The car was quiet, and Georges Sheng didn't speak. Song Xi was the only one with unbearable laughter. It's strange to say that the more you don't want to laugh, the more you want to laugh. At this time, Georges Sheng indulges her to laugh. Song Xi laughs and feels that his back is cold and his scalp is numb. Yu Guang glances at Georges Sheng and sees him take out a cigarette and light it with a lighter. The whole action... Looks handsome and dangerous.

Song Xi quickly put away his smile, coughed awkwardly again, and then solemnly started the car.

George Sheng smoked a cigarette, beautiful black pupil at will to her side a slant, tone does not distinguish, happy and angry asked: "why not smile?"

Song Xi stretched his back and said without strabismus: "enough laughter."

George Sheng asked: "you say enough is enough?"

The familiar sense of aggression and crisis once again enveloped the whole body. Song Xi secretly said that he didn't drink, but he had to be drunk. How could Georges Sheng provoke him?

While regretting, the brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about it, she still didn't say a word.

There was no displeasure in Georgeson's heart. He just wanted to scare her.

Deliberately pulling a face, he said in a deep voice, "are you deaf?"

Song Xi's eyes were fixed on the front, and suddenly he hissed: "I'm driving."

George Sheng:

Does she think of herself as retarded, or does she think of him as retarded, and even try to use such a rotten excuse to get by?

Song xiyuguang glimpses that Georges Sheng still looks at her without blinking. She is worried. She says again: "who hasn't got a nickname? They call you monk Qiao and you call me song deaf. "

Song Deaf... For a moment, Georges Sheng suddenly turned away and looked out of the window. This kind of action was not small. It really scared Song Xi. She didn't know what he was going to do. Did she think the nickname poked his pain again? He's not deaf. He's just dumb occasionally.

George Sheng's beautiful face, which was favored by God, was shown on the window glass of the front passenger car. At this time, his heart was extremely turbulent and he wanted to laugh, but he had to hold back, he had to hold back, he could not give her a good look.

At this moment, Georges Sheng realized how difficult it was to suppress laughter, that is, he had strong self-control, but he still suffered from spleen and lung pain.

Because of the sentence "Song deaf", Georges Sheng never spoke to her again. Song Xi didn't know what to like or worry about. Occasionally, when she was distracted, she felt that she should squeeze some time out recently to take a psychology class. She accompanied the tiger every day, but she didn't know what the tiger was thinking. It was not practical.

Her driving skills are very good, which Georges Sheng has witnessed with his own eyes. Sitting on the copilot, he can't sleep, but he can always have a rest.

Mood is very calm, he is relaxing, suddenly Song Xi suddenly a sharp turn, should have gone straight, she changed to the right.

Georges Sheng opened his eyes, but his eyes looked at the situation on the street in three seconds, and there was nothing unusual. He finally looked at Song Xi in the driver's seat, but her face was obviously tense.

Thin lips open, Georges Sheng asked: "what's the matter?"

Song Xi's chest heaved slightly. After a few seconds, he said, "I just saw Dong Xu's car." There is also Han Chunmeng in the car. If she is a little slower, the two cars will drive face to face.

I can't imagine the consequences.

When Georges Sheng heard the words, a strange flash flashed in his heart, which seemed to be unhappy. "Are you so afraid that Gu Dongxu knows about our relationship?"

Song Xi did not want to return: "of course."

"What are you afraid of?" he said

Song Xi was a little puzzled and said, "we have an agreement. We can't be known by outsiders. Today, I'm driving. If I run into you, it's still mine?"

"To be clear, Gu Dongxu is not an outsider. After all, he also has a part of Qiao's blood in his body," said Georges Sheng

Song Xi is even more confused. What does George Sheng mean?

After a few seconds, Georges Sheng said to himself, "what do you think Gu Dongxu would think if he knew about our relationship?"

Song Xi's heart gave a ha, and the secret was Gu Dongxu's view on George Sheng. He certainly felt that he forced good people to become prostitutes. What else could he think?

"Dongxu still respects you very much. After all, you are an elder. He also told me that you helped me to see my father on my birthday. Thank you."

George Sheng didn't expect Song Xi to praise him. He stopped for a moment and said, "you don't have to say good things for Gu Dongxu. I've known him longer than you."

Song Xi's eyes glided over the guilty and embarrassed, but his mouth had to say against his heart: "man, dead duck has a hard mouth. What he thinks in his heart is the same as what he says on his mouth."

Georges Sheng took the right seat and seriously doubted whether her remarks were for Gu Dongxu or for him?

When Song Xi chats with George Sheng, he still racks his brains and feels tense, but they don't find that they can basically have a normal conversation now, unlike in the past, they stop suddenly without a word, or they just turn over.

The car drove all the way back to Cuicheng mountain. Song Xi saw that George Sheng didn't close his eyes to rest. He simply made a neat little drift and parked the car on the side.

After getting out of the car, she opened the back door and carefully carried out the two backpacks, for fear of disturbing coke and seven up to sleep.

After entering the porch, they changed their shoes at the door, and then went upstairs one by one. When they got to the second floor, Georges Sheng turned left and went to the master bedroom. Song Xi thought about it, and said to him, "good night."

She didn't expect Georgeson to reply, so she went to the third floor. Only Georgeson himself knew that he instinctively gave a "um" in his heart.

Yes, from the bottom of my heart.

After going out for a few hours, they take a bath and get ready to go to bed. Song Xi seldom sleeps. It's expected that he can sleep well. What's rare is George Sheng. He seldom lies down and soon falls asleep. He also sleeps very soundly. When he opens his eyes again, it's daybreak. He picks up his mobile phone and looks at the time. George Sheng feels incredible.

In my mind, Song Xi said while driving: "you call me song deaf."

Georges Sheng's lips were finally raised, and his eyes were like snow mountains melting, cold and warm.

After thinking for less than half a minute, Georges Sheng suddenly realized that the rhythm was wrong. How could he open his eyes and think of Song Xi?

Putting away his smile, he forced himself to drive her out of his mind, and did not admit that he was thinking of her. At most, he thought song deaf was funny.

After a bath, Georgeson went down to the kitchen to get water. He walked to the dining room and saw a white casserole on the table with a note beside it.

Close to pick up a look, note above the familiar font, a few words: Thank you for yesterday's red wine.

George Sheng opened the lid of the casserole, which was half a pot of persimmon soup, with vegetables, eggs and ham.