Xu Mei can't believe what she saw. The man who said he would protect him forever betrayed her.

Her heart is aching. She walks down the street with tears on her face. She doesn't notice the red light suddenly on. Wandering souls generally shuttle in the middle of the street.

Xiaohe drove home. When his sight was blurred, he felt a woman appeared in front of his car.

For a moment, he suspected that he had seen the ghost and slammed on the brake.

"Dong", someone bumped up!

Xiaohe frowned hard, and then quickly got off to check.

Sure enough, a woman fell in front of his car. Xiaohe took out the phone and called the police. Then bent down to check her situation, so a look at him can not help but follow the frown, turned out to be Tianyun Xu Mei?

Does she live near here?

Although Xiaohe doesn't have a good impression of Tianyun, he still doesn't want to take it out on a woman, especially the woman who fell in front of his car.

He looked at Xu Mei's injury. There were some bruises on her knee and arm. The rest were OK with the naked eye.

"Xu Mei? Miss Xu Xiaohe tried to wake her up, but Xu Mei's eyes were tightly closed.

He took a deep breath, gave up to wake her, took off his coat and put her flat on the ground, waiting for the ambulance to come.

A moment later, the traffic police arrived, Xiaohe made a record, and then he followed the ambulance to the hospital.

After examining Xu Mei, the doctor said, "are you the family member of the injured? It's not so much a quarrel between husband and wife! "

"I..." Before he could explain, he just heard the man frown: "she's pregnant, don't you know? She's in a very dangerous condition and may have a miscarriage at any time! How did you become a family member? "

Like to be a father?

Xiaohe said calmly, "I'm not his family. I ran into her. I'm just the driver who caused the accident."

"What?" The doctor frowned and said, "what are you still doing? Call her family quickly!"

River some embarrassed way: "OK, wait for her to sober up."

The doctor shook his head in silence and walked away with the notebook.

Xiaohe starts to walk to Xu Mei's ward. The woman is lying on the bed with a pale face. At this moment, he feels that the woman is pitiful.

Does he Jun know she's pregnant? Do you know her health?

If he knew that he would let her continue to work as if nothing had happened, then this man is

Xiaohe didn't think any more. He slept on the bench outside all night.

I got up early in the morning and bought two more breakfasts, carrying one to Xu Mei.

"I'm sorry, I ran into you last night. The traffic police have made records. You can rest assured that I will bear the medical expenses. " The stream stood by her bed and finished.

Xu Mei Leng for a while before reaction, her deep respiratory tract: "nothing, you go."

When she was in such a mess, she was even seen by her commercial competitors. Xu Mei really felt that she could not be more shameful!

"Remember to eat breakfast on the table. You need to strengthen your nutrition now. You must eat on time." Xiaohe asked to turn around.

Before he could step out, the doctor came in. He wanted to ask the doctor about Xu Mei's condition.

But the doctor was serious: "you are pregnant, you need to protect the fetus, as soon as possible to ask the family to sign for procedures."

Xu Mei's pale lips pursed, and then she said faintly: "I don't want this child. Please arrange the operation for me as soon as possible. I want to remove it as soon as possible."

Xiaohe was stunned, and the doctor was also stunned. He repeatedly confirmed, "are you sure? Does your husband agree? "

Xu Mei grasped her whole life and said, "I don't have a husband. I broke up. I can't have this child."

Break up?

Tianyun is famous in the beginning because it has become a couple's file break up?

The doctor nodded and said, "well, I'll prescribe medicine later! But it's better to have family members present and take care of them. "

"I don't have any family members. I'm the only one. Don't worry. I'm too big to die. Even if you die, you don't have to rely on the hospital. " Xu Mei said somewhat absent-minded.

The doctor looked at her speechless shook his head and went out, the river also followed out.

He doesn't want to meddle in this business. After all, Tianyun and their studio have a bad relationship. More is better than less!

But out of the door, he heard the doctor call: "Hi, the driver who caused the accident!"

Xiaohe was stunned and pointed to himself: "you call me?"

The man waved his hand and said, "the child in her stomach is going to be lost. It's good for her to lose her. However, no one can be absent at this time. Since you hit her, you can watch her here! "

"Me?" Xiaohe waved: "I can't, I have to work."

The doctor frowned and threatened him: "if you leave like this, it's your responsibility to go back and have an accident!"

"No, I don't care about her abortion!" Why does he feel that jumping into the Yellow River is not clear?The doctor raised his eyebrow and said, "why is it none of your business? You hit the man, you sent him to the hospital! It's your responsibility

After that, the man turned and walked away, not giving Xiaohe a chance to argue.

Xiaohe pulled the corner of his mouth, really feel that Dou E is still unjust,

must, he recognized the plant, do not go?

He sat on the stool outside and took out the phone to call Shen Simiao. He only said that he had something to ask for leave, but he didn't tell her that he had run into Tianyun.

At about nine o'clock, I saw the nurse carrying things in.

Xiaohe originally wanted to follow her, but Xu Mei didn't want him to see her in such a mess, did she?

So he still stood by the door and looked inside.

After the nurse left, Xu Mei picked up a plate of medicine. He looked at her holding the plate for a long time, then pulled out two and threw them into her mouth and lay on the bed.

Xiaohe was a little worried. He stood and watched her every move.

Gradually, the medicine had a reaction in Xu Mei's body. Her abdominal pain was like a knife, and her whole body curled up in a ball!

Xiaohe raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but he thought about it and held it back!

A moment later, Xu Mei came down from the bed, and Xiaohe watched her bow to the bathroom.

Then she went all the way!

Xiaohe was so surprised that he couldn't care more. He pushed the door in!

"Xu Mei, are you ok?"

Xu Mei's weak voice came from the bathroom: "I'm ok, you Why do you like to see other people's embarrassment before you leave? "

"No, I..." Xiaohe sighed: "the doctor won't let me go, let me look at you, for fear of your accident."

In the end came a weak sneer from Xu Mei: "what can happen to me? I'm fine!"

Her words are trying to be brave, but Xiaohe doesn't have the right tone.

After all, he asked, "is there anything I can do for you?"

Li Duan was silent for a moment. Xu Mei said in a strange voice: "can you help me buy some female products, which are things that women's aunts can use."

Xiaohe's face turned red. He doesn't have the experience of buying