"You just let him go?" Shen Xinbai thought that Xiao Yan was too cheap for him, right?

And at first sight, the scum man is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I let him go. I'm afraid there will be endless trouble.

"I let people watch him in the dark. If he doesn't buy a ticket to get on the bus, someone will catch him in front of me. The people I sent will keep an eye on him and watch him settle down."

"How long can you stare? It won't be like protecting Jiajia. Do you stare all the time? He's really awesome. You can send someone to protect him!"

"I can't stare for long. I just look at his movements," Xiao Yan said. "But from the current situation, I don't need to look at them. He can't live in peace."

Seeing Xiao Yan's understatement, Shen Xinbai felt a little strange. Isn't Xiao Yan worried about what this scum man will do to Xiao Qing's mother and daughter?

Xiao Yan drove back to the side road: "Although Xiao Qing seems to be very rational and hates this scum man, in fact, she still cares about him in her heart. Xiao Qing had a deep affection for him. At first, despite the opposition of her family, she went on a hunger strike to protest and wanted to marry him. Later, if her uncle hadn't tricked her out of his true words and played the recording to Xiao Qing, Xiao Qing couldn't wake up."

"What stratagem?" Shen Xinbai is still very interested in these things.

"My uncle knew that he was thinking about the property of the Xiao family, so he asked him to sign a prenuptial agreement, and asked him to write a guarantee, promising to leave the Xiao family and find another job after marrying Xiao Qing. He also forged a paternity test and told him that Xiao Qing was not the biological daughter of the Xiao family, but the child of my mother and others."


Shen Xinbai thinks that uncle's way is too unkind. How can he talk to his dead siblings? Aren't you afraid that her mother-in-law will jump up from under the nine springs and scratch him?

"Uncle does things like this. He doesn't play cards according to common sense, and doesn't care about some Yin and Yang."

"But the problem is that this method is too childish. How can Xiao Qing believe it? If I were you, I wouldn't believe it."

Xiao Yan glanced at her: "that's your stupidity... It's just an appetizer. The real main course hasn't come yet."

Shen Xinbai adjusted a comfortable posture and encouraged Xiao Yan to tell her a story: "then tell me what's going on? Be sure to speak a little louder and more emotional. Have a sense of picture. Do you understand the sense of picture?"

"Know a fart", Xiao Yan hit her on the head and continued his boring story: "Of course he won't sign this prenuptial agreement, and he doesn't particularly believe in the paternity test provided by his uncle. After all, Xiao Qing and I look very much alike. This is just a preparation. At that time, he was Xiao's chief financial officer and had many opportunities to meet his uncle directly. My uncle deliberately set up a bureau to let Meng Yun overhear his conversation with the lawyer. Naturally, the content of the conversation was in advance It was agreed with lawyer Shen. "

"It's about the distribution of shares in the will. Xiao Qing didn't take any shares. At that time, my uncle said that it's kind and righteous for our Xiao family to keep this wild species for so long in order to save face. She can't have any of the Xiao family's property. Meng Yun is a wise man. If they are allowed to get married, I don't know how to help Xiao Qing calculate our Xiao family's property What? Take preventive measures. Meng Yun must not succeed. "

"What I heard with my own ears, and what I didn't believe? My uncle didn't force him to make a decision. It was like nothing happened. He never talked to him again. But in the month after this, he was extremely indifferent to Xiao Qing. Originally, he and Xiao Qing had set a date for travel and marriage, but he delayed it again and again."

Shen Xinbai listened and felt that it was really difficult to associate people like his uncle with this vicious mother-in-law. At first glance, this move sounded childish, but when you think about it, it was very clever.

Let Meng Yun doubt first, and then let him decide for himself. Meng Yun is a young talent and must be an extremely confident person. He will not doubt what he has tried hard to eavesdrop. On the contrary, he will be complacent about his alertness.

"And then? Did my sister see the problem?"

"She's a fool. What can she see?" Xiao Yan said. "Isn't her uncle giving him a dose of strong material?"

"What kind of material?"

"With the help of a banquet, my uncle asked his friend's daughter to show his kindness to him. The other party also had some family background. At that time, he was in the regret stage of betting on the wrong treasure. This road died, and suddenly there was a new road, and it was still alive. In front of him, do you think he might not seize it?"

Shen Xinbai nodded. People like Meng Yun have the same character as Zhao Zhengxi. They want to climb up and miss an opportunity. If there is another opportunity in front of them, he will never give up.

"I hooked up with Miss Qi for a while, about more than a month. Miss Qi thought it was almost time, so she asked him about him and Xiao Qing. At that time, in order to tie Miss Qi, he naturally said that Xiao Qing was all kinds of wrong. How can I think that miss Qi was actually recording? Later, Miss Qi gave the recording to Xiao Qing, and her uncle and Xiao Qing told the cause and effect..."

