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Name:CEO of my Heart Author:lilseasalt
Nolan blew out his held breath and he looked around nervously.  Today was the day that Janna Wu would finally would see him with all of his new changes.  It was supposed to be nothing to worry about but he kept checking his text messages from her with trepidation.  She had told him specifically to meet him at her clinic, but the whole building had been locked when he had got there.  There were no cars in the parking area at all and there was really nothing to indicate the office was even open at this time.  Nolan wondered if she had been called to the hospital and had been running late. He flipped the key card in his pocket as he considered his options.  Nolan knew that he could let himself in with this, although it felt odd because he had never used it before. Usually there was a staff member or cleaning person who would have let him in.  Sometimes he would come into the office to answer the phone or file paperwork. It was odd to him that he could feel comfortable doing work for her, but not be excited to show her his new clothing.  He really was grasping at the last straws with this, but he really didn't know how else to capture her affections.

As he entered the reception area, he could see that it had just been newly cleaned.  It looked a lot better with the furniture that Henry had sent in earlier. The room looked much more modern and inviting to wait for a moment in.  The childrens wooden toys had also been replaced so they no longer had missing pieces. There were a nice mixture of parenting magazines and car manuals sprinkled like salt and pepper throughout the space.  It was not going to win any prizes in Architectural Digest, but it was really coming together.

True to form, Nolan found a post it note placed at the top of his usual computer monitor.  The handwriting was almost illegible, but Nolan had learned what each little scribble meant from his many hours studying all about her.

I have to deal with one of my patients in the emergency room.  It should be no big deal, but I have no idea what he's done this time.  It may be a while so if you want to cancel, I take no offense.

No worries, Wu

Nolan rolled the note in his palm as he bit his tongue.  Typical Doctor Wu. He wasn't surprised in the least.

Now he had a lot of time to kill, so he set his new bag down on the receptionist's desk and started to take out his lecture notes.  Occassionally the phone would ring and he would put down a message for the office. He was happy that Henry had hired a whole new team to manage the place as the businessman had been shocked at the disregard for making ends meet.  The accountant had done wonders to make sure that the less fortunate had access to loan options. The nurses and receptionists were all trained in multiple languages. His brother-in-law was king of leaving order whenever he encountered chaos.