Chapter 301 Pay for the Pet Overnight

Name:CEO's Ugly Wife Author:An Xiaoxiao
Chapter 301 compensation for pets overnight

"What game do you want to play? Come back!" Duo La tried to call the bodyguards back, but no one responded to her no matter how she called them. Only their footsteps drifted away.

"Bastard, Mu Zicong, don't let me regain my strength, or else, I'll have a good look at you!" No one paid any attention to Duo La's scream. After a while, Duo La stopped pounding on the door because she knew no one would open the door for her no matter how much she shouted.

"Forget it. Save your energy and find a place to rest." His whole body was weak and his head was confused. It could be seen that mu zicong's drug was so heavy that he might not be able to recover after a night's sleep.

Thinking about it, Duo La stopped looking for trouble and turned around to find a place to sleep and rest.

She had slept in the woods with everyone and filmed outside before. This place was not bad, at least it was a private seaside villa. Duo La comforted herself. But as soon as dora turned around, she heard a loud bang coming from this huge room...

"What's that?" Duo La calmed down and listened carefully. It was a shrill sound that hit the cage.

Is it Mu Zicong's pet?

Thinking about it, Duo La touched the wall to look for the switch and wanted to turn on the light to see what kind of animal was crashing into the cage.

After half a minute, Duo La finally found the switch and turned on the light.

However, the moment the lights came on, Duo La was shocked by the scene inside.

There was a large iron cage in front of her, covered by transparent glass. Inside the transparent glass was a large pool, which was as big as her bedroom. What was more frightening was that there were two big sharks in the pool!

At this moment, the two sharks looked at her, showing their sharp fangs and fiercely hitting the position they were standing on, as if they were trying to swallow themselves down!

"My god, Mu Zicong has sharks on the roof of the villa!" Duo La opened his mouth in shock, stunned, and his brain went blank for a moment.

That pervert Mu Zicong actually kept sharks as pets!

And named them princess and prince?

What a pervert!

She thought the names of the princesses and princes in Mu Zicong's mouth were so nice that they must be small pets such as cats and dogs. But she never thought that mu zicong had a hobby of raising sharks. If she had known that the animals in Mu Zicong's mouth were the two big sharks in front of her, she would not have been killed!

"Mu Zicong, you're ruthless enough to retaliate against me like this. I underestimate your means of retaliating against me." Looking at the two sharks grinding her teeth in front of her, Duo La retreated and a cold sweat oozed from his forehead. Although she knew that the two ferocious sharks could not break through the glass cover and attack her, it was the first time she had ever come into close contact with such a dangerous animal. Moreover, she was alone in the cold and quiet big black with the man-eating shark. If any other woman had been thrown here by that pervert Mu Zicong, she would have fainted from fright. Fortunately, she had the guts!

"Kuang kuang..." The shark in the glass cover seemed to be woken up by Duo La's cry just now and stared at her covetously. In the dark, the shark's teeth were shining, sharp and sharp.

"Mu Zicong, you are the most petty man in the world!" Duo La clenched his lips and cursed. He had already greeted Mu Zicong's ancestors for 18 generations. "Don't try to scare me like this. I won't admit defeat to you!"

Thinking of the three-day bet, dora braced herself up.

As long as she survived these three days, she would win. Three days later, even if mu zicong didn't let her go, she should have recovered her strength after resting for three days. If Mu Zicong dared to change his mind, she would tear down his villa and see if he still couldn't let her go.

Thinking about it, Duo La felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. No matter how powerful the shark was, it was covered with glass and could not hurt her!

Deep in thought, Duo La looked around at the surroundings, trying to find a place to sleep. Now she needed to rest urgently, and there were drugs in her body. She was very weak.

However, this empty room was damp and dark, and there was nothing else to make the bed except for two beds.

"A bed can also be pieced together into a bed. It might be smaller and not as comfortable. Just get out." Duo La muttered to himself, then walked to the glass cover and moved the two small beds furthest from the shark princess and the shark prince to avoid being disturbed while sleeping.

Ten minutes later, Duo La finally made the bed and lay down on the hard bed to rest. However, ever since dora came in, the fierce shark found her and was restless. From time to time, the two sharks used their sharp teeth to smash into the solid glass cover, making a clatter that made Wanyan Duola unable to sleep.

The two sharks in front of him wanted to eat themselves, so Duo La couldn't feel nothing at all. After lying down for a while, Duo La was a little annoyed and uneasy by the noise of the shark. He took off his messy long hair and got up from the bed. He said helplessly, "Princess and prince are good. Can you stop bumping into each other and let me sleep? I'm really sleepy. I'm going to be mu zicong's maid tomorrow. I don't know how miserable I'll be, so can you just let me sleep in peace?"

