But he couldn't help with such a small thing. Didn't he sleep for nothing for a while?

Play with her?

"Ye Shiya, I'm not the kind of man with soft ears," Yuan Xiang said, "I like you very much, but in the final analysis, you are just a woman. I'll leave my words here today. If you want to continue to follow me, I won't lose you at all in terms of money and love. If you don't want to follow me, we'll break up here today. After following me for a while, I won't let you follow in vain , don't worry about that. "

"But if you want to use me to do anything by being my woman, there's no way. I Yuan Xiang, not the kind of stupid man who can make you a gun."

Ye Shiya grits her teeth and feels angry, but she doesn't know how to vent. Ok... Yuan Xiang, you're cruel enough.

"I also investigated some things after you returned home. Wei Ronghao is really stupid. Fortunately, he met Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan doesn't want to worry about some small things. So as long as he doesn't screw up Xiao Yan in big things, Xiao Yan will continue to use him to do things and support him."

"But if you were someone else, you would have to take off the skin if you didn't die. Hehe... I was fooled around by women, and I really convinced him. Where's the eldest brother? Hehe... I don't think it's worth lifting shoes." Yuan Xiang sneered.

"Yuan Xiang, you investigate me?" Ye Shiya almost squeezed these words out of her teeth.

Yuan Xiang said with a smile, "but I have to do some research on the women who follow me. You are not an exception, so don't be surprised."

"Yuan Xiang, who do you think ye Shiya is? The prostitute who sold me to you? Money? Do you think ye Shiya doesn't care about your little stinky money? What skills do you have except your three inch tongue and some contacts who can't exchange for practical things? I'm a big Ye family. I'm a famous Ye Shiya. How dare you treat me with your routine of treating other women? Yuan Xiang, I think you are confused? "

Yuan Xiang stirred the coffee slowly. He didn't put Ye Shiya's words in his ears, but listened very leisurely.

"So, which one do you choose?"

It's great to think it's Miss Ye's family. Ye Qisheng's business is very big, but the old man is not sociable and has not a wide circle of contacts. With his current international status, it's not easy to crush the old man.

Ye Shiya is too pretentious and takes herself too seriously. What kind of woman hasn't played in love for so many years? Even for women who work in important government positions in a country, he has been in a minority. Who dares to do anything to him?

Just a Ye family, dare to intimidate him?

Hehe... What a big joke.

"Yuan Xiang, are you playing with me?" Ye Shiya asked.

Yuan Xiang's face stiffened: "play with you? You're not qualified."

"Well, you don't have to choose. That's it between you and me." Yuan Xiang frowned, looked disgusted, got up and left.

"Yuan Xiang, you fucking bastard!" Ye Shiya rushed to him and waved her hand to hit Yuan Xiang in the face, but Yuan Xiang quickly grabbed the falling hand.

At this time, Yuan Xiang's face was very heavy.

He took back his hand and pointed at Ye Shiya: "Miss ye, the problem lies with you. You are really disappointing after contact!"

Yuan Xiang said these words mercilessly, strode away and didn't bother to look at Ye Shiya again.

"You bastard! If you fucking dare to play with me, I won't let you go! Wait for me!" Ye Shiya shouted angrily at his back.

"Hum..." Yuan Xiang just snorted coldly, and didn't even mean to look back.

Looking at the back of Yuan Xiang's decisive departure, ye Shiya stamped her feet with hatred!

But the heel was too high, the foot sprained, and the whole man fell to the ground.

His knees and hips hurt, his shoes were slippery, and he struggled a few times without getting up.

Finally, he squatted directly on the ground and sobbed

Asshole, they're all fucking assholes

Play with her, don't you? Dare to play with her

Why is she so unlucky? The men she meets are more scum than scum! The scum of Xiao Yan would rather like a cheap woman who can sell herself for money than her; the bastard Wei Ronghao thought he was a big brother and could be tough at least, but he used her to be the running dog of Xiao Yan; Yuan Xiang is even more hateful and wants to sleep with her for nothing !

Think she's a bully?

No one is always unlucky. You all wait for me. When I officially inherit Ye's family in the future, I will get these debts back one by one

"I'm sorry, miss. We know you're in a bad mood, but please don't affect other guests. Do you need us to call a car for you and see you off?"

Ye Shiya's cry has attracted the attention of others in the cafe and affected the normal atmosphere of the cafe. The boss couldn't stand it. He wanted to drive the crazy woman away, so he asked the waiter to drive people.

