So Lin an an shook his head to Aunt Zhang, slightly tired and said: "no, aunt. I'll open the door

Aunt Zhang was obviously a little worried about her. She hesitated for a moment and wanted to speak.

But Lin an clearly gently waved his hand and said, "you don't have to worry. Those who should come are always coming. It's really not a good way for me to hide

Aunt Zhang sighed and said nothing. She let her go.

Lin an then slowly went back to the room and found a coat to put on, then slowly went out and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, the rain outside became clearer. Those majestic moisture came, Lin An'an subconsciously squinted.

Ji Cheng Yan is still standing at the door, a hand in his pocket, a face of frost, not a word.

Lin an an looked at him standing at the door and said nothing.

Two people, nearly a month apart, stand face to face for the first time. However, the two people's mood has long been different, Lin An'an now looking at Ji Chengyan standing in front of him, suddenly feel a little trance. Before the two people get along with the time actually as if separated.

It was less than a month later, but when she saw him again, she felt that those things were very far away, like what happened a long time ago.

What's more, Lin An'an is looking at Ji Chengyan standing in front of her now, and she gets a little comfort in her heart. It seems that she finally meets the person who has missed for a long time, and her heart slowly bubbles with acid.

After a long time, Lin found her voice. Her voice was a little hoarse. She tried her best to pull out an ugly smile: "come in."

Then she turned around and walked slowly inside to the dining table, opened her chair and sat down.

Ji Chengyan no longer hesitated. He strode in and took the door with him. Then he went to the opposite side of him and sat down.

They just sat face to face, but there was nothing to say.

Seeing the situation, Aunt Zhang went to the kitchen to pour water for them.

Lin An'an kept his head down and didn't look at him, but Ji Chengyan was the only one. He put his eyes on her and never left. It was like looking at something and thinking about something.

I don't know how long after that, Lin can't stand such depression. Finally he looked up and asked in a voice, "have you had dinner?"

"A little bit on the plane." Ji Cheng Yan answered lightly.

Lin an nodded, as if embarrassed, and said, "if you are hungry, I can..."

"No He interrupted in a cold voice.

Lin an an was silent for a moment, nodded and said with a smile, "OK."

"Are you used to living here?" He asked suddenly.

There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice and a sarcastic smile in his eyes.

“…… good. The scenery is very nice and quiet. It's very comfortable to eat and drink every day. " Lin an an didn't have the fear at the beginning, but calmed down at the moment.

"You have a nice company, too." His eyes were cold and his tone was sarcastic. It seemed that the more he saw her plain now, the more uncomfortable he felt.

He wanted to see her panic, see her nervous. He was fed up with her calm manner, as if he were just a passer-by who couldn't lift any waves, like a naughty child.

Lin An'an frowned at what he said.