When Rong Jingxing got home, it was already 8:35 p.m.

The dining table has been cleaned up and Mrs. Gu is mopping the floor.

Seeing him coming back, he immediately asked, "have you eaten, sir?"

Rong Jingxing nodded slightly and asked: "Yan'er still lives in the previous room?"

Gu nodded and said, "well, I just handed him a glass of water to take medicine."

That means to tell Rong Jingxing that Rong Yan should not be asleep at the moment.

He nodded slightly and started to walk towards the bedroom on the West first floor.

As we approached, the door was lit by a light.

Rong Jingxing raised his hand and knocked on the door. There came a sound: "please come in."

When he reached out to open the door, he saw that he was sitting on the bed with the water cup still in his hand.

"Uncle." Rong Yan cried with a smile, put down the water cup and said, "sit down for a while?"

The man nodded, sat down on the stool at the head of the bed and asked, "did the doctor say how long this leg will take?"

Rong Yan said, "two or three months, but after the previous month, we should be able to walk in a small area. Now, if you want to go down to the ground, you can only use a wheelchair. "

"Well." Rong Jing line should be a voice said: "the body is important, nothing or do not go to the ground."

Rong Yan said with a smile, "I know."

After that, there was silence in the room.

Rong Jingxing got up to break the embarrassment and said, "have a good rest. I'll go up first."

"Take your time, uncle." Rong Yan said with a smile when he got up.

The expression on his face gradually froze after the door was closed again

When Rong Jingxing went up from the first floor, Shen Simiao had already taken a bath and was sitting at the head of the bed reading a book.

It's about watching too attentively. When the man walked in, she didn't feel it at all.

He hung his suit coat on the hanger, untied the two buttons on the collar of his shirt, rolled up his sleeves and stepped on his slippers towards the woman beside the bed. The whole person was vaguely lazy and sexy.

It was not until he sat down next to her that she found someone in the room.

The man slightly lowered his head, his head close to her, smiling eyes staring at her, asked: "really want to edify our son into a literati?"

He said, took the book of poetry in her hand, put it on one side and said, "it's late, go to bed early?"

Shen Simiao was really sleepy. He yawned and nodded. He grabbed the quilt and was about to fall down.

But the next second that person but a hand to catch her body, Shen Simiao frown some don't understand this person's idea.

Rong Jingxing lowered his head and said with a smile, "sleep when you say so?"

She's so obedient tonight, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

Shen Simiao frowned. Some of them didn't understand what this man wanted?

But when she looked at the smile on his face, she always seemed to have some bad intentions.

It suddenly occurred to her that he had been several days away from her last time

This man has good energy, especially at some times! All these thoughts were clear, and she suddenly felt a little worried. Would he want to

She took a defensive look at him and grasped the quilt.

Rong Jingxing narrowed her eyes and absorbed her small movements into her eyes. Then she said with a smile, "what are you afraid of?"

Shen Simiao slightly avoided his eyes and tried to be brave. Who was afraid?

With a smile, the man picked her up, sat on his lap and wrapped her in a quilt.

A pair of bracelets in her waist, tossing around the stop in her abdomen, covering the protruding piece.

This quiet night, Shen Simiao may be a little tired, or the atmosphere in the room is too good for her to struggle.

Holding himself in his arms, the man asked her: "you are an editor. Have you ever written for someone?"

Shen Simiao nodded innocently. When she was in college, her living expenses were not enough, and her mother's medical expenses were not enough. She took over this kind of work.

Later, after going to work in Sanshui, I didn't write about it.

Rong Jingxing added: "if you are asked to write a manuscript about charity, how long can you give me the finished product?"

Shen Si was stunned and looked at him. He didn't seem to understand why he asked.

The man met her smiling eyes and said: "there is a reward, as for how much depends on the quality."

Shen Simiao frowned deeper. When did he start this kind of business?

Rong Jingxing chuckled and explained: "there is something wrong with the Chengnan project. Now I want to change the plan of the whole project and plan to use the land for public welfare. There is an orphanage built by Zhengfu on the other side. My part is intended to accommodate disabled children. They should be more concerned than ordinary children. "

Disabled children?

Is he talking about people like her?

Shen Simiao's eyes were dim and flashed by. Then he raised his eyes and looked at him again and asked: Why are you looking for me?

She thought that his company should have no shortage of people to write such articles.But why did he find her?

Does she feel that she is an unsound person, so she is more inspiring?

The man seemed to see through her thoughts and couldn't help laughing: "because I really think that you should be able to better understand the feelings of those children. And I need an article that can stir up public sentiment, that can arouse widespread attention. "

Only in this way can we win a beautiful turning over battle for Rong in the defeated situation!

Shen Simiao understood. If he asked her to write it, it would really win attention.

Let's not talk about their relationship, let's talk about her. That's enough.

Rong Jingxing later told her the details of the plan. He planned to build the place into a medical school and a treatment center.

After all, some children, though congenital or acquired, can be cured.

Some families give up their children because they don't have money, but it's much wiser to have a perfect organization to help them than to just donate money.

Finally, Rong Jingxing said, "Mom's cemetery is located in the south of the city. I think she would be happy if she knew we were doing this."

Shen Simiao raised his eyes and looked at him for a while, trying to know whether he was true or not.

The man nodded cautiously: "really, the plan has been implemented. The designer is now working on the original foundation to improve the scheme. "

The project is closed, but it is not difficult for him to restart it.

Shen Simiao twisted his brow and nodded: I'll try.

The man slightly hooked his lips, hugged her and said, "well, I believe in my wife."

The distance is too close, the smell of smoke on his body makes her frown. She didn't think the smell was so annoying before, but since she was pregnant, she became more and more affected and resented the smell of smoke on him.

The man bowed his head and sniffed it. It was really smelly. He couldn't help laughing and said, "my wife doesn't like my smoking, so I'll try to quit smoking, OK?"

This cigarette really can't smoke, now she is pregnant, although he is avoiding her to smoke, but in the end he still has the smell of smoke.

If the child is born in the future, it's always necessary to hold the child. It's really bad to smell of smoke.

Shen Simiao didn't pay attention to his words. After all, he hasn't been smoking for three or five years. It's strange that he can quit!

Like to see through her distrust, the man held her around, put her on the bed and said, "I'll seal a seal for you. If I break my promise in the future, how about you come to ask for it?"

Before Shen Simiao could react, the man's lips were printed.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide and heard him say with a cheeky smile, "I reward you."