Chapter 758

"No, it's not true." Xia Yihan yells, and she just wants to run away. She takes off her slim high-heeled shoes in a hurry. She takes them off twice and tries to run away. Xia Yihan's only idea at this time is that she doesn't know how long she has been running until she can't see song wanting behind her. Xia Yihan stops and gasps heavily. Her legs ache and it's difficult to stand, Xia Yihan might as well find a place to rest. I'm glad to get rid of song wanting who wants to eat her alive.

Xia Yihan doesn't understand why Ye Zimo is angry with herself. This is something she doesn't want to understand. Is yesterday's warmth fake?

She couldn't think of any reason. Since she couldn't think of it, Xia Yihan decided not to. She stood up and found that in a strange environment, she didn't know where she was. Xia Yihan planned to get out of the fog first. In fact, let it go for the time being.

Before she took a few steps, Xia Yihan saw a lot of people in the distance. They were laughing and talking. She was far away. She couldn't see what those people were doing or hear what they were saying.

Xia Yihan bends down and walks over with her shoes. She is getting closer and closer. She becomes scared for no reason.

It was a wedding ceremony for a couple.

"Best wishes to the bride and groom for a hundred years." A higher than a blessing hovered in the sky for a long time, Xia Yihan also offered his most sincere blessing.

I don't know who handed Xia Yihan a wine cup and asked Xia Yihan to propose a toast. She didn't want to go, thinking about other people's newlyweds. Xia Yihan didn't want to disappoint others. She took the cup and went to the bridegroom and bride and raised the wine cup.

"Congratulations to both of you."

The following words haven't been said, and it's too late to say. The unspoken blessing is like a fishbone stuck in Xia Yihan's throat, unable to vomit or swallow. She looked at the two familiar faces, one was Ye Zimo, the one she loved the most, and the other was Zhong yunshang, the elder sister she admired. How did they get married? Xia Yihan feels that his life is all black without any color.

"No, No." Xia Yihan screamed: "you can't get married." She can't say why. She only knows that ye Zimo is her. Even if it's her sister, she doesn't want to give ye Zimo to her.

Ye Zimo looks at Xia Yihan condescensively, just like a stranger. Zhong yunshang looks at Xia Yihan contemptuously. The corners of his mouth are full of satire. In peacetime, their expressions are quite different.

The two begin to exchange rings in the blessing of everyone. Ye Zimo's big hand is on Zhong yunshang's waist. Xia Yihan looks at the two people who begin to embrace. One is her sister, the other is her fiance. They go to the auditorium in front of her! Xia Yihan's eyes are wide open. No, she wants to stop them from getting married.

"Mo, she's my sister!" Xia Yihan looks at Ye Zimo with dim tears in her eyes. Not only her eyes shed tears, but her heart is numb with pain. Xia Yihan hopes Ye Zimo can hear what she says!

"Xia Yihan, I'm not your sister, Zimo. Let's go." With a victory smile on his face, Zhong yunshang in a gorgeous wedding dress and ye Zimo in a suit, the two people's matching figure disappears in Xia Yihan's sight.

"No, No." Xia Yihan screams and sits up. It turns out to be a dream. It's just that the dream feels so real. It's so real that Xia Yihan thinks that this is what really happened. That half of the bed is empty. It seems that he has already got up.

Xia Yihan can't sleep. She just sits up and looks out of the window. Song wanting's ferocious smile and Zhong yunshang's wedding dress linger in her mind. Xia Yihan decides to go to Ye Zimo. She wants to forget it quickly. Xia Yihan tells herself that it's just a dream.

It happened that today is Sunday, ye Zimo did not go to work, casually ask a maid, you know ye Zimo is in the study.

"Mr. Ye, song wanting's paranoid psychosis has turned into paranoid psychosis. Sending her to a mental hospital for treatment is the best choice. After all, I want to treat her well. What she needs is the most complete in the hospital. " A male voice is introduced into Xia Yihan's eardrum, song wanting is mentally ill? She thinks that she will be happy. Song wanting's mental illness means that she can no longer destroy her and ye Zimo. She thinks that once song wanting is not well treated, she will spend the rest of her life in illness, but Xia Yihan is not happy at all. On the contrary, she has some pity on her!

Song wanting's past behavior is really vicious. It makes people shudder to think about it. Xia Yihan thinks about it deeply, and finally comes to the conclusion that song wanting is just a poor woman.

Now she is crazy, has no children, and is mentally ill. Xia Yihan can't be hard hearted. She doesn't care. Maybe she will scold her when she knows about wine.

Xia Yihan gently opens the door.

"Yihan?" Ye Zimo, who is preparing to speak, looks at Xia Yihan unexpectedly. Is there something wrong with her? The doctor opposite Ye Zimo also looks at Xia Yihan. He looks at his words and looks. The person who wants to come in is Mr. Ye's important person. He smiles and nods to Xia Yihan.

