Chapter 208:[ 208 ] Still Pestering Her

Name:CEO's Ugly Wife Author:An Xiaoxiao
"Be careful on the road." Lan Qiqi instructed.

"Go back." Qin Ouya waved his hand. His gentle face was full of smiles and his mood was like a bird singing, full of joy and happiness.

"Goodbye." Lan Qiqi pulled Lanxingxing back into the house.

In the dark night, the car roared. Qin Ouya got into his car, drove away, and brushed past Jiang Xiaoyun's sports car...

Looking at Qin Ouya standing in front of Lan Qiqi's house for so long, Jiang Xiaoyun's mood was like boiling water, Lan Qiqi and Qin Ouya actually walked together, and so intimate, talking and laughing!

Damn Lan Qiqi, Qin Ouya!

Jiang xiaoyun was so angry that he went crazy and watched the two mother and daughter return to the house. He turned and got off the car.

Inside the Ouyang House mansion.

After sending Qin Ouya away, Lan Qiqi took Lanxingxing upstairs to rest. Lanxingxing ran to the bathroom to freshen up, and climbed onto the bed to sleep. Seeing how sensible his daughter was, Lan Qiqi was relieved. He turned off the light and turned to his bedroom.

After a long day of running and exhausted, Lan Qiqi pinched his shoulder and pushed open the bedroom door to go to sleep. However, just as he opened the door, a slender hand suddenly pulled himself in the dark. Before Lan Qiqi could react, he was pressed down by a tall body...

"Ah... Help..." Before the word was uttered, her lips were instantly blocked.

"Um... Let me go..." Lan Qiqi struggled desperately to slap the man on the chest, trying to break free from his grip, but his strength was amazing, and Lan Qiqi could not push him no matter how hard he struggled.

I don't know who the man in front of me is. All I see is a dark figure shaking. The only thing is that the smell on his body is so familiar. Looking at the dark figure, Lan Qiqi wondered if it was Jiang Xiaoyun who robbed him.

"Why are you smiling at other men, huh?" The man held her captive, tasting the taste of her lips, tyrannical and forceful.

"Jiang Xiaoyun?" Jiang Xiaoyun betrayed himself the moment he spoke. Hearing the familiar voice, Lan Qiqi trembled all over. As expected, jiang xiaoyun really appeared in his bedroom!

Lan Qiqi had already recognized him and was slightly stunned. In just a moment, Jiang Xiaoyun bit her lips harder, as if punishing Lan Qiqi. Because, she could feel that his lips were thick with gunpowder and jealousy, as if he wanted to cut himself off and hate revenge!

"Let me go. We're divorced. Why are you still looking for me?" Lan Qiqi struggled with embarrassment and anger. It was too dark at night. Jiang Xiaoyun's eyes shone like black pearls. She could only see his eyes, but could not see his emotions clearly.

"It's rare for you to talk and laugh at other men!" Jealousy, jealousy! The kiss with gunpowder covered Lan Qiqi like a fire, and even her thin clothes were torn by Jiang Xiaoyun...

"You have no right to interfere with me!" Is Jiang Xiaoyun here to plead guilty?!

"I forbid you to approach other men, no!" No longer satisfied with the sweetness on Lan Qiqi's lips, Jiang Xiaoyun's big hand ripped Lan Qiqi's clothes, along with the clothes that were close to him.

"Jiang Xiaoyun, stop!" When his clothes fell to the ground, he felt a cool breeze, and his skin was full of pimples. Lan Qiqi could not help but tremble. He realized that he had become a lamb to be slaughtered by the man in front of him. Lan Qiqi wanted to cover it up, but he couldn't move his hands and feet. He was crushed to death by the clouds.

"You're mine, Lan Qiqi." He covered her with a fiery kiss and did not know why Jiang Xiaoyun was so angry. He forcefully held his hands, entangled them, and stuck them together tightly. Lan Qiqi could not escape and let Jiang Xiaoyun do whatever he wanted...

An electric current went through her body and she couldn't help but tremble. Lan Qiqi wanted to die of shame and anger. "Bastard! We're divorced, you're violating! I can sue you!"

Bastard, this is rape! Despicable rape!

"Hmm? Sue me? Lan Qiqi, can you sue me?" The flames of jealousy swirled between her lips, and Jiang Xiaoyun ran over her lips like a madman, expressing his jealousy and possessiveness.

Although he could not see his angry face clearly in the dark, he could clearly feel Jiang Xiaoyun's anger and jealousy.

"Bastard!" Lan Qiqi wanted to die. He couldn't push, resist, or even sue. What did Jiang Xiaoyun want?!

Her heart ached and tears rolled down her eyes. Lan Qiqi clenched his lips and tore them open. Blood flowed from his lips...

"Hmph, I just got divorced, so I talked and laughed with Qin Ouya. Lan Qiqi, you can do it!" Thinking of the scene at the door, Jiang Xiaoyun gritted his teeth and glared at Lan Qiqi.

"... So Jiang Xiaoyun was so angry when he saw himself with Qin Ouya. So it was!

But what about her and Qin Ouya? What does it have to do with him?

She was divorced from him, and Jiang Xiaoyun had no right to interfere with her relationship with that man!

