Shen Xinbai took Xiao Yan to play in Hengdian for two days. Originally, she wanted to visit xiuniang in Suzhou. But Shen Xinbai suddenly felt that if something could not be done in one breath, it would be better to leave something to read.

Maybe the previous six years had been so hard that she had no sense of security in her heart. She always felt that such happiness was not solid. She always worries that when things are done, her happiness will disappear.

So when Xiao Yan was very interested in the embroiderer who Lu could embroider a good Suzhou embroidery, Shen Xinbai was determined to go home.

"I haven't been to many places in China." they are already on the road, but Xiao Yan is still fighting for it. "I really want to go to Suzhou."

Shen Xinbai still shook his head firmly: "don't go."

He was defeated by Shen Xinbai again. This time, Xiao Yan really stopped.

Back home, Shen Xinbai's first thing was to rush into the study and hold her son.

These two days, although Xiao Qing said that shaking is safe and everything is as usual, Shen Xinbai can't rest assured completely. She must see her son.

"Oh... Mommy, you are so cold that you hate it. Go take a bath and change your clothes!" the little milk bag pushed Shen Xinbai away.

Being despised by his son, Shen Xinbai feels very hurt. Very disappointed to the side.

Then, it changed to Xiao banquet.

"Ah Yan! I miss you so much!" the little milk bag jumped on Xiao Yan and couldn't hang on him.

Seeing such a sharp contrast, Shen Xinbai was stunned

You two, don't play like this!

"It's too sad. I'm gone and I'll never come back..." Shen Xinbai dragged his tired body and mind to the lonely basement. However, there was no voice calling her back from behind. Shen Xinbai's body and mind were hurt by 10000 points again.

"Xinbai..." seeing Shen Xinbai coming downstairs, Xiao Qing beckons to Shen Xinbai.

"What's the matter, sister?" seeing Xiao Qing's mysterious appearance, Shen Xinbai was puzzled.

"I think the place where Yaoyao reads seems to have been exposed," Xiao Qing said. "According to the reaction of the bodyguards who picked up Yaoyao these two days, there are suspicious vehicles around. It seems that someone is secretly monitoring them, but they haven't found a chance to start."

After hearing this, Shen Xinbai had long forgotten his loss. He became nervous and said, "are they sure?"

Xiao Qing nodded and said, "the bodyguard of the Xiao family, it's still very appropriate to do things. I think... I'd better transfer to another school?"

Shen Xinbai frowns, but he also knows that once the place where he studies is known by the other party, the only way to deal with it is to transfer to another school.

However, frequent transfer is very unfavorable to the growth of children.

Why is it exposed?

Shen Xinbai is also thinking about this problem.

She always went to pick up Yaoyao herself, and even if the bodyguards went to pick up Yaoyao these days, they would certainly make a good disguise and would never go to pick up Yaoyao with great momentum. What went wrong

Did someone follow her?

The bodyguards of the Xiao family are very vigilant. If someone follows them, they will find them at the first time. But her own vigilance is not high. After all, without professional training, she couldn't notice even if someone followed her.

So the problem must be her own. It was someone who found the place to go to school by following him. And this person... There are many people who may follow her.

It may have appeared in her company, Zhao Zhengxi; It may also be the people who usually stay outside their company. It is possible that they are sent by Wu Tian, Lu Jiayi and ye Shiya. So it's hard for her to be sure which side it is.

If you can't catch the other party and solve it, you have to transfer to school. This is the only way to ensure safe shaking.

"Why don't you discuss it with ah Yan? Otherwise, I think it's better to transfer to the private primary school where Mengmeng studies, so it's safer for the bodyguards to pick it up every day." Xiao Qing said.

Shen Xinbai nodded and said, "I'll discuss it with Xiao Yan. If there's no other way, it's the only way."

"I know that neither you nor a-yan want Yaoyao to feel that he is different from other children. I don't want him to feel that as the young master of the Xiao family, he has any privileges that others don't have," said Xiao Qing, "but there's no way..."

"As the young master of the Xiao family, he gets different from others. He naturally bears more than others since he was a child. Everyone has his own life, which can't be changed. When I was a child, why didn't ah Yan and I think about the life of ordinary people? But... Ah... White heart, it can be said that his life has been doomed since the day he was born."

Shen Xinbai sighed. She knew the truth, but she really wanted to add these to her son, but she felt... I'm so sorry for the child.

Perhaps, if she hadn't brought Yaoyao back to the Xiao family at that time, everything would be different. They will also live an ordinary life without any worries about their lives, and without these inescapable wealth and responsibilities.

