On this day, Lin an was bored in the hotel and went out alone. She wore loose clothes, stepped on a pair of simple flat shoes, put away her long hair with a high ponytail, and went out with a black mask as before.

She went to the snack street by herself, bought some snacks that she could eat, and then went shopping while eating, intending to buy a dress to wear.

Her stomach has recently begun to grow, almost at the rate visible to the naked eye. And she also found that she began to gain weight slowly. There were few clothes she could wear before. Now that I am a pregnant woman, I should look like a pregnant woman.

She is going to buy some maternity clothes for herself.

Not long after she came out of the snack street, she was still a short distance away from the shopping mall she was going to. She was a little lazy and decided to take the path.

In fact, she didn't have many opportunities to go out before, and she was not familiar with the road here. She just vaguely remembered that there was a path leading to the back door of the shopping mall.

With the impression in his memory, he walked into a seemingly specious path. It turned out to be a small road. It must be a secluded place. In fact, as soon as she went in, she regretted it. Recently, there are too many people who don't like him. In fact, he shouldn't walk in such a sparsely populated place by himself.

If someone really has an eye on her and intends to plot against her, then she really has no place to escape, and even no one will hear her cry for help.

As she walked, she thought about it, and suddenly she began to feel a little creepy. The more I think about it, the more scared I am. I can't help but quicken my pace and want to walk out of this path.

As long as she walks out of this path, she will see people coming and going at the intersection in front of her, which means that she is also safe.

She has gone through so many things that she survived the accident not long ago, but she must not have another accident. If something really happens, she really doesn't know how to solve it.

Don't let anything happen. She prayed in secret.

Who knows, she just thought so casually, and didn't know which passing immortal heard her. She really arranged two scheming little gangsters for her.

As soon as she turned into the path, she did not walk far when she heard the random footsteps coming behind her. She heard the heavy footsteps behind her. For a moment, her scalp felt numb.

She didn't even dare to look back, so she speeded up her pace.

Who knows, as soon as she quickened her pace, those people behind her also quickened their pace, and even tended to approach her more and more.

She's a little scared. Is it really a narrow road?

Although she thought so, she didn't stop at all. No matter what happened, there was no point in her stopping now. What she should do now is to run out of the path.

Even when he was running, he quietly put his hand into his bag, touched his mobile phone, quietly unlocked it, groped and pressed the dialing key, and directly called the last call above.

In this panic, she can't remember who was the person who called her recently, but the people who want to talk to her now are still the people she trusts.

After that, she found out how wise she was at that time. If she didn't make the call immediately at that time, then he really didn't know how things would develop. It's almost unimaginable.