The farewell party was two days later, when the patients in the research center were almost fine.

The party was prepared by all of us together, so we also invited some patients who had not recovered and discharged from the hospital. The whole afternoon we were all in a lively atmosphere.

At that time, Jack and Xia Liyang were discussing a happy event in the office.

For the great breakthrough of S.A's antidote, their research center is regarded as the greatest contribution by the above consensus, and now wants to award them medals.

Jack and the team agreed that Xia Liyang should receive the award.

However, Xia Liyang himself had different views after hearing about it.

He said with a smile: "the virus solution is a common achievement, I can not afford such an honor."

Jack frowned and said, "but without your string of characters, we wouldn't have thought of trying that medicine for you. In other words, if it's not you who are sleeping in the hospital bed, I dare not try it easily. Later, when you woke up, I saw that he had a firm attitude. Jack had to sigh, "OK, I'll take your place to receive the prize."

He does not deny that the contribution of the rest of the people is not trivial. He just thinks that the most important part still belongs to Xia Liyang.

Although Jack and Xia Liyang get along for a short time, he knows something about this man and knows that once he has made a decision, things will not change easily.

So now he doesn't talk to him any more.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door: "Dr. jack, Dr. Xia, we are almost ready, waiting for you!"

"At once!" Jack answered the voice and asked Xia liyang to go out together.

The location of the party is a small park in the hospital. The place is not big, but the scenery is good.

The scene has been arranged almost, candles, cakes, party needs to use almost everything.

Xia Liyang stood there, his eyes quickly in the crowd, looking for Shen Simiao's figure.

As soon as the busy women turned around, they happened to collide with his eyes and smile at each other, with soft smile on each other's faces.

For the rest of his life, Xia liyang's eyes are full of open mindedness that others can't see.

Like some things, but also in an instant dial dark clouds see the sun!

Xia Liyang started and went to Rong Jingxing's side. He said, "have you arranged all the planes for tomorrow?"

"It's arranged. My uncle and aunt have been informed. They will meet you at the airport then." Rong Jingxing said as he put the drinks in the box on the table.

Xia Liyang said with a smile: "you just informed my parents. Don't you know what the consequences will be?"

His parents are extremely satisfied with Simiao, especially after the experience. They just want him to marry that woman back immediately.

Xia Liyang doesn't believe that Rong Jingxing didn't expect what might happen after his parents saw Simiao.

He was really curious. Mingming Rong Jingxing had already guessed why he had to do it.

"No, she should see your parents and thank them." Rong Jingxing stopped what he was doing and looked at the person beside him. He said seriously, "my uncle and aunt have educated such an excellent son and saved her life. Naturally, they should accept her thanks."

Rong Jingxing knows that Shen Simiao meets the possible situation of Xia's parents, but she has to make a choice.

He is to give her the opportunity to thank her parents, but also to give her the opportunity to choose.

After returning to l country again, after talking with Xia Liyang, he suddenly understood a truth.

To give her the deepest love, perhaps is to let her do everything she wants to do.

Don't let her feel constrained and depressed because of his feelings.

Xia Liyang looked at him, two eyes meet the moment, as if there is something in the moment self-evident.

Then Xia Liyang shook his head and sighed, "this time, I'm afraid you've done too much."

After he said that, he picked up another box of wine and went to the other end. Rong Jingxing did not refute his words with a smile. For Xia Liyang, he is confident that he will not be wrong.

At six in the evening, the party officially began.

The first speaker was the person in charge of the research center. He expressed his thanks to all the people who had paid for the incident, but he specially named Jack team and Xia Liyang!

Although Xia Liyang has made it clear that the medal after three days will be shared by all of us, at this small banquet tonight, the medal designed by the research center itself was awarded to him.

In front of such a surprise, how can Xia Liyang shirk?

He went on stage to receive the award, expressed his gratitude, and then bowed down.

Thunderous applause broke out at the scene. Shen Simiao looked at the people standing in the crowd and felt that he belonged to this field. This field has made him successful, and he has lived up to his pursuit.

After the previous speech and awards, it's dinner time.

Xia liyang's first drink was to the people of the research team. After that, everyone predicted that his second drink would be to Shen Simiao. After all, the position of that woman in his mind is clear to everyone.But unexpectedly, his second drink was with Rong Jingxing!

People are surprised, so long time, we will see this triangle love clearly.

Although people don't know as much about Rong Jingxing as Xia Liyang, it's not difficult to see that he is an equally excellent man from his words and deeds.

The contest between the two men has already sparked in the eyes of outsiders, but tonight, the two of you raised your glasses and drank calmly, which really shocked everyone's eyes.

Xia liyang's third glass of wine is to respect Shen Simiao.

As they clinked their glasses, there was a sigh around them.

Someone coaxed: "confession! Make a confession

Shen Simiao's hand holding the wine cup tightened. It's not hard to see her tension.

However, no matter how people coax, Xia Liyang only calmly and sincerely said: "thank you."

Although they were very disappointed, they could only accept it helplessly.

Tonight is destined to be a carnival. Everyone drinks a little too much. At the end of the show, Xia Liyang is responsible for saying goodbye one by one. Shen Simiao and Rong Jingxing clean up the mess on the ground.

They told everyone that the ticket was tomorrow afternoon, but they didn't know their ticket was at dawn.

Because he doesn't want to let them send them to others, and he doesn't want to feel the pain of parting again, so Shen Simiao deliberately lied to them.

She had edited the leaving messages early, and they would be sent out on time when they got on the plane.

This kind of farewell, though not authentic, was the best she could think of.