Lin An'an because he can't speak any more, did not expect that he suddenly said: "a family as long as there is a person who can cook enough."

Lin An's congee drinking hand gave a pause, and then looked up at him. He was looking at her very seriously. It didn't look like a joke at all.

"And if you want this porridge, you have to stay with me." Although very naive, but he said this sentence very seriously.

I have all your favorite things here, so please stay with me.

Lin an an immediately understood his intention, but she did not speak. After listening to him, she continued to lower her head and drink porridge. Ji Cheng Yan did not continue to say, very quiet sitting at the table to eat. He always has a lot of rules when eating and seldom talks.

When they were still together, Lin An'an had these habits. But since he was no longer with him, he has restored his former habits. When eating, he can talk and chat without any delay. So my son learned from her and talked a lot during the meal.

In fact, when a child as young as Yao Yao eats, he should concentrate on eating. If he speaks, his digestion will be affected. It's just that after two meals with Ji Chengyan these two days, the child suddenly changed the habit and hardly spoke much during the meal.

This shows that Ji Chengyan's ability to influence others is really powerful. And he can really give children a very good example, because his usual habits are really good enough to make people laugh.

An ordinary person will have some bad habits more or less, but Lin can't find any bad habits when he looks at the man from the beginning.

Therefore, jichengyan is really suitable to be used as an example for children and to educate them.

Lin an sighs, he is really a little too strange recently, always inadvertently found this man's good, think this man's excellent. And the reasons why he didn't avoid him before were all forgotten by himself.

She's going to be captured by this man right now.

Although she has been constantly remind themselves, but it seems that the effect is not big. The longer the contact between two people, the less she can control herself.

Now she suddenly has some regrets. She regretted yesterday's temporary bewilderment. She regretted that she actually let him stay. She regretted that she continued to let Yao Yao stay with him today and agreed to let him cook this dinner for herself.

She now suddenly wanted to avoid him, to avoid him far away, perhaps will not let him disturb the heart. You can look at all the problems rationally, follow your heart and make a choice that you will not regret.

She is now a little afraid, she dare not easily step out that step, she is afraid.

Too much fear, too much concern. She is now thinking about things, looking left and right. I'm afraid that if I make a mistake, I will have no chance to regret my retreat.

Maybe Ji Chengyan can't understand her mood at all, so she is pressed step by step like now and wants to urge her to make a decision.

But what she didn't know was that jichengyan had restrained himself a lot. He has restrained his many thoughts and impulses just to avoid forcing her.