"..." No matter how much she mumbled, the princess and the prince shark still did not stop attacking the glass cover and stared at Duo La lying on the bed, as if they would treat Duo La as dinner whenever they had the chance

"I must restrain myself. I can't see or hear anything..." She mumbled, wondering if the two ferocious sharks could understand her. In order to fall asleep, Duo La began to hypnotize himself and counted the sheep. "One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep, five sheep..."

"502 ... 503 ... 504 ... 517 ..."

"1001 ... 1002 ... 1121 ..."

Finally, when dora counted to 1121, she could not resist the attack of sleep factors. Duo La lay in bed and fell asleep like this...

But it was already late at night.

As he counted the sheep, Duo La went to sleep and slept until the next day.

With the sound of the sea, the sun was rising. Mu Zicong's private seaside villa was luxurious and beautiful under the sun. It was just that dora was sleeping soundly. No matter how beautiful the villa was, she couldn't see it...

"Kuang kuang..." At dawn, the shark-princess and the shark-prince in the glass cover slammed harder against the iron bars. The clang was louder than the night, and they were not sure if they were hungry.

"It's so noisy." Duo La woke up from his dream and looked sleepy. "Prince shark princess, please do me a favor and let me sleep well."

She had to be a maid at dawn and spend the night with sharks. This was something she had never encountered in more than 20 years of her life with Wanyan Duola. It was really bad luck to meet Mu Zicong for half her life!

However, just when Duo La was dissatisfied, he suddenly heard the sound of a rope unlocking outside the door. When he heard this sound, Duo La became alert, and his eyes suddenly closed. Duo La wanted to see who came in.

With a bang, the big iron lock outside the door was unlocked and a bodyguard came in carrying a big plastic bucket.

The bodyguard was a breeder who was in charge of Mu Zicong's two pets. Usually, he came to feed princess shark and prince shark, but today was different. Mu Zicong specifically ordered Duo La to feed them for the three days because their game began to play today. Duo La was Mu Zicong's personal maid at this moment, and Duo La was responsible for his pet.

"Hey, it's time to get up. Young master Mu wants you to feed the princess and prince." The bodyguard who was in charge of raising the shark walked to Duo La's bed with a wooden bucket. With a bang, he slammed the plastic bucket full of food onto the ground. Because it was placed quickly, the plastic bucket made a piercing sound as it hit the ground. Shaking Duo La quickly covered his ears.

"Bastard, can't you just relax? Can't you see this girl sleeping?" Duo La got up from the bed and looked at the bodyguard angrily.

Being tortured by sharks last night, waking up early in the morning and being tortured by Mu Zicong's bodyguards, it was even harder than I thought!

"I didn't see anything. All I know is that it's time for you to work. If you delay time, young master Mu won't be so easy to talk to." The bodyguard snorted and ignored Duo La. He pointed to the feed bucket and continued, "This is the feed for the shark princess and prince. Turn on the switch on the wall and throw the meat in. We young master Mu said that if something goes wrong with the princess and prince, the next feed you throw in is yourself..."

The bodyguard warned Duo La seriously, not wanting her to cause trouble.

Shark princess and prince had always been young master Mu's favorite pets. If something happened, young master Mu would never let him and Wanyan Duola go.

"Mu Zicong, he dares!" Duo La stood up from the bed and snorted.

"It's not like you haven't seen young master Mu's methods before. It's scary when young master Mu gets angry. Wanyan Duola, it's best not to provoke our young master mu." The bodyguard in front of him had big, dark eyes. When he glared at her, his eyes looked especially vicious. When he was glared at by the bodyguard, Duo La's heart skipped a beat, and he was worried that the man in front of him would throw her into the glass cover as fodder.

"It's just feeding the sharks. What's the problem? Don't worry, I won't give you a chance to throw me in as food. I want to live happily for the past three days." It's just feeding two sharks. What are you staring at?

Clenching her lips, Duo La repeatedly warned herself to get through it. I'm not strong in this world, and no one will be strong for you.

"Then feed them well and don't make any mistakes." The bodyguard said, then turned and left the shark house.

"Goodbye!" Bastard Mu Zicong was so ruthless. He had not slept enough and had not eaten breakfast before he started to let himself work. He was obviously abusing himself!

Mu Zicong is too cruel!

"Mu Zicong, don't let me out alive if you can. If I walk out of this private villa by the sea, I'll make a mess of your life and cry for your mother and father." Duo La scratched his messy hair and went crazy.