Ellie awoke languorously. She didn't understand why she was so warm and felt like a huge weight was pressing down on her. It wasn't painful, but it just felt incredibly hot and itchy. Ellie started to lurch back to awareness that someone had tucked her into the bed with a heap of blankets placed on her. She was incredibly irritated, but also confused. This was not something Michael would do. Ellie took in a deep breath and realized today her thinking was not as muddled as day before. Her heart was not racing and her breathes were deep and even showing her a return of a goodness of health.

She moved her toes out of the sweaty spot in the blanket as she recoiled from the sensation -- that she could react to this was a delight as all parts of her body were in sync. Not to forget that there was a bone deep weariness from her ordeal of quitting the drug cold turkey. Her legs were no longer painfully aching from cramp or numbness from the paralysis. This clarity was something she would always treasure as she felt reborn in her old skin.

Ellie kept her eyes closed feeling too good to want to wake up and face the day. She sniffed the air and realized that she could detect notes of sandle wood and something that smelled expensive--cognac. Did she even know what that smelled like? She had a pillow fully beneath her and realized her arm was wrapped around something with a surprising level of solid muscle. She was confused as she wondered if she had been reincarnated and grown muscle overnight. Then she realized the object was rising and falling with even breath. It was breathing. In alarm Ellen opened her eyes and couldn't believe her eyes. She was in the same bed with her husband. She was spooning him in her sleep.

She wanted to scream but the strangled sound was stuck in her throat. She couldn't move from the shock of it all. Her breath caught as she wondered how in the world she could have come to be in this sacred room. She knew it was impossible to get into because it was locked with a keycard access that was restricted to Henry only. It was not quite dusk and the colors reflected from the bright sunset reflected in Henry's black hair as cute natural pink highlight. As he slept, Ellie was reminding of a budding trainee kpop star who had just debuted instead of the stoic scheming businessman whose problems had changed her life in ways she would still come to see.

It was no surprise that her mood was good. It was really nice to be close to such an attractive man that she had only dreamed of. Even if their relationship was not the real deal and she had no idea how she had come to spending the night in his room and next to him on his very big bed.