it's normal for me to lose weight and not eat at night? As a result, he bought a lot of food every night to tempt me. When I was running, he stood beside me and said, "I really don't want to eat, so he left. Last night, it was even more excessive. A whole portion of roast chicken with cheese was thrown into the garbage can in my face, just because I said" don't eat ". Do you think he wasted food like this?"

Song Xi said with a smile: "he loves you."

Han Chunmeng did not want to say: "roll ya, need him to love me, he less gas I a little, I burn high incense."

Song Xi said: "when your parents watch you lose weight, they are distressed to ask you to eat more. After a long time, Dongxu is just like his family. He can't see you working so hard."

Looking away, Han Chunmeng could not tell whether he was angry or anything. He said in a low voice, "it's better to suffer physically than mentally."

Song Xi knows that Han Chunmeng was hurt by Ren Shanshan last time. Recently, she has been working hard to lose weight. She almost eats on the scales every day, but she can't get one or two pounds.

He instinctively raised his hand to pat Han Chunmeng on the shoulder. As a result, his arm was only half raised. Song Xi immediately frowned in pain. Han Chunmeng said, "sister, you are not good at physical strength. Look at me. Now I have a 60 minute treadmill, 500 dumbbells and 300 sit ups. My butt hurt when I took a bath last night. I look in the mirror, I've worn my ass out. "

Song Xi couldn't help laughing, and his ribs hurt, which really moved his whole body.

Han Chunmeng frowned: "what are you laughing at? It's a sad story. "

As soon as Song Xi raised her hand, Han Chunmeng immediately raised her arm and asked her to support them. They walked out side by side. Han Chunmeng said in a pinch of her voice, "the queen is out of the palace~“

Song Xi into the operating room, afraid of George Sheng's phone, specially sent a text message to tell him when she got off the operating table.

After work, Song Xi immediately returns to the rest room to pick up her mobile phone. George Sheng sends her a short message telling her to go to a hotel, just across the street from the Union Medical College Hospital.

Song Xi called him, and he picked him up soon.

"Are you here?" she asked

"It's still on the road, five minutes," Georgeson said

Song Xi said, "I'll go to director Qin first to see if she's busy."

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you," Georgeson said

Hang up the phone, Song Xi changed his clothes and went downstairs to the Department of traditional Chinese medicine to find Qin Xuesong. Fortunately, Qin Xuesong is not busy at the moment. Song Xi took her downstairs. On the way, Qin Xuesong joked: "it's not easy to see this" big girl "at last."

Song Xi embarrassed with a bit embarrassed: "Cedar teacher, see him, you can never say he is a big girl, he this person... Thin skinned."

Qin Xuesong smile: "I know, if it is not to see your face, when will I give people door-to-door consultation?"

Song Xi took Qin Xuesong's arm and said with a smile, "that's the best you can do for me. If you have anything to do in the future, I'll be on call."

While talking, they went downstairs and went to the opposite side. It was very close, so they waited for a red light.

Midway through, Song Xi receives a message from Georges Sheng, which shows the room number. He arrives at the private room smoothly. Song Xi knocks on the door before taking Qin Xuesong in.

George Sheng turned his back to the door, got up and turned around.

Although Qin Xuesong is not young, she is a person with special taste. She often hears Song Xi mention this "big girl", but she never sees anyone. She guesses that the other party is a person with a special identity who is inconvenient to come to the hospital directly, but she never thinks that the "big girl" looks so handsome. It's not too much to say who comes down from the painting.

Song Xi took the initiative to introduce: "this is director Qin of our department of traditional Chinese medicine, teacher, this is my friend."

Song Xi didn't mention his name, and Qin Xuesong didn't ask.

George Sheng took the initiative to step forward, smiling and nodding: "please come here specially."

Song Xi saw George Sheng smile, whether true or false, but after all rare, so for a moment some greedy, staring at his face a few more eyes.

Qin Xuesong responds with a smile. Georges Sheng asks her to take a seat. Qin Xuesong says, "we're not in a hurry to eat. Song Xi grabs me to show you the pulse. I have a task. I must watch it for you first, or the little girl will talk to me all day."

Hearing the speech, George Sheng first looked at Song Xi with profound meaning, then looked at Qin Xuesong and said with a light smile, "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I didn't manage it well."