Today, ye Zimo is more formally dressed in a black high-end handmade suit. Xia Yihan's dream of Ye Zimo coincides with his present. Xia Yihan looks at Ye Zimo in a daze“ Yihan, what's the matter with you? " Ye Zimo strides to Xia Yihan, pulls Xia Yihan into her arms, and tries to drive away her uneasiness with her own temperature.

The sudden movement and warmth awaken Xia Yihan.

"Zimo, song wanting is already very poor. Shall we send her for treatment?" Xia Yihan looked up at Ye Zimo and said sincerely, climbing up his strong arm, shaking his sleeve and looking coquettish.

"Aren't you afraid that she will rob you again?" Ye Zimo said in a straight line, the speaker has no intention, listen to intentional, Xia Yihan think of the real terrible dream, ink you will be robbed? Sister yunshang, will you take away Zimo? Xia Yihan is afraid. She thinks that without Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan is no longer Xia Yihan, but she can't be cruel. She watches song wanting get sick like this.

Xia Yihan is silent for several minutes, and is struggling with hard thoughts. This choice may make her go round the road in the future, with many difficulties. She will still choose this way.

"Mo, I'm afraid." Xia Yihan's voice is trembling, and her voice has changed. She focuses on Ye Zimo, and her eyes are full of expectation“ Mo, don't be robbed by them, OK? " She looks at Ye Zimo stubbornly like a poor pet and wants to get his promise! Ye Zimo smiles and nods. Xia Yihan leans on Ye Zimo's chest and listens to the powerful heartbeat. The reality of this moment comforts her a lot.

"However, I can't watch song wanting go on like this. Although she is not good to me, it's just that she loves you very much. If she doesn't love you too much, she won't frame me up with her children." Xia Yihan looks up at Ye Zimo again and says that she carefully pays attention to his expression, especially when it comes to children. She looks at Ye Zimo's eyes without blinking. She is not sure what Xiao Ye Zhengheng means to Ye Zimo. She just wants to make ye Zimo happy.

Ye Zimo tried to cover up, but he didn't escape from Xia Yihan's eyes. He coughed and lit Xia Yihan's nose and said, "you, you are a kind little fool. How can I be robbed by others?"

"Zimo, do you mean to promise to send song wanting to the mental hospital?" Xia Yihan's bright eyes * naked look into Ye Zimo's heart, ye Zimo's dark eyes gradually become thick, which is unpredictable.

"Well, if you say that, can I refuse?" Ye Zimo nodded to indicate that the doctor who made the light bulb beside him could go out. He couldn't be cruel. When he heard that song wanting's condition was getting worse, he still couldn't stand by. Even if Xia Yihan didn't say it, he planned to transfer song wanting to a good mental hospital in China. He even asked someone to contact foreign experts.

"Mo, it's very kind of you." Seeing that there were only two people in the study, Xia Yihan couldn't help pecking at Ye Zimo's cool and thin lips. As soon as he touched his mouth, he left quickly. His face was red, just like a child caught in a bad deed.

Ye Zimo eyebrows pick, dangerous looking at Xia Yihan, the passion in the eyes is intense.

"Mo, call Dahui to contact the hospital." Xia Yihan doesn't dare to look directly into Ye Zimo's eyes. She cleverly shifts the topic. Even if she can't escape, she has to work hard. It's not cost-effective to be wiped clean without effort. When Xia Yihan thinks about last night, her legs begin to soften.

Ye Zimo didn't miss even a tiny expression on Xia Yihan's face. He also knew that he was tired of this little thing yesterday.

"If you don't want to be eaten again, go back first and call Lin Dahui in for me by the way. Let him do song wanting's business."

Xia Yihan couldn't get it, nodded repeatedly, "OK, OK, I'll go now."

Little thing, ye Zimo's mouth is bent. She really doesn't know. Every time she wants to escape, he can't wait to want her. Lin Dahui seemed to have a feeling. He just knocked at the door.

Xia Yihan broke away from ye Zimo's embrace and raised his voice. As soon as Lin Dahui entered the door, he saw the serious Mr. Ye pulling the little lady with a reddish face. This is an open show of love! But the young lady's face looks much better. How nice!

"Yes, Mr. Ye."

"Dahui, you go to contact the best mental hospital in Dongjiang. Song wanting's condition is getting worse. I'm going to cure her. If Dongjiang can't do it here, you'll be responsible for contacting. We'll see which one is the best in the whole country." Ye Zimo pauses for a moment, continues to say: "if still not good, then send her abroad for treatment."

Anyway, song wanting used to be his woman and had a baby for him.

"Yes, Mr. Ye." Lin Dahui said respectfully. I think this decision is the result of the joint discussion between the young lady and Mr. Ye. Now the world is already full of material desires. It's really rare to have such kind people as them.