"This is your child, but you wanted me to beat him." Mentioning this incident, she felt even more disgusted with him. "I think he is safer with me than with you."

Ji Chengyan was speechless by her.

When he finally left, he just left a sentence: "you're pregnant with my child now. You'd better live here and stop running around before we reach an agreement."

Lin didn't agree or refuse. In fact, she will not leave in a short time, because she still has one thing to do.


That night, Lin an arranged everything, dressed in a more formal dress, and introduced the first media interview.

Naturally, the interview is the audio that she exposed on the Internet not long ago. Every day, she should show her attitude publicly.

Lin an an fully cooperated in the whole interview process. No matter how tricky the reporter's questions are or even set traps for her, he can face them calmly.

"Miss Lin, when you first got so much bullying in school, did you guess it was your sister's behavior?"

Lin an nodded: "yes, I already knew that at that time. But because I really want to go to school, I've been enduring all this. But I didn't expect that she would make it so much worse later... "

"Since Mr. Ji is your fiance, why doesn't he deal with all this for you?"

"In fact, he did a lot for me at that time. After all, I was a student at that time, and I didn't want everyone to talk behind my back all day. I relied on him to stay in this school, so I didn't want to rely on him for many things."

"When your sister was sent abroad, are you going to leave her alone?"

"Yes, it wasn't just that time. Later, I found a way to go abroad. At that time, I wanted to live alone, but I didn't expect to come back and entangle with them again. "

"Are you planning to fight back after you return home?"

"That's right."

"I'm curious. If your sister apologizes to you now, will you forgive her?"

Lin an shook his head: "in fact, he has already apologized to me, but I will not forgive her. You may think I'm careful, but it didn't happen to you. You won't know. Even if she apologizes, the pain that has happened to me will not diminish at all. "

"Now it's been several days. This afternoon, someone of us photographed Mr. Ji coming to see you. Are you going to get back together? "

Lin an an suddenly smiles: "can't."

"What are you going to do next?"

Lin an turned his head and thought carefully: "what's next It's about finding a place where no one knows me, quietly giving birth to my child, raising him, and then striving to pursue my dream. "

"I don't know what Miss Lin's dream is?"

"Keep it a secret. You'll see me one day." Lin An's smile is gentle and confident.

"In addition, the majority of netizens still have a doubt. The boss of the company that helps your sister mentioned in your audio, would you like to disclose it to us?"

"Of course, that's why I interviewed you." Lin an an replied, "the boss of the company is Mr. Gong Huigong, who is famous for Gong's jewelry."