In fact, before coming to Xiao Yan, Yuan Xiang had expected that Xiao Yan might ask him about Steven.

So Xiao Yan asked, he was not surprised at all.

Xiao Yan is really right. Steven is a big cancer. Many people can't live in peace if he doesn't get rid of it all day. How many people are waiting for him to help get rid of Steven? Xiao Yan is the only one who clearly asks him.

Because Xiao Yan knows the details of how he helped Steven escape. If this matter is pointed out and let some relevant politicians know, it is inevitable to find trouble with him.

What he has been doing is to maintain the relationship with these politicians, understand their interest needs, and connect some people who pursue common interests but are not connected to become a large interest network. Once the vast majority of people in this network are dissatisfied with him, his initial contact will be completely eliminated.

Therefore, no one except Xiao Yu, father and son, and Xiao Yan should know that he helped Steven escape. In order to ensure his own security and further consolidate his position in the world, he must personally grasp Steven and make a great contribution to Steven.

So he didn't intend to refuse Xiao Yan's proposal. He just hung Xiao Yan and didn't want Xiao Yan to lead him by the nose. You have to hold the initiative tightly in your own hands.

Seeing Yuan Xiang's delay in answering, Xiao Yan said: "I'm just reminding you, not asking you to do things for me. You can also deal with Steven by yourself without asking me at all. I know what you're thinking. You want to make achievements in the world through Steven. If I put a foot in it, your credit will be greatly weakened."

"So what I'm saying is, let you catch him and let the relevant personnel deal with him, not let you catch him and give him to me. But... Within ten days, I'll see the news that Steven was killed."

"Ha ha..." Yuan Xiang said with a smile, "ah Yan, why are you so smart? I haven't revealed anything yet. You can see what I mean."

Xiao Yan said: "I know you well. So, I think you'll want to deal with Steven without my reminding. Because if you don't cooperate with Xiao Yue, Steven's intention to retaliate against me and make a comeback with you can't be achieved. He's barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes now, and he has some shady things on his hands. If he wants to deal with you, he still has to deal with you Isn't it easy? "

"If you don't deal with Steven, I'll keep an eye on you. Some people who notice this will also keep an eye on you. Steven's side will also keep an eye on you. You are thankless and vulnerable. Sooner or later, you will fall into the ditch. But you have to deal with Steven, but time is not guaranteed. If you want to think of a very safe way to hide you and help Steven escape This matter can be solved vigorously again, Steven. "

"My request to you is to let you do it cleanly and neatly. Don't delay time. Brother yuan, I believe in your strength. You will be able to solve Steven within ten days. When you solve Steven, I will go to the celebration banquet and commendation conference held for you by others. I will sincerely wish you great achievements in the world again."

The delay is too great. What if Xiao Yue directly contacts Steven? Yuan Xiang is not afraid, because even if Xiao Yue detects Yuan Xiang's rebellion, he will try his best to bring him back. But on his side, he has to worry.

Steven has too many black businesses. Now he's a crazy horse forced to the edge of a cliff and can do anything. But now he can't afford to play with Steven. If Steven comes to China and finds Shen Xinbai pregnant, he will want to revenge him with Shen Xinbai and his children. This time, Steven doesn't want anything, but just for He took revenge. So once he was a little careless, it was too late for him to recover.

Steven's shot is very cruel. Maybe he will take the opportunity to do it immediately. In less than ten minutes, it will be enough to take the most precious thing in his life.

So he must not take this risk. He must let Yuan Xiang deal with Steven before Xiao Yue and Steven react.

"Yan... Are you afraid of him? You've never been so anxious to deal with a person. It's hard to avoid feeling a little depressed. What's more, you let me deal with Steven. Don't you feel unwilling? Don't you want to face him? Don't you want to throw him into the sea to feed sharks?"

"I'm not in the mood now..." Xiao Yan said. "You just reminded me. What can you do if you're still harboring ghosts and haven't got rid of Steven? It's not impossible to get a double and get a golden cicada out of its shell? So I'll send someone to follow you and help you do it."

"I didn't just remind you, but you had planned so long ago. I just know that I have a good face. You're embarrassed to say it directly?" Yuan Xiang smiled.

Xiao Yan nodded happily without sophistry: "it seems that you know me very well."

