After a long time, Shen Xinbai reluctantly smiled and replied, "thank you for your concern. I've been very good in recent years. My son and I are very happy."

When I mentioned the word "son", I obviously felt the deep hatred in Lu Jiayi's eyes. If it wasn't for the child, how could they come to this step today? Now she says they're happy?

What about him? What has been his life in the past six years? Life is like a year. Even though there are many women around him, none of them can really move him. He once loved Shen Xinbai crazily and would never have that craziness again.

Seeing that Lu Jiayi didn't look very well and didn't speak all the time, Shen Xinbai asked tentatively, "President Lu, is there anything else? Can I go?"

"Go away." with a heavy word, Shen Xinbai turned and left immediately. To be more exact, he ran away.

She didn't dare to face such a gentle Lu Jiayi, because she was afraid that she couldn't help telling him the truth.

But she can't. She has promised her mother Lu that she will never tell Lu Jiayi. She also promised herself to forget that thing. No matter how she decided, she and Lu Jiayi can't go back. Really, everything can't go back.

Lu group public relations department.

As soon as Shen Xinbai entered the office, several employees of the Department immediately got up: "good morning, director Shen."

"Good morning."

"Director Shen, Mr. Lu didn't scold you?" assistant Xiao Ling asked nervously.

Shen Xinbai smiles and shakes his head

At this time, a thin young man with glasses immediately answered: "Look, I said Mr. Lu wouldn't scold our director. It's not our public relations department's fault that Su Mei's woman made trouble. Externally, we have handled this matter beautifully. Well, the Su family can't find any reason to make trouble with us, and the news media can't find an excuse. Besides, Mr. Lu doesn't play with women for two days a day, even after the movie Sure, Su Mei is a little celebrity, and she can't stir up any waves. "

"Director Shen, at the end of the month, there are still a lot of funds in our group. What do you think is to go out and have a big meal?" Sister Liu, the accountant of the public relations department, smiled.

Shen Xinbai shook his head: "not today. You go. I'm going to take my son swimming in the evening."

"Oh, you are really a good mother. It's lucky to shake the child and spread a mother like you." Sister Liu sighed.

Shen Xinbai listened and didn't say anything, just a faint smile

"Director, let's go, ha." Xiao Wang laughed.

The busy day was finally over, and Shen Xinbai went out of the company after another half-hour shift.

Parking lot.

When Shen Xinbai went to pick up the car, he just saw Lu Jiayi's black Land Rover driving slowly. On the co pilot, there was a new model, a subsidiary of the company, whose name was said to be an Xiaoya. When passing by her, Lu Jiayi didn't look at her from beginning to end and didn't know the Buddha.

Looking at the back of the Land Rover leaving, Shen Xinbai felt a little uncomfortable, but she could fully accept it, because there were too many such things in the past six years. Seeing too much, she was naturally numb. She had no right to accuse him, because six years ago, she destroyed all this by herself.

In the evening, the swimming pool.

"Mommy, you are a little absent-minded today."

After two laps of swimming, xiaomengbao saw that his mother, who was wandering in the armchair with a bath towel, was a little out of shape. She came to care about it immediately.

"Well... Do I have?"

"Are you thinking about Lu Jiayi?" Meng Bao revealed the secret.

Shen Xinbai immediately stopped his head: "no, don't talk nonsense."

"It's a lie. It's obvious. Since you still like it, tell him why you are so tangled. Sometimes your adults don't work as happy as our children, mother-in-law."

"Please, Mr. Shen, take care of your own affairs and don't interfere with others?" Shen Xinbai was helpless.

Is this little steamed stuffed bun really only six years old? Why do you talk so skillfully sometimes?

"Nonsense, are you someone else? Aren't you my mother? Do you think I'll be willing to take care of other people's affairs?"

Obviously, the steamed stuffed bun is dissatisfied

Shen Xinbai was about to speak when his mobile phone suddenly rang

Looking at the call, Lu Jiayi's three words were clearly visible. Shen Xinbai still felt some inexplicable heartbeat.

"Hello? President Lu?"

"Xinbai, I miss you." at the other end of the phone, Lu Jiayi's voice is correct, but the voice is obviously slow and unclear. It seems that she is drunk.

"Mr. Lu, you're drunk." after a moment of silence, Shen Xinbai pretended to be calm and replied.

"Xin Bai, I've never been reconciled in the past six years. I'm in a panic. I have a question I've always wanted to ask you."

"You ask." take a deep breath, and Shen Xinbai answered faintly.

"Who's the child? Who were you attacked by six years ago?" at the other end of the phone, Lu Jiayi, who was originally gentle, became a little angry when he mentioned the topic of children.

After hearing this sentence, Shen Xinbai took the phone in one hand and looked at the small milk bag in front of him. His eyes were dark, but he suddenly didn't know how to answer him.