When Shen Simiao arrived at kezhang company, the people inside were already sorting out things and moving out one after another. It seemed that he really wanted to sell the company.

She grabbed one and asked, "is Mr. Ke in?"

The man shook his head and looked very secretive. He looked for several people who were not willing to tell her where Ke Zhang was.

She had to take out her mobile phone again to dial Ke Zhang, but before she could dial it out, she was stopped by a voice.

"Miss Shen."

When Shen Simiao turned back, the man had already come to her.

But she was a little strange to the people in front of her, and she didn't remember where she had met.

"Who are you?" Shen Simiao put away his cell phone and asked tentatively.

The man said with a smile, "I'm Mr. Ke's driver. Last time I accompanied Mr. Ke to find Miss Shen. You didn't see me, so you may not remember me. "

When he said this, Shen Simiao said with a smile, "no wonder."

She took a look at the crowded office building and asked, "excuse me, why did Mr. Ke sell off this company? The last time he came to see me, I could see that he had feelings for this company. "

The driver frowned slightly, then bowed his head and said, "there are some emergencies, too, sir There's no way to sustain it. "

Shen Simiao listen to not from coagulate eyebrow way: "convenient and I say?"

The driver nodded slightly and said, "please take a seat with me. I'll talk to you slowly."

Across the road, the coffee shop.

Looking at Shen Simiao, the driver sighed: "in recent two days, my husband has been telling me that he is ashamed of Miss Shen's high expectations. He wants to find a chance to see you, but you also know that his every move at this time has attracted the attention of the media, so..."

"I'm sorry," he said

Shen Simiao clenched her hand holding the coffee cup. She faintly felt that the next story would not be a good one.

It turns out that's true.

The driver said to her, "Mrs. Ke was found to be ill a few days ago. The cancer has spread. He has no time to be distracted at this time."

Shen Simiao held the cup tightly and didn't open his mouth.

The man sighed: "Mr. Ke loves his wife very much. His wife once gave him great help when he started his career. They have been in love for many years and met with many crises. Mr. Ke didn't get a daughter until he was middle-aged. He is very fond of his daughter. Therefore, after Mrs. Ke's illness, he has been trying to hide his children and don't want them to be affected. Recently, he hasn't been to the company for a long time. He wanted to wait for his wife's condition to be a little more stable before he went to ask you for a apology. "

"I see." Shen Simiao sighed and asked, "I don't know if it's convenient for me to see Mrs. Ke."

The driver frowned slightly and said, "yes, sir. I think it would be nice to meet you."

Later, Shen Simiao followed the driver to a hospital, a private hospital.

It's not very advanced, but it's quiet.

After arriving at the hospital, Shen Simiao stands outside the ward, and the driver goes in to remind Ke Zhang.

At that time, through the door, Shen Simiao saw a man's care and deep friendship for his wife.

There is a feeling that can not be disguised, that is a man's true feelings for a woman.

Afraid of waking the sleeping woman, the driver whispered a few words in his ear. Then he saw Ke Zhang looking back at Shen Simiao outside the door.

The four eyes were opposite, and there was a flash of consternation on Ke Zhang's face. Shen Simiao gave a smile.

Then the man said a few words in the woman's ear and turned to walk out.

Shen Simiao handed over some fruits he had bought temporarily and said, "Mr. Ke is in a hurry. I hope you don't dislike him."

"Why, I'm glad you're here in person." Ke Zhang took it, handed it to the driver and said, "I'm sorry to let you go to the hospital."

Shen Simiao said with a smile, "you are just too polite. If you had told Mrs. Ke about her illness earlier, I would have come here a long time ago."

Ke Zhang sighed: "I don't want to be known about her state by people outside, and I don't want her to be disturbed, so I'm almost invisible recently."

He said while leading Shen Simiao out: "I know some news on the Internet may have caused trouble to you, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. Mrs. Ke needs your company in such a state. You can take good care of her. Those false reports will be clarified one day. "

Wen Yan Ke Zhang looked at her in surprise and asked, "Miss Shen, do you believe in Ke so much?"

When asked this, the man's eyes suddenly red.

Shen Simiao looked at him and said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, I'm not a person who believes in intuition too much, but I believe I didn't read Mr. Ke wrong."

A man knows to help people in need when he has money, and his wife spares no effort to take care of them when she is seriously ill. Although these are trivial things, it is not difficult to see the responsibility of this man from these things.A man of integrity like Ke Zhang can't do those things. He will have a bad conscience.

"Thank you, Miss Shen!" Thanks for Ke Zhang's extra effort.

Shen Simiao looked at him and said with a smile, "it's just that the company sold off like this. Don't you feel sorry? In fact, you can ask someone to take care of it for a period of time. When Mrs. Ke is stable, you can make plans. "

From the time he took those things to find her, Shen Simiao knew that Ke Zhang attached great importance to that company.

It's really a conscientious enterprise, so Shen Simiao doesn't want to see him give up like this.

"I really like that company, but a large part of it is because of my wife. She never followed me when I was poor. She never gave up on me whether I was brilliant or failed. This company bears the most difficult years for me and her. I didn't want to sell it before because there are many memories of me and her. But if I can't even keep her. What else do I need to do? They only add to the pain for the rest of my life, so I'm going to buy them. Keep the money and go with her to places she's always wanted to go but never been

Such a remark will inevitably make Shen Simiao not touch.

She took a deep breath and looked at the opposite person: "it's OK."

Ke Zhang said with a bitter smile: "Miss Shen, you have a very right saying. You can do your work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but the time to accompany your family is limited. Now I regret that I have been in such a hurry that I owe her and her children too much. "

A man in his forties burst into tears in front of Shen Simiao. There is nothing more touching than this moment.

She took out a piece of paper from her bag and handed it to her. When she raised her eyes, a thin figure came to the hospital.

Shen Simiao recognized that it was the woman who had just been in the hospital bed - Ke Zhang's wife.