"What's the noise?" Ye Shiya took off her high heels and threw them at the waiter who was looking down at her!

Fortunately, the waiter hid quickly, and the high-heeled shoes only hit his chest.

Waiters in high-end places have strong tolerance. Even if he was treated by Ye Shiya, he didn't feel angry. Just continue to behave and ask, "Miss, do you need us to help you up?"

"Go away! I can get up myself!" Ye Shiya angrily said.

"Would you please hurry up? Don't affect the rest mood of other guests, thank you." the waiter said.

"Roll..." Ye Shiya threw another high-heeled shoe away.

How could the people in the coffee shop not notice such a noise? They all looked this way and looked at Ye Shiya with a disgusting face. Someone recognized Ye Shiya and whispered with his companions.

Ye Shiya can clearly hear the laughter from the people around her. These sounds are so harsh

How did she live like this? How could it be like this

Knowing that someone recognized her, ye Shiya didn't dare to spill it. She had to bear the grief in her heart and get up slowly. He picked up his bag and walked out of the cafe with heavy footsteps.

They did it all... These bastards did it all

When did ye Shiya lose her manners?

Out of the cafe, a gust of autumn wind blew, very cold

"Brother Hao, isn't that sister-in-law?" a small gangster driving in a mabahri not far away pointed to Ye Shiya at the door.

Wei Ronghao frowned and said, "slow down."

"Brother Hao, it's almost time to meet brother Tian. We..."

"It's all right," Wei Ronghao said. "I called him personally and said there was an emergency on the way."

It was originally about Wu Tian to meet Meizu. I didn't want to meet Ye Shiya on the road. If it's just an ordinary meeting, it's mainly that ye Shiya looks like now... Why doesn't she wear shoes? Carrying a bag, lost.

I picked up my cell phone and called Wu Tian. I originally wanted to say that I would go later, but when I saw Ye Shiya barefoot on the cold concrete floor, my mouth changed its meaning: "brother Tian, I'm sorry. Today's meeting seems to be cancelled and changed to tomorrow. Do you think it's ok?"

Wei Ronghao was quite polite. On the road of the city, he is now higher than Wu Tian. For a while, he was really rude to talk to Wu Tian. But this time it was very polite, because I broke the appointment first, which was unreasonable.

Wu Tian also heard that Wei Ronghao had something urgent. Anyway, the current situation is already like this. He doesn't want to catch his pigtail in this matter. He can only say, "OK, see you tomorrow and call."

Hanging up, Wei Ronghao pointed to Ye Shiya: "follow her."

"OK." the younger brother answered.

Ye Shiya walked barefoot on the cold concrete ground. She knew that she looked very disgraceful now, so she walked quickly, got into the car and drove back to her home.

"Brother Hao, what are we doing with my sister-in-law? Just stop her? Otherwise I'll drive faster and stop her?"

Wei Ronghao thought and said, "just follow her. Don't stop until she stops."

The little brother had to nod.

I thought brother Hao was really infatuated with his sister-in-law. How long have they been separated? I still think about it. You know, as usual, HAOGE's woman broke up the day before and forgot the day after. Which one has been haunted for months? And most importantly, the sister-in-law has a new love now.

When brother Hao asked them to follow Ye Shiya, they didn't know what to call it. Would it be better to call Miss ye or continue to call sister-in-law? Later, when a friend spoke, he called bald and called "sister-in-law". Unexpectedly, brother Hao nodded rather usefully than scolding him. Therefore, they have learned to be smart. They all call them sister-in-law instead of Miss Ye.

Ye Shiya was in a low mood and didn't notice that someone followed her. She drove very fast all the way. She just wanted to vent all her anger

Yuan Xiang's sarcastic face and Xiao Yan's disdainful face appeared in her mind again and again... But when Wei Ronghao appeared... Only his face was normal.

In her memory, Wei Ronghao looked at her very gently.

"They are all fucking bastards..." Ye Shiya scolded fiercely, "men don't have a good thing!"

Wei Ronghao is also a fucking asshole. He depends on her relationship. He has to curry favor with her family as a rich son-in-law. How dare he not be gentle with her?

None of these three people is a good man!

I thought bitterly and galloped all the way to my downstairs.

Just about to get off, she found a Maybach parked behind her. She recognized that this was Wei Ronghao's car.