It may be hypocritical to say, but in her heart, she really only hopes that Yaoyao can be an ordinary child and find a place in the society through her own efforts.

But she can be sure of one thing. Even so, she never regretted marrying Xiao Yan.

"Sister, don't worry. I'll talk to Xiao Yan. Let's discuss it and see what to do next." Shen Xinbai said.

In Meizu nightclub, ah Kui is reporting to Wu Tian that he has been looking for opportunities to start these days, but he has not succeeded.

"I see," Wu Tian just waved his hand. "It's not your fault. There's no way. The guards of the Xiao family are not fuel-efficient lights."

"I heard that Shen Xinbai and Xiao Yan have come back. It's even more difficult to attack this child in the future. Wait."

"Yes, brother Tian," said Aquinas.

In fact, both of them know it. When Shen Xinbai comes back, it's easier to start. Is it easier to deal with the guards of the Xiao family, or with a woman and a child? Obviously the latter.

However, Wu Tian did not let ah Kui and them continue to act, and the previous action seemed to remind Shen Xinbai and Xiao Yan.

Wu Tian is very embarrassed now. He just wants to be an ordinary "businessman". But he also knew that he couldn't wash white himself. Zhao Zhengxi Lu provided the news that Shen Xinbai went to Hengdian on vacation. If they didn't report the news and were discovered by the leader himself, his problem would be serious.

Therefore, we must report it and take the opportunity to take action. But if they fail to act, they will not has the final say.

Ji aiming has been sick since he escaped from Xiao Yan. He said he had a heart attack and should take good care of it. Who doesn't know, he's demonstrating to Steven and deliberately putting it down. Angry that Steven didn't save him.

Steven also knows this, because Ji aiming needs to be used in Hong Kong, so it's a good comfort. What do you say? They dare not rescue rashly. They are worried that Xiao banquet will tear up the ticket in anger, so they are studying a careful rescue plan. But Ji aiming was smart and escaped by himself.

As a result, Steven felt guilty. Ji aiming was angry. He didn't dare to say anything. He had to let him do it. Not only that, but also sent a lot of valuable supplements. Because he knew it well, he didn't send a doctor to see Ji aiming. He tacitly accepted Ji aiming's anger and let him put it down for a while.

He seems very open-minded and considerate of their work. But if Ji aiming can't escape, will he train people again to take over Ji aiming's business in Hong Kong?

Just because Ji aiming escaped, the brothers in Hong Kong naturally listened to Ji aiming when Ji aiming was there, so Steven had to continue to appease Ji aiming.

If it were on him, Steven would probably do the same and let him live and die. It shows how heartless the foreigner is. Shit, in comparison, Xiao Yan is more affectionate and righteous. He didn't force him to death in the end.

In fact, Xiao Yan had several opportunities to force him to a dead end, but Xiao Yan didn't. Of course, business is business. Xiao Yan kept him just because he was useful. But it is also true that he is still alive.

I don't know whether Steven is stupid or because he has too much confidence in his men. Hasn't he ever thought about how Ji aiming could escape in the tight place of the Xiao family's old house?

Hehe... I'm afraid the good play is still ahead.

Before going to bed, Shen Xinbai tells Xiao Yan what Xiao's bodyguards found and Xiao Qing's proposal.

Xiao Yan also felt that if the information provided by the guards of the Xiao family was true, the only way to solve it was to transfer Yaoyao to another school. But Xiao Yan didn't agree to transfer to Mengmeng's school. She felt that the goal of the two children together was too big. If you are really caught, the other party will have more chips.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Shen Xinbai asked.

Seeing the appearance of Xiao Yan, we know that Xiao Yan has a final conclusion in his heart.

"I still go to public primary schools," Xiao Yan said. "Although the teaching facilities of public primary schools are poor, they are very safe. Moreover, there are so many public primary schools in the city, who can find them? If they don't follow, it's hard for them to find people. What's more, it's better for children to have a simple learning environment."

Shen Xinbai nodded with satisfaction and felt that Xiao Yan had been completely brainwashed by himself. Think about it, there is a little sense of achievement.

"You and Xiao Qing go and talk," Shen Xinbai said. "It's not good for me to directly deny her proposal."

"I see," Xiao Yan said, "there is no relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to deal with. You live so fine every day. Are you tired?"

"Not tired", Shen Xinbai hugged Xiao Yan and said happily, "as long as I'm with you, I'm not tired of doing anything."

"All right, all right, don't fool me!" Xiao Yan was disgusted, but his mind was happy.