All of a sudden, Lin An's popularity has gone up a lot. Those fans who used to like her have come back one after another. With this operation, they circle a wave of new fans.

Sometimes when Lin an looks at her messages, she will feel that she can't laugh or cry. When she comes across those really funny messages, she will reply one or two. So this time, she even felt that life was going fast.

Soon it will be her 20th birthday.

Not only Lin an, but also her friends have been looking forward to this day for a long time, because we haven't been together for a long time because so many things happened during this period. Just taking advantage of this opportunity, we can have a good time together, which can be regarded as a new start.

Especially Lin an an, the arrival of this day's birthday is of great significance to her. She told herself silently in her heart that this birthday is not only a new beginning for her age, but also a new beginning for her future life.

At the beginning, Lin An'an wanted to do it simply, but Gu Tianfei had to go out to order a hotel for dinner, and then said that she wanted to buy her a huge cake. Lin an an saw that her friends were so enthusiastic. She really didn't want to spoil their fun, so she agreed.

That day, when he habitually turned on his mobile phone, he found that his microblog had exploded. Her fans all wished him a happy birthday on Weibo, even said they sent her gifts and asked if she had seen them.

Lin an doesn't understand where they said the gifts were sent. She can be sure that these fans never know where she lives. Of course, she never saw the gifts. He began to doubt whether these fans were cheated. When he was worried, she first received Gu Tian's call.

"Big God, big God. I'll be there right now. Can you ask the two bodyguards sent by Jicheng Yan to come downstairs and help me with my things? " Her voice sounds a little excited.

When Lin an settled down, he felt a little strange: "what did you bring with you?"

"It's all gifts from your fans. Didn't you watch Weibo? They sent you a lot of things. It's all with me. I've brought it all to you now. " Gu Tian said again.

Lin an an then understood why all the people on Weibo asked her if she had received any gifts. It turned out that they all sent them to her, the president of the support association. Lin an has some helplessness. Shouldn't Gu Tian discuss with her about receiving gifts first?

She didn't know anything about it, so she suddenly received so many gifts. In fact, she doesn't want to receive gifts. On the one hand, she doesn't want people to think that she is making money on her birthday. On the other hand, she really doesn't want fans who like her to spend money. After all, I have done nothing for them since I returned to Weibo.

Like the video games they wanted to watch, they didn't do any of them. It's so inappropriate to have to accept gifts now.

"Great God. Are you listening to me? "

"Well, I hear you. I'll let them down to help you now." Lin an an agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin said something to the bodyguard and went back. She picked up her mobile phone and took a look at the fans. She left a message for her and sent a microblog again.