Ji Chengyan returned to the company and immediately dealt with their termination contract. After that, he took advantage of the noon break to send it to Lin An'an.

This time, the two of them really have nothing to do with each other.

Lin an an took the contract in his hand and felt a little relieved. But he didn't know why, and felt that some place in his heart was empty. Sometimes she has to sigh, it's really a woman's heart. As women, they can't figure out what they think, and how can they expect men to figure it out.

Now that Lin An'an has got the contract terminated, he immediately discusses with Lu Zhiyan about re signing the contract. In fact, Lu Zhiyan didn't expect Ji Chengyan to release people. He thought he was going to think of some ways, but he agreed so happily.

However, it also saved him a lot. After Lin An said that they had terminated their contract, they immediately started to deal with the signing of the contract between Lin an and his company.

Lin Anyu is also finally on the one he has not logged in for a long time: "wind".

I posted a micro blog on my micro blog: "I am very sorry for the trouble caused by the sudden abandonment of the number due to various reasons and for the worry you have caused me. Now I'm back. Wait for me

As soon as the microblog was published, all her fans immediately went to the bottom of her microblog to leave a message and send a private message to her. Most people are very happy and say that at least she is safe. Originally, they have been worried about her safety.

They said they didn't expect her to come back.

Not long after microblogging, Lin An'an immediately received a call from Gu Tian: "Dashen, do you really want to return? You're not kidding, are you? "

Lin can't laugh or cry: "don't you always hope I can come back? Now that I'm back, aren't you happy? "

"Of course not. Of course I'm happy. I just don't think it should be carried out, but it's like a dream. You don't know how hard it is for me to maintain your support club. It's very hard for the president of my support club to appease your fans. "

"I'm sorry." Lin Anan sincerely wants to apologize to him, but she immediately interrupts.

"You don't have to apologize. I'll be very happy when you come back. Are you going to start live again? " Gu Tian continues to ask.

"The live broadcast may have to wait a little longer, but I'll do it sooner or later. I'm still busy signing contracts recently, and even if I open the live broadcast, I can't open it as long as I used to every day. After all, I have to take care of my children. " Lin an thought and answered.

"Of course I understand that." Gu Tian said, "if you talk about signing a contract? What's going on. "

"I'm going to sign a contract with Lu Zhiyan. I'll be the anchor of his company in the future. "

"But Ji Chengyan... "

"I've broken my contract with him, and I've made everything clear. You don't have to worry about these things. Just wait for me to come back. And you must appease my fans. I'm just a little old-fashioned. " She gave a smile.

"Leave it to me. Don't worry. You don't know how happy those fans are that you can come back. Just now my wechat blew up. " Gu Tian is really a child's heart. She can clearly tell from her tone that she is really happy.