Ji Cheng Yan didn't know how long he had been instructed. Lin An'an agreed one by one. Ji Cheng Yan let her go. Lin an waved to him: "I'm going."

Ji Chengyan nodded: "good."

Lin didn't look back.

Because she suddenly a little sad, afraid to be Ji Chengyan see.

In fact, that's why she didn't want them to send her. When she saw them like this, she would be more miserable than them. So it's better not to send anyone. Everyone is not sad and she can walk at ease.

Lin an didn't look back once, so she didn't know that Ji Chengyan was not the only one who came to see him off today. There was another Lu Zhiyan who didn't show up and didn't contact him all the time.

He's already here. Standing in the crowd, looking at Lin An'an from a distance, checking his luggage by himself and fiddling with three big boxes by himself. Several times he wanted to step forward to help, but he resisted. Now he didn't want to add any trouble to her.

Then Lu Zhiyan watched her go to the garbage can and throw away her mobile phone card. She realized that she really wanted to break up with everyone. It turned out that she didn't just want to break up with herself.

As soon as he had a little comfort in his heart, he saw her. She suddenly answered the phone, and soon saw Ji Chengyan coming.

As soon as he came to Lin An'an, he held him in his arms.

The two hugged each other as if they were alone. Neither of them moved nor spoke. Occasionally, a passer-by with SLR on his back took out his own SLR and photographed this pair of men and women with outstanding appearance and temperament. There are also young girls passing by, looking at the two people hugging with envy.

Lu Zhiyan laughed at himself.

Until now, he can understand why he lost to Ji Chengyan. He can do these things, he is in any case can not do.

He is always thinking about other people's feelings. Even if he wants to hold her, he has to carefully get her approval. He's always so regular.

Ji Chengyan never did anything with her consent. As long as he wanted to hold her, he could reach out and hug her carefully.

After so many years of living, for the first time, he began to doubt whether his gentlemanly behavior from elementary school was right. At least Ji Chengyan, who has never been a gentleman, can always get what he wants so easily.

And at this time, he was also ridiculous to hide in the side to watch. Mingming has come to the airport to see her off, but is afraid to bring trouble to her and does not show up.

Just watch Ji Chengyan find her, hug him and send her away.

What if I came earlier than her? She and Ben won't know.

Lu Zhi smiles. Forget it. If you don't know, you don't know.

Better never know.

He took one last look at her back and turned away.

Some people are really only suitable for being friends. If they exceed this line, they can only be separated. This is Lu Zhiyan's last thought about Lin An'an.

He walked out of the airport and looked at the bright sunshine outside, which made the whole world white. He narrowed his eyes gently and went to the supermarket to buy a pack of cigarettes.

He can smoke, but he is hardly addicted to it. So he never prepared for a cigarette, but at the moment he wanted to smoke one very much.

Smoking while standing for a while, and then heard the sound of the plane take off.

He looked up and saw the plane carrying his obsession for many years in the cloudless sky. Finally, he sighed a long time.

Goodbye, Lin An'an.