Chapter 351

"Zi Mo, Ye Zi Mo, I love you! I don't care whether you like to listen or not, I just love you, I just love you, I just love you... Wuwu... I love you, I love our children. I'm not willing to accept your offer. But I have to promise for my children to stay. Tomorrow, tomorrow, as long as I recover, I will leave. Zimo, the child is in the stomach only once. He's your child. He's your own. Don't you touch him once, don't you feel his existence? " Song wanting is crying desolately. When she is emotional, the child in her stomach seems to feel something and keep moving.

Ye Zimo's eyes naturally fell on her protruding stomach. He saw the little thing in it, and he felt that life was really magical. Unconsciously, he walked towards her

His eyes always stop on song wanting's bulging stomach. Her maternity dress is very thin, so the fetal movement looks particularly obvious.

He stopped in front of her, song wanting's heart began to tense, she looked at him with expectation, with a kind of praying tone said: "this may be the last chance, touch him."

Ye Zimo reaches out his hand and slowly leans to song wanting's raised abdomen.

Song wanting's heart seems to jump out of her mouth. Zimo, touch him. As long as you are soft hearted now, I'm afraid that if you touch him once, you won't be willing to give up such a magical feeling.

Just like her, she may not care about this child before. Even if she doesn't find out how to get rid of it, she won't feel much about it.

Now it's different. Since the child can move, she clearly feels the child's dependence on her, which is very natural and wonderful. Although the child can't speak, she is more moved than she can speak.

That child is Ye Zimo's own flesh and blood. As long as he touches it, he can't feel nothing.

If she is ill, he will not ask her to leave immediately. If he touches her for the first time, he may touch her for the second time. If she delays for another period of time, he may not want to let her go, and he will not trust his children.

Ye Zimo, come and touch him. He already feels your father by his side.

Song wanting heart anxiously repeated this sentence over and over again, ye Zimo's big hand almost fell on her abdomen.

Finally, he took a deep breath, stopped moving, and took back his hand after two slight tremors.

Song wanting's expectation was lost in an instant. She can't believe that she has aroused his father's love. How can he stop?

She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Zi Mo, he is longing for his father, you..."

"Needless to say, I'll be close to him when he's born. I won't touch it now. I'm separated from him by your belly. I don't want to be close to you in my life. " Ye Zimo looks indifferent. After finishing this sentence, he turns around and leaves without looking at song wanting.

"Accompany me! My child and I need you and miss you Song wanting suddenly reaches out her hand and grabs Ye Zimo's wrist.

She's sure that he won't let the child lose, so even if she goes too far, he won't scold her for worrying that she's pregnant.

"Let go!" Ye Zimo's face is cold for a moment. He grabs song wanting's wrist. Just as he is about to open her, the door of the ward is suddenly opened from the outside. A low roar comes into Ye Zimo's and song wanting's ears.

"Ye Zimo!" Ye Zimo stops his hand and looks back. Ye Haoran and Fu Fengyi are standing at the door of the ward.

Ye Haoran glared at him, his face was dark. When he saw Ye Zimo and song wanting holding each other's wrists, his face was even darker.

Ye Zimo let go, just standing in the distance, staring at their parents approaching.

He was surprised that his mother would not tell his father such a thing. However, after a short surprise, he realized that President Zhong was surrounded by 360 degrees in all aspects. He wanted him to have a lot of trouble here, and Xia Yihan would know as soon as possible.

He is so insidious!

Ye Zimo didn't want his father to know this and see this. For many years, he has been fighting with his father. He always wants to prove that he is right and his father is wrong. Now in front of him, his mistake has been exposed, and he really has a sense of shame that he wants to drill down.

"Ye, Uncle Ye?" Song wanting trembled and called. She sat up straight and tried to get up.

Fu Fengyi stepped forward, frowned and said to her, "don't get up. Lie down. Your stomach is so big."

Song wanting saw Fu Fengyi's face again, which was different from what she expected. She always thought that they would be very happy to see the third generation. I didn't expect that they were all confused by Xia, and even their children didn't care.

She hates it! But now she can't let anyone see that she hates, on the contrary, she wants to let them feel that she is kind, that she is wronged and innocent.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, Uncle Ye. I'm sorry. I'm wrong. Don't blame Zimo for this. He didn't know that I was pregnant. It was all my own design. I love him so much that I want to have a baby for him... "

"Needless to say!" Ye Haoran interrupted her with a cold voice. Then he looked at his son sternly and ordered him firmly: "kill this child for me! There is no room for discussion on this matter! "

Over the years, I'm afraid that ye Haoran only treated Ye Zimo with this attitude in the Lin Xiaoran incident.

