"You let go of me, I don't care about my business!"

Heng Yuan's words undoubtedly angered Mu Jing, and she suddenly struggled desperately!

The man is afraid to hurt her, in the end is to loosen her hand!

Mu Jing turns around, takes his coat and bag, and starts to go out. Heng Yuan stands there in no hurry and says, "if I say it right, I will be so angry?"

"Who's pissed off?" Mu Jing turned back and looked at him angrily: "you don't want to tell me that you are my alumni in the future. If you want to tell others about me, you can tell them. I don't care!"

"Mujing!" Heng Yuan in the end is a step forward, a grasp of her wrist!

"I'm sorry." The man's low apology rings behind him, Mujing doesn't look back.

She stood stiff, even the tone is stiff: "you don't have to apologize to me, how to do is your freedom, I can't stop, from now on will not want to stop you."

Whether it's her identity or her background, he would say it if he wanted to. She's too tired these years!

In order to hide all this, she will tell countless lies to complete!

Really tired!

Heng Yuanshen said: "if you don't talk about your business, I won't say it for you. It's wrong for me to threaten you with these things before. I know I'm not a good person in your heart, and I don't want to defend myself. I just want to tell you one thing. I like you and I'm serious about your feelings. "

Mujing doesn't speak. I really don't know what else to say.

The man came to her, loosened her wrist and said, "I can't stop you from liking Xia Liyang. I just want to tell you that no matter where you are going in the future, I won't stop you. I will stand where you can see as soon as you turn around."

"It's not worth it!" Mu Jing looked up at him and said, "I'm not worth it."

Heng Yuan looked at her and said with a smile: "it doesn't matter whether feelings are worth it or not. The only thing I know is that I like you. So in my heart, Xia Liyang is not worth your liking. Will you stop liking him? "

Mu Jing's silence has told him the answer, she will not

It's hard for her to stop liking that person.

Take a deep breath, she said, "I can't help but pay attention to him. It's really hard for me to stop liking him."

"That's it. I'm the same to you." Heng Yuan looked at her and said with a smile: "I can watch you continue to like him, but I can't see you hurt in front of him. Promise me that if you are seriously injured by him one day, you must think of me as a safe haven."

Mu Jing looked at him in surprise, then she slowly shook her head, "I can't promise you! Sorry, I don't want to work overtime with you tonight! "

With that, she took her things and ran out quickly. She couldn't agree to Heng Yuan's request because she didn't want to give him any hope!

No one knows the bitterness of secret love better than her. She doesn't want others to suffer the same torture as her.

A relationship is too heavy in the heart, but if you say it, you are afraid to break yourself, so hope!

This tangle is too painful, she does not want to see another person with her into such a tangle.

Mu Jing ran out in a mess all the way. At that time, the staff of the hospital should go almost.

As she ran out of the gate, she didn't notice anyone coming up the stairs.

As soon as Xia Liyang raises his eyes, he sees the figure floating away like a gust of wind. The man's eyebrows are frowning, so he speeds up his pace to catch up!

Mujing has been running all the way to the door, the man turned around and went to the car, driving to chase out!

Xia Liyang found her at the bus stop. When his car stopped at her feet, Mujing was in a trance!

As the window slid down, the man sat in the car and looked at her and said, "get in the car."

Mujing almost suspected that she was wrong. After a moment, she shook her head slowly: "no, I'll take the bus."

Recently, her relationship with him has been weakened because of Heng Yuan.

However, Mujing knew that she was not completely because of HengYuan, but because of her own reasons.

In recent years, she can't tell exactly what her feelings for Xia Liyang are. All she knows is that year after year, day after day, her feelings for him have already exceeded her expectations.

She can't see him any more recently. Every time she sees him, she will lose control!

She was afraid that her emotion would break through her reason one day, and she couldn't help forcing him to respond to her emotion!

But that was wrong. She knew it was wrong, so she didn't dare to come near him any more.

Xia Liyang watched her turn and walk to the other end. His eyes narrowed slightly. Then he turned off the engine, untied his seat belt, got out of the car and went to her and asked, "what's the matter? Is there something wrong with your work that makes you unhappy?"

In fact, what he wants to ask is, did that person bully you

But in this case, he did not ask in the end.

Mujing stepped back, avoided the distance from him, bowed his head and said: "no, it's very smooth, it's all very good."

She just felt that she could no longer indulge her emotions to spread like that. She was afraid that she would lose control one day!She thought that she was not as brave as Simao thought. She could not tell him. She also wanted to be friends with him, even if it was only superficial, it was good!

Mujing stepped back and said, "go back, I I want to go shopping. "

"I'll see you off." Xia Liyang especially insisted today, looking at her eyes dark, he stepped forward and reached for her wrist.

Mu Jing in his hand toward her at the moment, completely out of control!

"You let me go!" She shook off Xia liyang's hand, pushed him away and said, "I said, I want to go by myself!"

The atmosphere was very awkward. Xia Liyang stood there looking at her and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter, is someone bullying you?"

"No!" Mujing shook his head and said, "no one bullies me! It's me It's me

She couldn't help crying in Xia liyang's surprised eyes: "it's my own fault. I like someone who doesn't like me! I like him like a fool, I think I can do without him to respond to my feelings! But recently I found out that I need it! A person's feeling is too lonely! It's so lonely

"Mujing..." Xia Liyang stepped forward, he wanted to help her wipe away the tears on her face,

but she backed back and cried and shook her head: "please, don't come near me any more! Don't be nice to me any more! I don't want to misunderstand your meaning, and then give myself a vague hope again and again! I am a fool indeed, but I really don't want to continue to be a fool! Especially don't want to be a fool in your eyes

"You are not!" The man said in a deep voice, "get in the car, I'll take you back first."

"No, not really." Mu Jingshen said: "the recent appearance of Heng Yuan gives me more feelings. I think when I hate him, do you hate me as much as I hate him. I suddenly hate this kind of myself, like a fool to you. Dr. Xia, I'm sorry that I have caused you countless troubles. "

Mu Jing raised his hand to wipe his tears, turned around and ran out quickly to stop a taxi.