"That's it..." Yuan Xiang sighed and looked at Shen Xinbai, "Ah Yan, brother, please advise you. Man, you can't be tied down by anyone or anything. Once you are tied down by something, you will inevitably be tied up. There are no advantages or disadvantages in one or two things, but it's dangerous to go on like this in the long run. Sooner or later, you will die on your weakness."

"Thank you for reminding me, but I don't think anyone dares to oppose me except Steven and Xiao Yue who overestimates himself."

"Are you saying that I overestimate myself?" Yuan Xiang smiled.

"I don't mean that. You did this because it was difficult to disobey the teacher's life. Secondly, you felt confident that you could win. It was a very rational decision based on conditions. You just had to surrender when you met your pig teammate."

Yuan Xiang smiled, picked up his glass and touched the glass in front of Xiao Yan: "ah Yan, brother, here's to you. Thank you for saving my face."

Finish and drink it up.

Shen Xinbai always lowers her head to eat, tastes the delicious food carefully, and doesn't have time to talk to them. But in fact, she has been listening carefully to their conversation.

She couldn't understand the meaning of Yuan Xiang's words. The reason why Xiao Yan used this attitude of standing idly by to deal with Steven was to ensure the safety of her and her children.

Xiao Yan can insist on asking Yuan Xiang to bring Steven to him. But Steven is tricky. What if he runs away during the escort? Once Steven runs away, the first thing must be to retaliate against Xiao Yan. Therefore, Xiao Yan can't choose the risky way of letting Yuan Xiang bring people over.

It's obviously not advisable to go with Yuan Xiang. Because Xiao Yuzhi and Xiao Yue are still here. Xiao Yan can't take her to South Africa. It's too risky, so he can only leave her at home. Xiao Yan's tension with her is to leave her at home. Bodyguards watch her 24 hours a day. As long as he can't see it with his own eyes, he's not at ease.

So since Yuan Xiang wants to use Steven's business to gain international prestige, Xiao Yan might as well use him once and let him do it.

Even without Xiao Yan's request, Yuan Xiang would do it. But with Xiao Yan's request, Yuan Xiang can only do it right away. To do it as soon as possible is tantamount to returning Xiao Yan's favor.

Shen Xinbai can see that neither Xiao Yan nor Yuan Xiang wants to break up their relationship. Xiao Yan has made concessions, that is, as long as Yuan Xiang can handle the matter well, let bygones be bygones; what we need to see now is Yuan Xiang's sincerity.

Xiao Yan was obviously sure that Yuan Xiang was sincere in making peace, so he made a decision that could safeguard the interests of both of them - let Yuan Xiang handle the matter himself. His only intervention was to set a time for solving the problem.

Why does Xiao Yan have to limit Yuan Xiang to solve the problem in such a short time? Or is it because of her. Xiao Yan is worried about long dreams and fear that she and her children will be hurt.

But Shen Xinbai is worried that if Xiao Yan is so anxious to solve this matter, he will not be able to achieve it quickly. Yuan Xiang is very capable, but he is definitely not omnipotent. Before, he wanted to solve this matter slowly because he has no confidence in rapid solution. Now Xiao Yan forces him so much, what if he uses an unwise and desperate method?

Will it make things worse?

But the conversation between Xiao Yan and Yuan Xiang was between men. It was inconvenient for her to interrupt.

At this time, if she talks about delaying Yuan Xiang, she will be on the opposite side of Xiao Yan, which will make Xiao Yan lose face. Moreover, if the husband and wife are not united, it will lead to a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, whether Xiao Yan's decision is right or wrong, she must stand on Xiao Yan's side. Yes, she shares success with Xiao Yan; wrong, she shares the consequences with Xiao Yan.

"Ah Yan..." Yuan Xiang drank a few glasses of wine and seemed to have some wine strength. He patted Xiao Yan on the shoulder and said with his heart and lungs, "I really don't want to lose your friend. As a brother, I put my words here today. Today I promise your request, not because I think I can, but because I want to keep your friend. Since I want to keep your friend, even if I can't, I'll try my best. If I'm planted, I'll admit it. Do you understand what I mean?"

"All right, you," Xiao Yan swept away his hand, "I know you can drink very well. You're drunk after only a few drinks? What's the truth after pretending to drink?"

"Tut... Look at you, why is there such a lack of atmosphere? I'm not pretending. I'm telling the truth. Just with the strength of wine, can I further highlight my sincere attitude!"

Xiao Yan picked up his glass and touched Yuan Xiang: "thank you for your help."