Rong Jingxing and Xi Xi's trip to l country was not smooth. The plane was forced to land more than six hours after taking off.

The fuselage broke down and they had to wait for the plane to be repaired.

The man thought it would be soon, but he miscalculated.

Accident is called accident because it is not controlled by anyone.

The whole day has not found the cause of the plane failure, he can't wait any longer, contact the captain to ask if he can send other planes to meet him.

The man shook his head and said, "I have contacted you in the afternoon. There are no flights to l country for the time being. The next flights are basically cancelled because of the spread of S.A virus. No cancellations, no vacancies. "

"How long will it take for our plane to be repaired?"

The man said helplessly: "I'm really not sure about this. If you are in a hurry, you can go to the city center here to see if there is any flight that can be passed on."

Rong Jingxing frowned and said, "I know."

It's almost impossible today. It's already dark. I don't even have a car here. He's OK alone. If he has a child, it will be inconvenient.

Xixi came over and grabbed his clothes and asked, "Uncle Rong, when can we see Aunt Shen again?"

The man thought heavily should voice: "fast."

But he didn't know how long it was.

L country.

Shen Simiao knew that norch had paid the second donation when she put the money into her account in the studio. This is absolutely good news for her!

Another better news is that the place has been temporarily truced, which indicates that there will be no more war in the near future.

Now in front of them is only a problem, S.A virus!

Once this problem is solved, the place will be safe for the time being.

In the morning, after receiving the news of the truce, the people in the research center were very excited, as if the haze that had covered their heads for many days had been cleared away.

This afternoon, Shen Simiao took a week's shift and just had a rest.

While contacting the donor agencies of L country, she also communicated with people about the use of the debt owed by norch.

No matter whether she is willing to give the money or not, from her point of view, we must supervise the best use of the money!

After the person at the other end of the phone explained carefully, Shen Simiao turned the money around.

After the transfer, she opened her mobile email. She was too busy these days. Except for occasionally taking time to send pictures to the studio, she didn't take any time to deal with the email.

Fortunately, there is nothing urgent. Except for some businesses and companies that contact and cooperate, most of them are sent by fans to ask her about her situation.

Shen Simiao browsed about it, then updated a microblog, only a few words - everything is OK.

The picture on Weibo was sent to her by the charity of L country, about the use of the second debt of norch.

After sending it, Shen Simiao left a message below, which is also a simple explanation: I will explain to you one by one after the money is actually implemented there.

In less than five minutes, Weibo has left countless messages.

Shen Simiao looks over and exits. She doesn't know that someone in the next room is looking over her microblog.

Coincidentally, this afternoon he ran took a rotation with her.

She is lying on the bed at the moment, looking at the micro blog that Shen Simiao just sent out, looking at the money, he ran can't help laughing.

It seems that her problem didn't stop Du Lin, she solved it so easily? It's really impressive!

She just put down her cell phone, but it suddenly rang!

He ran picked up to see the name above, not from sneer. It's really about Cao Cao. Here he is!

Holding the phone, she got up and poured herself a glass of water. Then she answered calmly: "Miss Du, what's the matter?"

Du Lin's angry voice came from her ear: "you asked me to donate money. I have already donated it. Now is the time for you to fulfill your promise!"

He ran held the phone and said with a smile: "don't you just want Shen siyao to die? Don't worry. When I find a chance, I will... "

Without waiting for her to finish, Du Lin interrupted unhappily: "I don't have the time and leisure to wait for you to find an opportunity. I want you to create an opportunity for me! In a week, I'll only give you one week, you have to deal with her! "

He ran's hand holding the phone was slightly tight, then she squinted and asked, "if I can't solve it in a week?"

Du Lin impolitely threatened: "then wait for your information to disappear completely in China, I will let you have a home not to return, I will let you completely exile in L country!"

Her patience has been used up, no longer have patience to spend with her!

He ran sneered and then said, "I know Miss Du. I will always remember your words. Don't worry."

Hanging up her phone, he ran squints and figures out how to start.She turned and looked at the other side of the wall. Although she was close to Shen Simiao, there were so many people in this place. She thought it would be so easy to attack Shen Simiao quietly?

This Du Lin is driving her to death!

It doesn't matter, wait for her to solve Shen Simiao first, and then go back to solve her!

He ran kicks on the mobile phone, grabs the protective clothing hanging on the side, puts it on again, and then goes out.

When Shen Simiao opened the door, she went out to dry her clothes.

He ran is about to go back to the room to hide. Shen Simiao turns around and just sees her!

"You don't rest?" Shen Simiao asked in English.

He ran at the end of the head quickly back sentence: "yes."

Then she started quickly to go outside over Shen Simiao, who was holding a plastic basin to look at the past with a puzzled frown.

Why does she think this person's back is so familiar? If they knew each other well, she didn't wear protective clothing now. That person should recognize her.

But her performance makes Shen Simiao feel that they don't know each other, which is really a strange feeling.

She shook her head slightly and started to walk to her room.

Here is still in the busiest time, no one will notice a should rest but did not rest.

He ran mingled with the staff, there was no abnormality at all.

At 3 p.m., it's time to process a batch of patients' blood.

A nurse took the blood that had been tested and went outside. He ran went over and said enthusiastically, "I'll help you."

The man was very happy and handed her the things in his hand. The patient's blood was one of the ways of S.A virus transmission. Almost no one liked to do this job. Every day, he also took turns to turn it around. Whoever he turned to was who he was.

Seeing that she was so warm-hearted, the man naturally threw the things in his hand to he ran without saying a word.

After that person left, he ran's eyes flashed a meaningful light, and then she took those to the corner.