So when he recognized Lin An'an, he put her beside him by all means. Imprison her, control her, force her to belong to oneself wholeheartedly.

He knew that he was a bit too sick in this matter, but the result was good, wasn't it?

Lin an didn't let Ji Chengyan wait too long. Two vegetables, two meat and one soup. Looking at the dishes on the table, Ji Chengyan's heart was slightly balanced.

"It looks average." Ji Chengyan picked up chopsticks, picked up a Coke chicken wings and put them into his mouth.

"Just a moment." Lin an an stopped Ji Chengyan, ran to the medicine box, took out the stomach medicine, then took a cup of water on the table, and said, "you continue to eat."

Ji Chengyan looked at her strange behavior, some inexplicable. But when he took a bite of Coke chicken wings, he understood.

"How's it going?" Lin an an looks at him expectantly.

She wanted to spit it out, but his years of upbringing didn't allow him to. So he chewed and swallowed.

"Are you sure the wings are cooked?" Ji Chengyan doesn't know whether Lin An'an is deliberately adjusting himself, or is Shen Changlin's taste so unique? Chicken wings are not only unripe, but also taste "tough". It's like challenging your taste buds.

"Why don't you try this fried egg with cabbage again? This must be ripe! " Lin An's interest in cooking is picked up by Ji Cheng Yan, and Lin an is preparing to cook in the kitchen, with an excited face recommending another vegetarian dish.

Ji Cheng comforts himself that this dish may be an accident. Cabbage is the most versatile and easy to make dish. Even if it is not delicious, its taste should not be so special.

With experience, Ji Cheng Yan put a small cabbage in his mouth. It turns out that there is no worst, only worse. Ji Chengyan choked, almost vomit out of the food, the corner of the eye was choked out of the water.

Lin an an looks at Ji Cheng Yan apologetically, and gives him a bowl of laver egg soup.

"Have a drink and have a flush. It'll be better." Ji Cheng Yan didn't take it, so he took a drink along Lin An'an's hand.

“…… What on earth do you put in it? " Hard to swallow, eyes emitting fierce light, but was covered by tears Ji Cheng Yan looks aggrieved looking at Lin An'an.

"Laver, eggs, oh, and sugar, don't you like sweet? What's the matter? Isn't it good? " Lin an blinked innocently.

Ji Chengyan doesn't know whether to be happy. Lin Anan remembers that he likes sweet food or blames her for her dark cooking.

"You'd better take the medicine first, or you'll feel uncomfortable later." Lin an took the medicine, while drinking medicine while listening to Lin an continue to talk.

"You're very good. You've taken three mouthfuls of my food, and there's nothing to do now. At the beginning, Shen Changlin just took a bite and went to the hospital. "

"That's because I'm in good health, not like that little white faced, weak chicken!" Ji Cheng Yan pursed his lips and thought of it in his heart.

"I took care of him in the hospital for several days." Lin an an continues to say, think of that year of affair son, a face resentful appearance.

"Who says I'm ok! Is your food poisoned? Stomach ache, take me to the hospital Ji Cheng Yan said with a painful face covering his stomach.

"Are you so serious? You wait. I'll get the car keys. I'll take you to the hospital. " Lin an an looks at Ji Cheng Yan apologetically.