He is a very strong man, but he hardly treats his son strongly.

"You, what did you say?" Ye Zimo didn't speak, but song wanting stared at Ye Haoran inconceivably and raised her voice to ask him.

"You should have heard it! You say that the child Mo'er doesn't know, that is to say, he doesn't approve of it, and you admit it yourself, so you should get rid of it. " Ye Haoran didn't show kindness and tenderness. Although he was angry after hearing president Zhong's words, he rushed over immediately. It's not that he didn't consider the cruelty of doing so on his way.

So his son may not make the decision, he will.

In exchange for his son, his daughter-in-law and his lover's carefree future, he is willing to be a sinner.

"Lao ye, you see the children can move. It's cruel for us to do so." Although Fu Fengyi is very angry about song wanting's scheming against Ye Zimo, she has been a Buddhist for many years and is kind-hearted. She can't bear to see this kind of killing.

When song wanting saw that ye Haoran really came, she didn't scare her to play. Suddenly, her whole body softened.

She did not care that she was in the process of transfusion, so she got up and knelt down on the bed and asked Ye Haoran in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Ye. I know I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm willing to make up for it with my whole life. Your Ye family doesn't want this child. I can take it with me. I won't ruin their lives, I won't. Please, you are also a father. Don't you know what it's like to be a parent? My child can move. I often dream that he calls me mom. I can't bear it! If you want me to lose this child now, you are killing me. I will die! I'm going to die The more song wanting said, the more desolate she was, the more tears she could not stop.

When she kneels there with a big stomach, the child will be oppressed. Ye Zimo steps forward and drinks a low voice to her: "what are you kneeling here for? No nonsense! Lie back! I didn't ask you to beat the child. What's your hurry? "

"Zimo, really? You'll insist that I keep the baby, won't you Song wanting low finish, and looked at Ye Haoran.

Ye Haoran just looked at Ye Zimo coldly and said in a deep voice, "come out for me!"

With that, he turned and left without looking at song wanting.

"Lie down! I'll be right back! " Ye Zimo said to song wanting coldly and followed his father's steps.

Song wanting is frightened by Ye Haoran's sudden arrival and forced abortion. At this moment, her whole body is still soft, and the baby in her stomach is restless.

Fu Fengyi couldn't bear it. She came up to help her again and said softly, "lie down!"

"Aunt, please, you must help me to persuade Uncle Ye. I already know that I am wrong. I promise that it will never affect the life of the Ye family, but the child is mine, and I can't bear it. You don't know, in the first few months of my child, I had a very strong reaction during pregnancy. I vomited whatever I ate. Vomit's esophagus has the question, often bleeds, that kind of taste really lets me unforgettable forever Song wanting excitedly tells, remembering the difficulty of pregnancy, she is weeping more and more.

Fu Fengyi remembers that when she was pregnant with Ye Zimo, it was the same situation that song wanting said. Maternal love did not begin when she saw her child, but existed when she was pregnant.

So no matter how angry she is, she doesn't agree with Ye Haoran.

For a woman, to hurt her child is to kill her.

"I know. I'll help you to persuade him. Lie down and look at the children. They must be very upset."

Fu Fengyi's consolation calms song wanting a little, and then with her help, she lies back on the bed again, with her hand on her stomach.

"Baby, don't be afraid, baby, grandma is here, she will persuade grandfather to leave you, don't worry, don't move, darling." These words she said with a crying voice made Fu Fengyi's heart more sour.

After ye Haoran took Ye Zimo out of the room, he went to the window at the end of the corridor and stopped with a cold face.

"Beat the baby for me!" Ye Haoran is still indifferent tone, emphasizing his position.

"It's impossible. I've already made a deal with the Song family. The children must stay." Ye Zimo didn't flinch at all. He knew that his father was saying this for his good, and wanted him once and for all.

"How can you explain to Xia Yihan if the child stays? She is your fiancee and will be your wife in the future. Have you ever thought about how she would feel if she knew you had another child? You're a man, you have to be responsible! "

Ye Zimo was silent for a while. Then he looked at his father and said in his heart: I have to bear the responsibility. That child is also my child. My name is song wanting. I didn't bear the responsibility for song wanting and her children. If she suffers from postpartum depression, or if she is hurt during induced labor and leads to lifelong infertility, I will ruin her life. Yes, I didn't know she was pregnant with this child, but without my participation, this child would not exist at all. I will not attribute this kind of thing to women's responsibility. If I have responsibility, I must be responsible for this child. He's formed. I can't hurt him!