Xiao Yan shrugged and looked helpless.

You don't have to ask. Even so, Xiao Qing didn't completely give up on Meng Yun. Maybe she tried again and finally understood.

"He knew he had been tricked and couldn't stay with Xiao. So he found a way out for himself. At that time, I happened to be in China. How could I let him retreat so easily? I was trying to set up a trap for him and just found that he had dug a hole for himself. I pushed the boat with the current, reported him and sent him to the Bureau. Later, Xiao Qing was pregnant and his family came back All advised her to run away, and the doctor's uncle found it, but she didn't listen to the advice, so she ran out and gave birth to the child secretly. "

Shen Xinbai sighed after listening.

Xiao Qing is a good woman. No woman is willing to kill her children. But she loved the wrong person. Fall in love with a scum and ruin your life.

"Later, there were many people pursuing Xiao Qing. But because of this, Xiao Qing didn't dare to believe in men. Therefore, he refused all suitors. Maybe because Fan Yi was an old acquaintance, he didn't pay so much attention to Fan Yi's defense. This made him a little better, not like a nun."

"How do you talk?" Shen Xinbai hit Xiao Yan's mouth. "My sister is cautious and responsible for her feelings. How can you be so despised?"

"But you say, why hasn't Xiao Qing married Fan Yi after she agreed to his proposal? Either she still has a shadow in her heart, or she can't let Meng Yun go."

"How is it possible? That scum naturally makes him roll as far as possible. What else can't be put down?"

Xiao Yan looked at Shen Xinbai with disgust: "you didn't bring your brain out when you said this. Isn't Zhou Jinshi's husband also a scum? Has she put it down? Not only she doesn't put it down, but also she wants to die and live for others."

Shen Xinbai's mouth was turned away. He thought that even if I didn't bring my brain out, you shouldn't explain it so directly? How shameless am I? I just didn't think of it at that moment.

"So you mean you're not afraid of Meng Yun making trouble, but give him a chance to make trouble?"

Xiao Yan nodded: "he's a little smart at last. If he really has the idea of making trouble, let him make trouble. It's estimated that after this time, Xiao Qing will completely give up on him."

"So, we should really hope that Mr. Meng can get something out quickly. My sister will give up her heart as soon as possible and uncle fan will fix it as soon as possible."

"No one can tell about feelings," Xiao Yan said. "Who knows that Fan Yi must be a reliable person? He knows people, faces and hearts."

"Yo, you've become an emotional expert, huh?"

Xiao Yan smiled: "have you been ill for a long time?"

At the beginning, Shen Xinbai didn't know what Xiao Yan meant. He leaned comfortably on the car chair and was thinking about Fan Yi's personality... Suddenly, an idea flashed, looked at Xiao Yan and asked, "what do you mean? What did you just say to me again?"

"Don't say it twice." Xiao Yan said.

"You dare say you dare not admit it? What do you mean, I made you 'sick'?"

"Don't dare, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue..."

"It's almost......" Shen Xinbai thought Xiao Yan's performance was good and took back his hand.

Her hand was just pinched on Xiao Yan's ear. Otherwise, how could it have such a wonderful effect?

In the Xiao family, the story of Xiao Qing and Mengmeng's biological father is basically a secret area in everyone's heart. Even the two little guys, Yaoyao and Mengmeng, will never mention it. In addition to Xiao Qing's pretending to be relaxed and joking, this person can't be heard in this family. Sometimes it makes people feel that Mengmeng jumps out of a stone.

Since it is the forbidden area at home, although Shen Xinbai is curious, he has never asked Xiao Yan. Today, I heard Xiao Yan talk about the specific process of this matter. Naturally, I am very distressed by Xiao Qing.

There are many good women and men in this world. But not every good woman will meet a good man, and not every good man will meet a good woman. More often, good women match slag men, good men match cheap women.

It's really not easy to find the right people in the vast world and the vast sea of people. The companionship of a lifetime of acquaintance is exchanged for the blessings accumulated over several generations.

Most people have taken many detours and are so tired that they are covered with scars. Finally, when they are discouraged, the lights are dim. Suddenly looking back, they happen to meet the same tired and scarred person as themselves. The two tired people looked at each other. From then on, they knew each other, hugged each other, snuggled up to keep warm and walked for the rest of their lives.

Fortunately, although I took some detours before meeting Xiao Yan, I was not discouraged and covered with scars.

I really thank Xiao Yan for appearing in her life. Avoid her running all the way to find, avoid her landing scars