"What kind of person is young master Jiang to me? What right does he have to interfere with who I talk and laugh with? This is my personal matter. It has nothing to do with you, Jiang Xiaoyun! When you were in your office flirting with other women, we had a new lover before we got divorced, and we were planning to have a baby outside. I feel even worse." Lan Qiqi turned his head away in a fit of anger. She had nothing to do with Jiang Xiaoyun. Why should he interfere with her and Qin Ouya?! What right does he have to care about her, Lan Qiqi?

"Lan Qiqi!" A furious voice rang above her head, and Jiang Xiaoyun pestered Lan Qiqi like crazy.

"Jiang Xiaoyun, let go of me...!" He wanted to hit the wall with shame and anger. How could this man be so brute?!


"Jiang Xiaoyun... You... Bastard... Get up... Come on..." It was so intense that Jiang Xiaoyun seemed to swallow her up. She groaned, almost melted by Jiang Xiaoyun...

After some time, the heavy breathing gradually became smaller, replacing the small breathing. Jiang Xiaoyun still held her tightly and refused to let go. The whole bedroom was filled with Jiang Xiaoyun's unique scent. Throughout the process, Lan Qiqi's clothes were in a mess, but Jiang Xiaoyun's forehead was sweating a little. The expensive suit was intact, not even a button was missing, and it was still elegant like a gentleman.

"Jiang Xiaoyun, I hate you, I hate you!" Sobbing, her heart felt like it was pressed with a brand iron, making her breathless. Lan Qiqi had never hated anyone so much. At this moment, she hated Jiang Xiaoyun!

Lan Qiqi pushed away the man who was about to bleed himself dry, and his heart ached like blood!

After a few pushes, he found that he still had no strength to push away the huge thing in front of him.

Lan Qiqi couldn't help sobbing. What did Jiang Xiaoyun think of herself as?!

You can swing it away, call it in, tease it twice when you need it, kick it away when you don't need it?!

Does he think of himself as a toy or a tool for venting?!

The sound of heartbroken sobs came, and Jiang Xiaoyun finally regained some sense. He had just forcibly taken Lan Qiqi!

Damn it, how could he hurt her like this?

Suddenly realizing that she had lost her mind and did something she shouldn't have done, Jiang Xiaoyun reached out and pulled trembling Lan Qiqi into her arms. Her hot lips kissed her forehead again and again to soothe her. "Don't cry. It's my fault. I was too impulsive and rude just now. Did I get hurt?"

The rough hands wiped away the tears on Lan Qiqi's face. Jiang Xiaoyun was upset. He hurt Lan Qiqi because he was jealous of Qin Ouya. Damn it!

"Jiang Xiaoyun, what do you think of me as? What do you think of me as? A doll, or a tool for venting? I'm so cheap and you trample me over and over again. How can you stop and let me go?" Tears flooded her eyes, and she hated Jiang Xiaoyun more. She was desperate. Why didn't he let her go?

"I..." In the dark night, his eyes were deep and shining like a cold pool. He wanted to explain, but he found that he didn't know how to explain it to Lan Qiqi. After a meeting, he didn't say anything. He just hugged the trembling Lan Qiqi and made her cry.

"Bastard! What do you think I am?" Lan Qiqi was so hateful that he punched his fist in his arms and his heart was filled with hatred.

"Sorry about that." Jiang Xiaoyun didn't stop Lan Qiqi's fist and let her vent.

"That's funny. Did you slap someone and give them another candy afterwards? I'm not a three-year-old kid. I'm not that easy to coax!" Wiping away her tears, she threw her fists at jiang xiaoyun's chest as if she wanted to destroy all her resentment.

Jiang Xiaoyun had taken advantage of him, and there was nothing he could do about it!

Is she that easy to bully?!

At first, he said he would divorce her, but now he said he wanted her, and she was not a toy that Jiang Xiaoyun could call at any time!

The more Lan Qiqi thought about it, the more aggrieved he became.

"I really didn't mean to do those things to make you sad, I..." Although Lan Qiqi's sad face could not be seen clearly in the dark, Jiang Xiaoyun could feel Lan Qiqi's hatred. He reached out to help her wipe away her tears.

However, just as jiang xiaoyun raised his hand, Lan Qiqi, like a frightened little beast, lowered his head and bit off jiang xiaoyun's wrist...

"Ah..." Jiang Xiaoyun cried out in shock, and then, she didn't move and let Lan Qiqi bite her. As long as she wasn't sad anymore, she could bite whatever she wanted...

Lan Qiqi was so angry that he bit for a long time. He didn't let go until his emotions calmed down. However, the moment he let go, blood rushed out of his lips and the smell of blood filled his mouth. It was only then that Lan Qiqi realized that he had bitten Jiang Xiaoyun's hand and bled...

Her mind went blank. Why didn't Jiang Xiaoyun push herself away?

She thought Jiang Xiaoyun would push her away, but she didn't expect Jiang Xiaoyun to let go of his hatred!

"Are you still upset?" Jiang Xiaoyun bared his teeth, but did not cry out for pain.

"Jiang Xiaoyun, that's enough..." He didn't stop himself from biting him like that. Lan Qiqi surrendered completely, covered his face and sobbed non-stop.

Jiang Xiaoyun, what does he want to be satisfied with?